-41.663612, -18.96889: 10 Treatments

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Paramaka convexa     Salles, F. F., Domínguez, E., Mariano, R., Boldrini, R., Clavier, S. & Lima, L. R. C., 2025, A review of Paramaka Savage & Peters, 1992 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 5590 (3), pp. 401-421 : 404-406 404-406
Nectopsyche splendida     Neto, Pedro Bonfá & Salles, Frederico Falcão, 2023, A new species of Nectopsyche Müller, 1879 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) and notes on the adults of Nectopsyche splendida (Navás, 1917), Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220103) 67 (1), pp. 1-8 : 5-7 5-7
Pleroma caetanoi   sp. nov.  Goldenberg, R., Gonella, P. M. & Meyer, F. S., 2022, Four new species of Pleroma (Melastomataceae) from campos rupestres and vegetation on granitic inselbergs in Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (624), pp. 1-30 : 9-15 9-15
Pleroma brevicomosum   sp. nov.  Goldenberg, R., Gonella, P. M. & Meyer, F. S., 2022, Four new species of Pleroma (Melastomataceae) from campos rupestres and vegetation on granitic inselbergs in Eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (624), pp. 1-30 : 3-8 3-8
Huberia revoluta   sp. nov.  Bochorny, Thuane, Gonella, Paulo M., Gonçalves, Lucas N., Völtz, Rafael R. & Goldenberg, Renato, 2025, Five new species of Huberia (Melastomataceae) from the eastern Brazilian mountains, Plant Ecology and Evolution 158 (1), pp. 23-42 : 23-42 23-42
Neosorius brasiliensis   sp. nov.  Irmler, Ulrich, 2015, New Neotropical genera and species of the tribe Osoriini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (1), pp. 173-196 : 183 183
Paepalanthus magnus   sp. nov.  Rocha, Luiz Henrique, Gonella, Paulo Minatel & Oliveira Andrino, Caroline, 2024, A missing piece is found: a new species of Paepalanthus (Poales, Eriocaulaceae) and the puzzling relations of the campos rupestres mountaintop floras of eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, PhytoKeys 242, pp. 317-332 : 317-332 317-332
Crossopriza lyoni     Huber, Bernhard A., 2022, Revisions of Holocnemus and Crossopriza: the spotted-leg clade of Smeringopinae (Araneae, Pholcidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 795 (1), pp. 1-241 : 193-204 193-204
Xestaspis parmata     Brescovit, Antonio D., Bonaldo, Alexandre B., Ott, Ricardo & Chavari, João L., 2019, To boldly go: on invasive goblin spiders in Brazil (Araneae, Oonopidae), Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2019033) 109, pp. 1-20 : 6-8 6-8
Krenakanthus roseolilacinus   comb. nov.  Leme, Elton M. C., Zizka, Georg, Souza, Everton Hilo De, Paule, Juraj, De Carvalho, Jordano D. T., Mariath, Jorge E. A., Halbritter, Heidemarie & Ribeiro, Otávio B. C., 2022, New genera and a new species in the “ Cryptanthoid Complex ” (Bromeliaceae: Bromelioideae) based on the morphology of recently discovered species, seed anatomy, and improvements in molecular phylogeny, Phytotaxa 544 (2), pp. 128-170 : 145 145