Tabanus glaucus Wiedemann, 1820
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Plazi (2025-02-19 22:00:02, last updated by Admin 2025-03-03 21:00:26) |
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Tabanus glaucus Wiedemann |
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Tabanus glaucus Wiedemann View in CoL
( Figs 26 A–D View FIGURE 26 , 27 A–D View FIGURE 27 , 28 View FIGURE 28 )
Tabanus glaucus Wiedemann, 1819: 42 View in CoL (list of species); 1821: 69 (list of species); Kertész, 1908: 234 (cat.; as syn. of T. cinerarius Wiedemann, 1828 View in CoL ); Fairchild, 1967a: 97 (Wiedemann types), 1971: 94 (cat.); Moucha, 1976: 111 (cat.); Fairchild, 1984: 21, fig. 20, map 4 (rev.); Fairchild & Burger, 1994: 138 (cat.); Coscarón & Papavero, 2009b: 131 (cat.); Lima et al., 2015: 6 (list of species); Krolow & Henriques, 2017: 4 (list of species); Krolow et al., 2017: 111, table 2 (list of species); Henriques & Krolow, 2020; 440 (list of species); Henriques et al., 2023: Supplemental table (Amazon biogeography).
Tabanus cinerarius Wiedemann, 1828: 121 View in CoL ; Walker, 1854: 212 (list of species); Hunter, 1901: 140 (cat.); Kertész, 1908: 234 (cat.); Lutz, 1928: 62, pl. 9, fig. 9 (list of species); Kröber, 1931b: 59, fig. 9 (tax.), 1934: 270 (cat.; Chelommia View in CoL ); Pechuman, 1942: 55 (list of species; Chelommia View in CoL ); Fairchild, 1967a: 96, 98 (list of species); Contreras-Lichtenberg, 2002: 197 (list of species).
Tabanus tenens Walker, 1850b View in CoL : lxv (preocc. Walker, 1850a); Walker, 1854: 213 (list of species.); Fairchild, 1956: 29 (syn. list).
Tabanus confligens Walker, 1854: 326 View in CoL (nom. nov. for T. tenens Walker, 1850 View in CoL ); Kertész, 1908: 236 (cat.); Fairchild, 1956: 13 (syn.); Fairchild & Aitken, 1960: 7 (list of species).
Tabanus grandis Kröber, 1931a: 68 View in CoL , fig. l ( Tabanus (Straba) ; preocc. Szilády, 1923); Kröber, 1934: 297 (cat.; Tabanus View in CoL (Straba )); Fairchild, 1967b: 371 (list of species).
Distribution: Trinidad, eastern Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, eastern Bolivia, Brazil (Roraima, Pará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Bahia, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais (new record), Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro).
Type-locality: “ Brazil ”
Diagnosis: Large specimens (18.7–23 mm). Frons narrow (FI: 4.7–5.8), divergent at base or nearly parallel (DI: 0.82–1.05); palpus mostly covered with black setulae. Wing brown infuscated, costal cell orange, never with a cloud on the fork of vein R 4+5. Scutum and scutellum with integument black and gray pruinosity. Femora black or at least darker than the tibiae. Abdomen orangish-brown, nearly always with a black dorsomedial integumental stripe (tergite 1 to 2 or sometimes more), dorsomedial pale triangles (tergite I to VI) and dorsolateral spots (tergite I to VI) of yellow or orange setulae when well-preserved.
Remarks: T. glaucus resembles T. nebulosus , differing by having a darker integument on the scutum, scutellum, and femora, a parallel or divergent frons at the base, wing brown infuscated with an orange costal cell, and never with a brownish cloud in the fork of vein R 4+5, abdomen usually presenting a black integumental stripe on the first two segments, dorsomedial triangles narrow and dorsolateral spots. T. nebulosus usually has lighter integument on the scutum, scutellum, and femora, frons almost always convergent at the base, wing with light brown clouds at crossveins and in the fork of vein R 4+5, costal cell hyaline or at most pale yellow, abdomen rarely have an integumental stripe on the first tergites, dorsomedial triangles broader and fainter, dorsolateral spots broader and rarely connected. The male is similar to the female, except for the reduced mouthparts, slender antenna lacking the ventral angle found in females, holoptic eyes with the facets well-demarcated, the largest ones occupy the the upper half of the eyes and are lighter than the smaller ones. This species has a wide distribution in South America and this is the first record for the state of Minas Gerais.
Examined material: BRASIL, Tocantins, Pq. Estadual do Lajeado , 10º10’02”S 48º10’34”W, xii.2017, Arm. Malaise em igarapé [malaise trap at river], G. Amora & J.O. Silva cols. [1♀] [ INPA] GoogleMaps ; BRASIL, Pará, Óbidos, Colônia São Tomé, 01º50’46”S 55º02’23”W / 1–11.ix.2001, J.A. Rafael & J.F. Vidal, Malaise [1♀] [ INPA] GoogleMaps ; BRASIL, Amazonas, Humaitá, Rio Ipixuna , 07º31’18”S 63º20’49”W, x.2014, Arm. Malaise, JA Rafael, FF Xavier-Fº, RM GoogleMaps Vieira & RH Aquino [1♀] [ INPA] ; BRASIL, AM [Amazonas], Benjamin Constant, 4º25’3.96”S 70º3’37.73”W, Malaise em floresta [malaise trap at florest], x.2019, F. Xavier leg. [1♀] [ INPA] GoogleMaps ; BRASIL, Rondônia, Ariquemes, Rio Ji-Paraná , 28.x1986 / 09°44’S 61°52’W, JA Rafael, Arm. Malaise [1♀] [ INPA]; GoogleMaps BRASIL, Mato Grosso, Chapada dos Guimarães , 800m altitude, 18–26.xi.1983, Elias Binda / Campo Aberto, Armadilha Suspensa [canopy trap], 2 metros / Polo Noroeste [blue label] [Photographed] [1♂] [ INPA]; GoogleMaps Utiariti, Rio Papagaio, Mt [Mato Grosso, BRASIL], x.1966, Lenko & Pereira [1♀] [ MZUSP]; BRASIL, MG GoogleMaps [Minas Gerais], Perdizes, EDPA Galheiro, casa 4, 19º12’34” S 47°8’21” W, 15–29.i.2020, Capellari, Riccardi & Pirani, leg [3♀] [ MZUSP]; BRASIL, MG GoogleMaps [Minas Gerais], Uberlândia, P.E. Pau Furado, Rio Araguari , 18º48’23”S 48°9’57”W, Malaise, 19.xi.2019 – 12-i.2020, RS Capellari, leg [1♂] [ MZUSP]; BRASIL, MG GoogleMaps [Minas Gerais], Uberaba, IFTM Campus Uberaba , Malaise, 15.ix.2018, R . S. Capellari leg. [2♀] [ MZUSP]; Corrégo Azul , Araçatuba, SP [São Paulo], BRASIL, III- 1947, M.P. Barretto col. / 146 [1♀] [MZUSP]; 2- 946 [on the lateral of the label], Est. S. Paulo [São Paulo, BRASIL], Avanhandava, Barra Mansa, Barreto col. [1♀] [MZUSP]; I-945 [on the lateral of the label], Est. S. Paulo [São Paulo, BRASIL], Guatapará, Barreto col. [Photographed] [1♀] [MZUSP]; São Simão [BRASIL], I-38 [1♀] [MZUSP] .
Coscaron, S. & Papavero, N. (2009 b) Catalogue of Neotropical Diptera. Tabanidae. Neotropical Diptera, 16, 1-199.
Fairchild, G. B. (1956) Synonymical notes on Neotropical flies of the family Tabanidae (Diptera). Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 131 (3), 1-38.
Fairchild, G. B. & Aitken, H. G. (1960) Additions to the Tabanidae (Diptera) of Trinidad. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 53, 1-8.
Fairchild, G. B. (1967 a) Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae (Diptera), VII. The species described by C. R. W. Wiedemann. Pacific Insects, 9, 73-164.
Fairchild, G. B. (1967 b) Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae (Diptera). IX. The species described by Otto Krober. Studia Entomologica, Sao Paulo, 9 (1 - 4), 329-379. [1966]
Fairchild, G. B. (1984) Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae (Dipt.) - XX. The larger species of Tabanus of eastern South America. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute, 21 (3), 1-50.
Fairchild, G. B. &. Burger, J. F. (1994) A Catalog of the Tabanidae (Diptera) of the Americas South of the United States. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 55, 1-244.
Henriques, A. L. & Krolow, T. K. (2020) Tabanidae (Diptera) of Peru: Checklist update and description of three new species. Revista Peruana de Biologia, 27 (4), 429-440.
Henriques, A. L., Carmo, D. D., Krolow, T. K. & de Fraga, R. (2023). Biogeographic regionalization of the Amazon using highly diverse horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae): insights from three decades of data. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 1-12.
