Pseudoeupolyphaga deficiens Han, Che & Wang, 2024

Han, Wei, Che, Yan-Li, Zhang, Pei-Jun & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2024, New species of Eupolyphaga Chopard, 1929 and Pseudoeupolyphaga Qiu & Che, 2024 (Blattodea, Corydioidea, Corydiinae), with notes on their female genitalia, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 151-191 : 151-191

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.128805

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Pseudoeupolyphaga deficiens Han, Che & Wang

sp. nov.

Pseudoeupolyphaga deficiens Han, Che & Wang sp. nov.

Figs 8 A – L View Figure 8 , 15 A, J View Figure 15

Type material.

Holotype: China • male; Sichuan Province, Aba Prefecture, Heishui County, entrance to Dagu Glacier ; 22 Jun. 2021; Lu Qiu, Hao Xu leg. Paratypes: China • 1 female & 1 ootheca, same collection data as holotype 1 female & 20 nymphs, Sichuan Province, Mao County, Cuoji Mountain ; 6 Aug. 2019; Lu Qiu leg.


This species is distinguishable from others by the broad anterior white margin of the pronotum and the absence of a distinct boundary between the markings on the tegmina in males. In addition, the surface of the ootheca of this species is unusually smooth, with serrated protuberances and blunt tips.


Holotype. Measurements (mm). Overall length (including tegmen): 30.86; body length: 18.62; body width (tegmina not included): 10.34; tegmen length × width: 26.28 × 10.49; pronotum length × width: 7.51 × 3.91.

Coloration. Body yellowish brown (Fig. 8 A, B View Figure 8 ). Pronotum reddish brown, covered with yellowish setae, anterior margin white (Fig. 8 E View Figure 8 ). Tegmina pale yellow, with brown maculae. Wings nearly transparent (Fig. 8 A, B View Figure 8 ). Face yellow. Antennae yellow. Eyes black. Ocelli white. Middle of forehead with a dark brown macula. Ante-clypeus pale yellow, post-clypeus yellowish brown. Labrum yellow (Fig. 8 G View Figure 8 ). Legs yellowish brown, tibia dark yellowish brown. Pulvilli and arolia white. Abdomen yellowish brown and gradually darkening toward the distal abdomen (Fig. 8 B View Figure 8 ).

Body. Head: Sub-rounded, hidden under pronotum. Eyes and ocelli developed. Ocelli ridge slightly curved, with a row of setae on the upper edge. Interocular space narrower than the distance between ocelli, the latter narrower than the distance between antennal sockets. Clypeus developed (Fig. 8 G View Figure 8 ). Pronotum: Transverse oval, widest near the middle. Surface densely covered with short setae, center part with symmetrical black stripe. Anterior whitish margin broad, clearly delineated from reddish brown areas (Fig. 8 E View Figure 8 ). Tegmina and hind wings: Markings varied in size and denser near the base of the tegmina (Fig. 8 A, B View Figure 8 ). Legs: Slender, front femur type C 1. Pulvilli and arolia present (Fig. 8 B View Figure 8 ). Abdomen: Supra-anal plate transverse, pubescent, middle part of posterior margin slightly protruded. Paraprocts simple. Subgenital plate with short setae, hind margin flat. Styli long (Fig. 8 I, J View Figure 8 ). Genitalia: Well-sclerotized. Right phallomere bigger than the left phallomere. Anterior protrusion of L 1 long and sharp. L 2 arching curved. Genital hook (L 3) robust, curved hook section nearly right-angled. L 4 M broad lamellate. The protrusion of pda and paa broad. L 7 sub-membranous, ovoid. L 8 irregular, subtriangular. R 1 M stoutly expanded terminally, R 1 L elongate and banded. R 2 divided into two chunks of approximate size, narrowly spaced, with rounded margins. R 3 broadly concave (Fig. 8 K, L View Figure 8 ).

Female paratype (same locality as holotype). Body length: 20.96 mm; body width: 13.82 mm; pronotum length × width: 10.75 × 6.46 mm.

Coloration. Terga dark yellowish brown (Fig. 8 C View Figure 8 ). Head black. Antennae yellow. Ocelli white. Ante-clypeus yellowish white. Post-clypeus black. Labrum yellowish brown (Fig. 8 H View Figure 8 ). Legs dark yellowish brown, with large dark brown patches. Spines on the leg reddish brown, terminal nearly black. Sterna dark yellowish brown, margins and both sides nearly blackish brown; middle part slightly lighter, yellowish brown (Fig. 8 D View Figure 8 ).

Body. The widest point of pronotum near the hind margin, middle part with symmetrical black dark stripe, anterior whitish margin indistinct (Fig. 8 F View Figure 8 ). Ocelli indistinct, degraded to two white spots. Interocular space almost equal to the distance between antennal sockets, both bigger than the distance between ocelli (Fig. 8 H View Figure 8 ). Front femur type C 1. Arolia and pulvilli absent. Supra-anal plate densely covered with yellowish brown setae, posterior margin convex, middle part slightly emarginated. Cerci short and robust, not exceeding posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Posterior margin of subgenital plate protruded, emarginated medially (Suppl. material 1: fig. S 1 B).

Nymph. Similar to the female.

Ootheca. Reddish brown. Surface with densely parallel longitudinal lines. Ridges of serrated protuberances densely arranged with blunt tips. No respiratory canals (Fig. 15 A, J View Figure 15 ).


The species epithet is derived from the Latin word deficiens, to refer to the markings on the tegmina that lack distinct boundaries.


The genetic distance from other species was 8.39 % – 20.30 %, which also provides evidence supporting the description of this new species.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile