R. crataegifolius Bunge Mem . Acad. Imp. Sci. St.- Petersbourg Divers Savans 2: 98. 1835.

Huang, Tiran, Wang, Cong, Li, Juntao, Liu, Xuhang, Ma, Lanqing & Wang, Hong, 2022, The Identity of Rubus pekinensis Focke and R. crataegifolius Bunge (Rosaceae), PhytoKeys 195, pp. 15-28 : 15

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scientific name

R. crataegifolius Bunge Mem . Acad. Imp. Sci. St.- Petersbourg Divers Savans 2: 98. 1835.


R. crataegifolius Bunge Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.- Petersbourg Divers Savans 2: 98. 1835. View in CoL

R. crataegifolius Bunge Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.- Pétersbourg Divers Savans 2: 98. 1835. Types: China, Hebei (now Tianjin): Pan-schan,1831, Bunge s. n. (Lectotype LE! LE 01015265 (designated here by Ti R. Huang); Isolectotypes LE!, LE01015266, LE01015267)

Rubus pekinensis = R. pekinensis Focke Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 20: 104.1917, syn. nov. Types: China, Beijing: Miaofangshan, May 1887, O. Warburg 6549 (Holotype B! B101154579).

Rubus ampelophyllus = R. ampelophyllus H. Lév. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 5: 279. 1908. Types: Corea, Quelpaert, U. J. Faurie 302 (Holotype BM! BM000622269)

Rubus itoensis = R. itoensis H. Lév. & Vaniot Bull. Soc. Agric. Sarthe 60: 62. 1905. Types: Japan, Kiushu, circa Takeo, 13 April 1903, U.J. Faurie 5365 (Lectotype BM! BM 000622252 (designated here by Ti R. Huang); Isolectotype E! E 00010657)

Rubus ouensanensis = R. ouensanensis H. Lév. & Vaniot Bull. Soc. Agric. Sarthe 60: 62. 1905. Types: Corea, Ouen san, July 1901, U. J. Faurie 83 (Holotype E! E00010580; Isotypes A! A00040688 (Image of E00010580); G! G00437174; P! P00755199, P00755200)

Rubus wrightii = R. wrightii A. Gray Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts ser. 2, 6(2): 387. 1858. Types: Japan, Hokkaido, 1853, C. Wright s. n. (Lectotype GH! GH00040766 (designated here by Ti R. Huang); Isolectotypes K! K000737783; NY! NY00391934 US! US00095501)

Distribution and habitat.

R. crataegifolius grows on slopes, broad-leaved evergreen forests on hills, coniferous forests, thickets and roadsides. Its elevation ranges from 500-1000 m. In China, it is distributed in Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Zhejiang and overseas, in Japan.


Flowering from May to June and fruiting from July to August.

Taxonomic notes.

R. crataegifolius is similar to R. chingii H.H. Hu, the differences being: the latter leaves suborbicular, always palmately 5-parted, rarely 3- or 7-parted; flowers solitary; aggregate fruit densely hairy.

Additional specimens examined.

China. Beijing. 20 June 1964, Anren Li et al., no. 77 (PE00169287) ; June 1956, Herbarium, s. n. (TIE 00033553); 11 May 1930, T.N. Liou, no. 6874 (PE00169338); 30 June 1930, W.W. Smith, no. 1081 (PE00169344); Heibei. 1934, C.W.Wang, no. 61702 (IBSC0323698) ; 24 July 1984, Wuxiu Zhang et al., no. 0241 (PE01546856); 12 October 1957, Shaoying Qin, no. 38 (PE01466183); Shandong. 3 June 2013, Zhiyun Zhang & Lei Xie, 2013-032 (PE01979816); 1 May 2004, Yuantong Hou, no. 42011 (HITBC0008947); s.n. no.56047 (BNU002768); Shanxi. 29 May 1959, Kechien Kuan & Yilin Chen, no. 519 (PE00169384); 12 June 1959, Kechien Kuan & Yilin Chen, no. 684 (PE00169383); 6 July 1959, Kechien Kuan & Yilin Chen, no. 02128 (PE00169382 & PE00169385); 25 July 2014, Dongmei Kong, no. k0483 (PE02035182); 18 July 1986, Lanbin Guo, no. CLB0544 (BJFC00027073); Tianjin. 10 June 1984, Shiyuan He, no. 34234 (BNU 002746); 3 July 1956, Kechian Kuan, no. 1902 (PE 00169272); 9 July 1976, Jiayi Liu & Cailing Wang, no. JI0217 (TIE 00014583); 17 May 1985, Cailing Wang & Yongli Yu, no. JIN01446 View Materials (TIE 00014579) ; Japan. 3 August 1983, H. Migo, s.n. (NAS00368819, NAS00368820) ; 27 July 1928, Inagaki Kanichi, s.n. (NAS00368832); 1861, Albrecht, s.n. (K000737782); 1916, U.J. Faurie, 2370 (P03375389, P03375390, P03375391).