Hunter, W. D. (1901). A catalogue of the Diptera of South America, Pt. 2. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 27, 136-147.
Kertesz, K. (1908) Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. Vol. 3. G. Engelmann, Lipsiae and Budapestini [Leipzig and Budapest], 367 pp.
Krober, O. (1931 b) Die Tabanus - Untergattung Gymnochela End. (Diptera, Tabanidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 96, 49-61, 9 figs.
Krober, O. (1931 a) Die Tabanus - Gruppen Straba End. und Poecilosoma Lutz (= Hybostraba End. und Hybopelma End.) der neotropischen Region. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 94, 67-89.
Krober, O. (1934) Catalogo dos Tabanidae da America do Sul e Central, incluindo o Mexico e as Antilhas. Revista de Entomologia, 4 (2-3), 222 - 276 + 291 - 333.
Krolow, T. K. & Henriques, A. L. (2017) Check list das especies de mutucas (Diptera, Tabanidae) do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Iheringia, Serie Zoologia, 107, 1 - 6. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 1678 - 4766 e 2017131
Lima, H. I. L., Krolow, T. K. & Henriques, A. L. (2015) Checklist of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Taquarucu, Tocantins, Brazil, with new records for the state. Check List, 11, 1-8.
Lutz, A. (1928) Estudios de zoologia y parasitologia venezolanas. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Rio de Janeiro, 133 pp., 26 pls. [Tabanidae, pp. 55 - 68, pls. VIII - IX; reprinted in 1955, 137 pp., with different pagination. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas; fac-simile of Tabanidae part in Benchimol & Sa, 2005 a: 631-650]
Moucha, J. (1976) Horseflies (Diptera: Tabanidae) of the World. Synoptic Catalogue. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 7 (Supplementum), 1-319
Pechuman, L. L. (1942) Lista provisional de los tabanidos de Venezuela. Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana, 1 (3), 51-58.
Walker, F. (1850 b) Characters of undescribed Diptera in the British Museum. Newman's Zoologist, 8 (Appendix) [Art. 1, 5 & 15], lxv-lxxii, xcv - xcix & cxxi - cxxii.
Walker, F. (1850 a) Insecta saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, Esq. Diptera. Part I. John Van Voorst, London, 75 pp.
Walker, F. (1854) List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part 5. Printed by order of the Trustees, London, 330 pp.
Walker, F. (1850 a) Insecta saundersiana: or characters of undescribed insects in the collection of William Wilson Saunders, Esq. Diptera. Part I. John Van Voorst, London, 75 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 5112
Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1819) Brasilianische Zweiflu ¨ gler. (Wiedemann's). Zoologische Magazin, l (3), 40-56.
Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1828) Aussereuropaische zweiflugelige Insekten. Vol. 1. in der Schulzischen Buchhandlung, Hamm, xxxii + 608 pp.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
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Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Tabanus glaucus Wiedemann
Dutra, Maria Carolina Pimenta, Amorim, Dalton De Souza & Carmo, Daniel Dias Dornelas Do 2025 |
Tabanus grandis Kröber, 1931a: 68
Fairchild, G. B. 1967: 371 |
Krober, O. 1934: 297 |
Krober, O. 1931: 68 |
Tabanus tenens
Fairchild, G. B. 1956: 29 |
Walker, F. 1854: 213 |
Tabanus confligens
Fairchild, G. B. & Aitken, H. G. 1960: 7 |
Fairchild, G. B. 1956: 13 |
Kertesz, K. 1908: 236 |
Walker, F. 1854: 326 |
Tabanus cinerarius
Fairchild, G. B. 1967: 96 |
Pechuman, L. L. 1942: 55 |
Krober, O. 1931: 59 |
Lutz, A. 1928: 62 |
Kertesz, K. 1908: 234 |
Hunter, W. D. 1901: 140 |
Walker, F. 1854: 212 |
Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1828: 121 |
Tabanus glaucus
Lima, H. I. L. & Krolow, T. K. & Henriques, A. L. 2015: 6 |
Coscaron, S. & Papavero, N. 2009: 131 |
Fairchild, G. B. & Burger, J. F. 1994: 138 |
Fairchild, G. B. 1984: 21 |
Moucha, J. 1976: 111 |
Fairchild, G. B. 1967: 97 |
Kertesz, K. 1908: 234 |
Wiedemann, C. R. W. 1819: 42 |