Agelopsis tibetanus ( Chen, 1976 ), 2020

Bezděk, Jan, 2020, Revision of Agelopsis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 4731 (2), pp. 223-248 : 233-236

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scientific name

Agelopsis tibetanus ( Chen, 1976 )

comb. nov.

Agelopsis tibetanus ( Chen, 1976) , comb. nov.

( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 5–10 , 15 View FIGURES 15–18 , 24 View FIGURES 23–27 , 41 View FIGURES 38–46 , 51 View FIGURES 47–53 , 58, 65 View FIGURES 61–67 )

Zizonia tibetana Chen in Chen et al., 1976: 220 (original description); Chen & Jiang 1981: 480 (faunistics); Chen & Jiang 1987: 53 (faunisics); Beenen 2010: 490 (catalogue).

Type locality. “ Tibet: Chayu ” .

Type material examined. Holotype (photograph only): ♀ ( IZAS), “[in Chinese] 2600 [w, combination h and p] // 1973.VI.25. [h] / [in Chinese, w, p] // HOLOTYPE [r, p] // Zizonia / tibetana [w, h] / [in Chinese, p] n. sp. [w, h]”.

Additional material examined. 2 specimens — CHINA: Xizang : 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Zayü County, Ata Kang , 9000 ft.,, F. Kingdon Ward & R. J. H. Kaulback leg. ( BMNH) .

Redescription. Measurements. Male: 6.5 mm, females: 5.3–5.7 mm (holotype 5.3 mm). Dorsal side glabrous, elongate oval, slightly widened posteriorly. Dorsal side metallic violet, legs, antennae and ventral side black with metallic tint, knees, tarsi, basal antennomeres, mandibles and anterolateral parts of head usually brownish.

Male ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 15–18 ). Labrum transverse, with straight anterior margin and rounded anterior angles, surface convex, with transverse line of six pores bearing long seta. Clypeus with straight anterior margin. Anterior part of head with transverse, shallowly concave, elevated keel, posteriorly produced to short process forming nasal keel, surface lustrous, with long setae along antennal impressions and below eyes. Interantennal space as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Eyes small. Interocular space wide, 3.55 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles subtriangular, elevated, lustrous, separated by thin furrow. Vertex separated from frontal tubercles by straight deep furrow, surface impunctate, glabrous. Antennae slender, 0.89 times as long body, length ratio of antennomeres equals 9-4-7-10-10-10-10-10-9-8-10.

Pronotum subquadratic, 1.25 times as wide as long, lustrous, glabrous, widest at apical third, almost impunctate. Surface moderately convex in anterior half and with distinct transverse impression at posterior third nearly interrupted in middle. Anterior margin nearly straight, lateral margins moderately rounded in apical half, straight and slightly convergent in basal half, posterior margin nearly straight in middle part, slightly oblique in lateral parts. Anterior and posterior margins thinly bordered, lateral margins with wider border. Anterior angles swollen, moderately pronounced, posterior angles nearly rectangular, all angles with setigerous pores bearing long pale seta. Scutellum subtriangular with widely rounded apex, impunctate, lustrous, glabrous.

Elytra 1.90 times as long as wide (measured at humeral calli) and 0.67 times as long as body, slightly widened posteriorly, widest at posterior third. Surface covered with small dense confused punctures. Humeral calli well developed, with blunt costa parallel with lateral margin disappearing at 2/3 of elytral length. Epipleura relatively narrow, then gradually narrowing towards apex. Macropterous.

Abdomen: last abdominal ventrite with two shallow wide incisions, middle part of ventrite shallowly impressed ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 38–46 ).

Metatrochanter not modified. Tarsi: protarsomere I elongate subtriangular, II triangular, I slightly wider than II, length ratio of protarsomeres equals 7-5-4-9, metatarsomere I narrowly triangular, length ratio of metatarsomeres equals 9-6-4-10.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23–27 ) parallel, with triangular apex, apical third gradually flattened. In lateral view, apical third straight, basal two third curved.

Female (holotype, Fig. 9 View FIGURES 5–10 ). Pronotum more transverse, 1.36 times as wide as long. Elytra behind humerus with sharp costa parallel with lateral margin. Spermatheca with sphaerical nodulus, cornu C-shaped ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 47–53 ). Gonocoxae as in Fig. 65 View FIGURES 61–67 . Sternite VIII spade-shaped, tignum thin with slightly wider and bent apex, 1.5 times as long as sternite VIII ( Fig. 58 View FIGURES 54–60 ).

Distribution. China: Xizang ( Chen et al. 1976; Chen & Jiang 1981, 1987; present study).

Differential diagnosis. Agelopsis tibetanus shares not modified trochanters, not modified abdominal ventrites and presence of blunt keel behind humerus with A. aeneoviridis . The males of both species differ in the structure of pronotum (1.25 times as wide as long and with surface smooth in A. tibetanus while 1.35 times as wide as long and with surface punctured in A. aeneoviridis ) and aedeagus (aedeagus of A. tibetanus is parallel and in lateral view without angulation while aedeagus of A. aeneoviridis is subapically extended and in lateral view with distinct angulation at apical third, cf. Figs 19 View FIGURES 19–22 , 24 View FIGURES 23–27 ). In habitus Agelopsis tibetanus is similar to A. spinipes but males of A. spinipes have modified metatrochanters. Moreover, elytra of A. spinipes are not keeled behind humerus.


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
















Agelopsis tibetanus ( Chen, 1976 )

Bezděk, Jan 2020

Zizonia tibetana Chen in Chen et al., 1976: 220

Chen, S. - H. & Jiang, S. - Q. 1987: 53
Chen, S. - H. & Jiang, S. - Q. 1981: 480
Chen, S. - H. & Yu, P. - Y. & Wang, S. - Y. & Jiang, S. - Q. 1976: 220
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