Aetheomorpha bilobata, Wang & Zhou, 2012

Wang, Feng-Yan & Zhou, Hong-Zhang, 2012, Taxonomy of the genus Aetheomorpha Lacordaire (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini) from China, with description of five new species, Journal of Natural History 46 (23 - 24), pp. 1407-1440 : 1413-1415

publication ID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Aetheomorpha bilobata

sp. nov.

Aetheomorpha bilobata sp. nov.

( Figures 2A–I View Figure 2 , 12B View Figure 12 )

Type material

Holotype. CHINA: Yunnan: male, Jingdong, Dongjiafen , 1250 m, 26 June 1956, leg. Kryzhanovskij [KRYmaNOVSKIfi] ( IZ-CAS).

Paratypes. CHINA: Yunnan: one female, same data as holotype; one female, Jingdong, Dongjiafen , 1250 m, 3 June 1956, leg. Kryzhanovskij [KRYmaNOVSKIfi]; one male, one female, Jingdong, Dongjiafen , 1250 m, 26 June 1956, leg. Wei Zhang; one female, Jingdong, Dongjiafen , 1250 m, 16 June 1956, leg. A. Schnitkov [A. WNITNIKOV]; one female, Jingdong, Dongjiafen , 1250 m, 10 June 1956, leg. Wei Zhang; one female, Jingdong , 1170 m, 9 June 1956, leg. Kryzhanovskij [KRYmaNOVSKIfi] (IZ-CAS).


Body oblong-ovate. Head black, basal three antennomeres, clypeus and mouth parts fulvous, fourth to eleventh antennomeres blackish brown. Pronotum fulvous, with four indistinct black spots in a transverse row at basal one-third, the intermediate two feeble, even disappearing. Scutellum black with brown apex. Elytra fulvous, each elytron with three spots: one humeral spot, second at basal part near scutellum, third at twothirds near suture; and a variable stripe laterally which is sometimes connected with the humeral spot, sometimes reduced into two spots or short bands. Underside of body black, lateral margins of propleura fulvous; legs generally black, sometimes base of tibiae brownish.

Head small, vertex convex, impunctate. Eyes nearly entire. Frons narrow, 1.3 times as wide as the diameter of the eye (about 0.4 times maximal width of head); surface sparsely punctured, with three grooves placed triangularly: two grooves situated at anterior part, another one situated in the middle, much deeper; anterior margin of clypeus widely incised. Labrum with pubescence, anterior margin nearly straight; mandibles short; length ratio of maxillary palpomeres 0.14: 1.5: 1.2: 1.9; length ratio of labial palpomeres 0.3: 1.5: 1.9; mentum deeply emarginated. Antennae rather long and robust, extending to base of elytra; all antennomeres except third covered with pubescence; first antennomere elongate, second rounded, third subconical, fourth transversely triangular, last one subovate, others serrate; length ratio of antennomeres 1.5: 0.8: 0.7: 1.3: 1.2: 1.3: 1.3: 1.3: 1.5: 1.5: 2.5.

Pronotum transverse, about 1.9 times as wide as long, widest at two-thirds; very narrowly bordered; convex, area near the outer side of the marginal spots feebly depressed; anterior angles obtuse-angulated, posterior ones rounded; anterior margin nearly straight, sides feebly arcuate, posterior margin feebly lobed medially; surface impunctate. Scutellum triangular, impunctate, base covered with short pubescence, apex truncated.

Elytra 1.5 times as long as wide, widest at three-fifths, slightly constricted anteriorly and posteriorly; moderately lobed below shoulders; surface shiny, with fine punctures, interstices 1.5 to 3 times as the diameter of a puncture at base, punctures gradually diminishing, disappearing in elytral apices. Epipleura narrowed posteriorly, about twofifths of elytral length. Pygidium exposed, apex narrowly rounded.

Underside of body and legs covered with long silvery pubescence; all legs slender, tarsi narrow, length ratio of protarsomeres 1.0: 0.8: 0.3: 1.6.

Anterior two-thirds of aedeagus blackish brown, while posterior one-third much paler; apex broad and feebly bilobed, bent ventrally, apical quarter of underside evenly convex medially, each side of the convex area with a shallow oblong impression, outer margin of the impression with a tuft of long pubescence.

Female. Body more robust; frons broader, 1.5 times as wide as the diameter of the eye (about 0.5 times maximal width of head); pygidium more exposed, apex moderately incised; spermatheca inflated with a tip, spermathecal duct long, with equal thickness, irregularly coiled dozens of times; ventral rectal sclerites moderate, dorsal central sclerite large, with several small processes backwards; lateral sclerites small.


Males: 4.9–5.0 mm, females: 6.0– 6.4 mm.


The specific epithet is a Latin adjective bilobata (bilobed), and refers to the feebly bilobed apex of aedeagus.


China (Yunnan).


The new species shares a similar dorsal colour pattern with A. pictipennis Jacoby, 1892 , except for the indistinct black spots on pronotum. The latter distributed in Myanmar, South Vietnam, Nepal and Peninsular Malaysia. The new species can be distinguished by following characters: pronotum fulvous with four indistinct black spots; apex of aedeagus slightly bilobed; spermathecal duct long, coiled dozens of times; dorsal central rectal sclerite with several small processes.

















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