Acontia geminocula Ferris & Lafontaine, 2009

Ferris, Clifford & Lafontaine, Donald, 2009, Review of the Acontia areli group with descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Acontiinae), ZooKeys 9 (9), pp. 27-46 : 42-44

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Acontia geminocula Ferris & Lafontaine

sp. nov.

Acontia geminocula Ferris & Lafontaine View in CoL , sp. n.

Figs. 1 View Figure 1 , 11-13 View Figures 2-16 , 20 View Figures 20-22 , 26 View Figures 23-27 , 32 View Figure 32

Type material. Holotype ♁. Arizona, Yavapai Co., Granite Dells, 4 mi N Prescott, 2 Sept., 1970, L. M. Martin. [ CNC, Ottawa , Canada] . Paratypes 110 ♁, 133 ♀ (13 dissections): Arizona. Same locality and collector as for holotype, 9 Aug.–23 Sept. 1970 (3 ♁) ; Cochise Co., Chiricahua Mts. , Cave Creek Canyon, 5400', 1 July–4 Sept. 1966, J. G. Franclemont (12 ♁, 7 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Chiricahua Mts. , Cave Creek Canyon, 4880', 7 July–25 Aug. 1967, J. G. Franclemont (7 ♁, 11 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Garden Canyon , 4 Aug. 1966, R. F. Sternitsky (1 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Huachuca Mts. , Miller Canyon, 5000', 29 June–17 Aug., 1974, J.G. Franclemont (20 ♁, 32 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Huachuca Mts. , Ramsey Canyon, 23 Sept. & 4 Oct., 1967, R. F. Sternitsky (4 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Paradise, Barnes Coll. (6 ♁, 1 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Portal , 5 mi SW, 5400', 2 Oct., 1969, D. F. Hardwick (1 ♁) ; Cochise Co., Sierra Vista , 12 Sept. 1967, R. F. Sternitsky (2 ♀) ; Cochise Co., Huachuca Mts. , Ash Canyon , 5170' (1575 m), 3 July , 2005, C. D. Ferris (1 ♁, 1 ♀). Pima Co. , Baboquivari Mts., 5000', 1-7 July 1923 & 5700', 15-30 July 1923 & 1-15 Sept. 1923, O. C. Poling (2 ♁, 2 ♀) ; Pima Co., Baboquivari Mts. , Brown Canyon, 4100', 20 Aug. 2006, T. Mustelin & 20 Aug. 2008, C. Schmidt & L. Crabo (1 ♁, 1 ♀) ; Santa Cruz Co., Canelo , 20 Aug. 1966, R .

F. Sternitsky (1 ♀); Santa Cruz Co., Sycamore Canyon , 4400' (1340 m), 9 Aug., 1990, C. D. Ferris (1 ♁) ; Santa Cruz Co., Huachuca Mts., Copper Canyon , 6050', 9 July 2004, J. B. Walsh (2 ♁) ; Santa Cruz Co., Patagonia Mts., Harshaw , 4900', 27 June 2006, J. B. Walsh (1 ♁) ; Santa Cruz Co., Peña Blanca, 3950', 11,18,23 Aug., 1960, J. G. Franclemont (6 ♁, 1 ♀) ; Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon , 4880', 4 July–6 Sept. ,1959 & 23 July–28 Aug. , 1960, J.G. Franclemont (43 ♁, 67 ♀) & Madera Canyon , 5100', 10-26 July 1964, D. R. Davis (2 ♁) ; Santa Cruz Co., T 20S, R14 E. Sec. 2, Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Lodge , 4840', 5 July 1987, E. H. Metzler (1 ♁, 1 ♀). Yavapai Co. , Prescott , 2, 4 Sept. , 1907, R. C. Kunze (2 ♁). Texas: Brewster Co. , 6.5 mi south of Alpine , 30°17.4'N 103°35.6'W 9 Aug. 1991, Eric H. Metzler (1 ♁, 1♀). Paratypes deposited in CNC, CUIC, USNM, and the personal collections of C. D. Ferris, E. H. Metzler, and J. B. Walsh GoogleMaps .

Other material examined and distribution ( Fig. 32 View Figure 32 ). Mexico. Chihuahua, Mesa del Huracá n (1 ♁).

Note. Material of this species was distributed by E. L. Todd under the unpublished manuscript name “ Acontia vasticola .”

Etymology. The name of this species refers to the pair of eye-like spots on each forewing.

Diagnosis. DFW basal area nearly white in male (like A. toddi ), pale buff in female (like A. areli ); distal area brown mottled with paler areas; reniform spot inwardly produced with dark distal patch. Differs from other four similar species in having a second reniform-like spot with dark outer patch below reniform.

Description. Adult male: Head – dark brown; antenna filiform; palpus porrect slightly longer than eye width, white basally, outer half brown with vertical white band in middle. Thorax – prothoracic collar, thorax and abdomen white. Foreleg: coxa white with brown patch near middle; femur, tibia, and tarsus brown, white-ringed in middle of tibia and at joints. Middle leg: femur and tibia white with brown rings at femoraltibia joint and near apex of tibia; tarsus brown, white-ringed at joints. Hindleg: femur and tibia white with light brown shading at tibial-tarsal joint; first tarsal segment white shading to brown at joint with second segment; remaining tarsi brown, white-ringed at joints. Wings: male (FWL 10-11 mm). DFW: ground color creamy-white over basal half with pale brown patchy maculation, brown on remainder of wing with scattered paler areas producing a mottled aspect; prominent white skewed, trapezoidal preapical patch on costa; orbicular spot virtually obsolete, defined only by a few dark scales; reniform spot circular with iridescent blue scales filling distal half, below which a second reniform-like patch with brown and blue scales; a brown bar along inner margin below reniform spot; terminal line a series of dark dashes; fringe brown basally, white at tips, with brown patch below apex. DHW: luminous white, nearly hyaline with pale brown marginal band; fringe white. Female (FWL 10-12 mm) – similar to male, but DFW basal area buff; DHW pale tan, shading to pale brown on marginal band. Male genitalia ( Fig. 20 View Figures 20-22 ) – uncus: decurved, long, narrow, tapering to pointed tip. Valve: asymmetrical; right valve broad mesially, tapered toward apex, weakly pointed apically; corona present but weak; right valve with clasper on ventral margin; clasper only slightly tapered until 1/5 from apex, then abruptly tapered to finger-like process with rounded apex that bends dorsally toward middle of cucullus; saccular extension elongate, apical 2/3 densely spiny, like a mace; left valve similar to right valve, but sacculus and valve narrower and clasper more evenly tapered to apex; apex sharply pointed. Aedeagus: very similar to that of A. toddi except two rasp-like spine patches in everted vesica with more evenly sized sclerites and subbasal diverticulum without cornutus near base. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26 View Figures 23-27 ) – most similar to those of A. toddi , but ostium bursae much wider and spine-filled pouch at end of corpus bursae to right of ductus bursae in A. geminocula .

Biology. Unknown. Adults July–September in riparian canyons from 4100-7400' (1250-2250 m).


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Cornell University Insect Collection


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History















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