Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D., 2016, An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Trinidad and Tobago with analysis of vegetation types and botanical ‘ hotspots’, Phytotaxa 250 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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ARACEAE View in CoL View at ENA

Aglaonema commutatum Schott, Syn. Aroid. 123 (1856) Exotic.

Aglaonema pictum (Roxb.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 3: 55 (1841) Exotic.

Alocasia macrorrhizos View in CoL (L.) G.Don var. variegata (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) Furtado, Hort. Brit. (ed. 3) 631 (1839) Exotic.

Alocasia marginata N.E.Br., Gard. Chron. View in CoL ser. 3, 2: 712 (1887) Exotic.

Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte View in CoL , Flora do Paraná ser. 2, 11: 93, t. 2206 (1875) Exotic.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, Fl. T. View in CoL & T. 3: 366 (1986) Exotic.

92 • Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press View in CoL


Anthurium andraeanum Linden ex André, L’Illustr. Hort. 24: 43 (1877) Exotic.

Anthurium aripoense N.E.Br., Bull. Torrey Bot. View in CoL Club 51: 4 (1924) Habit: Climber. Habitat: Montane forests. IUCN: NE. Star: BK. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Brasso Seco. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 38% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Tucuche, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 5230), Britton et al. 1271 (GH, US), Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 13888); Piedra Blanca, Simmonds s.n. (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Broadway 6212 (K); Aripo Heights, Broadway 7130 (K, MO). Global range: Venezuela.

Anthurium gracile (Rudge) Schott, Wiener Zeitschr. Kunst, Litt., Theat. Mode 1829: 828 View in CoL . (1829) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forest trees and plantation trees. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Matura-Salybia; North Central Coast; Point Radix; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 10% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 14% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 11% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Anns, Broadway 9375 (K); Maraval, Broadway 4174 (K); St. Augustine, Philcox & Kalloo 7114 (K); Arima Valley, Philcox & Wood 7067 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Philcox & Kalloo 7947B (K); Las Lapas Road, Broadway s.n. (BM); Simla, Edwards 1036 (K); Guanapo Heights Road, Adams 13354 (TRIN); Aripo Heights, Wood 83 (K); Quare River, Broadway 9374 (K); Cumuto Main Road, Philcox & Andrews 7720 (K, NY, P, TRIN, US); Tabaquite, Britton et al. 2577 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru.

Anthurium hookeri Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 3: 74 (1841) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Seasonal montane forest. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD:Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Rio Claro-Mayaro. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 88% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 16% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 12% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Piedra Blanca, Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 13882); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Edwards 1026 (K), Croat 539116 (K, MO); Valencia, Britton & Britton s.n. (GH); Cumaca Road, Jermy 11069A (K); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8074 (K). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Venezuela, Guianas.

Anthurium jenmanii Engl., Pflanzenr. IV View in CoL , 23 B: 72 (1905) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Tall moist forest to saxicolous in dry open woodlands, epiphytic and terrestrial in deciduous seasonal forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; Little Tobago-St.Giles; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Chacachacare; Cumaca; Gasparee; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Huevos; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Monos; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Point Radix; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 38% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 35% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 51% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 28% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 80% RBS samples; Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Great Dog River, Eggers 5802 ( US); Little Tobago, Purseglove s.n. (K, TRIN 17413). TRINIDAD: Monos, Ewan 17050 (BM, GH); Gasparee, Britton & Coker 554 (GH, NY, US); Teteron Bay, Broadway 6886 (BM, MO); Point Gourde, Philcox 8084 (K, NY); Port of Spain, Broadway 4176 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse, Simmonds 126 (K); Valencia, Britton & Britton 2101 (GH, K, NY); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8075 (K); Guaico-Manzanilla Reserve, Philcox et al. 8034 (K); Tabaquite, Montserrat Hills, Jermy 2543 (K); Hart’s Cut to Belle View, Britton & Bailey 2236 (K, NY). Global range: Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil.

Anthurium nymphaeifolium K.Koch & C.D.Bouché, Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. (1853) Exotic.

Anthurium pentaphyllum (Aubl.) G.Don var. pentaphyllum, Hort. Brit. [Sweet], ed. 3. 633 (1839) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing pond; Maracas-


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 93 Tucuche; Nariva; North central coast; Point Radix; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Southern Watershed; SW Erin-Guapo; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 35% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 65% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 14% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 10% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Bannock Burn, Meyer 16 (K); opposite Melville Island, Freeman & Williams s.n. (TRIN 11411). TRINIDAD: Chacachacare, Britton et al. 2766 (NY); Maracas Bay, Dannouse s.n. (K); Gasparillo-Maracas trail, Simmonds s.n. (K); Maracas, Broadway 6882 (BM); Guaico-Valencia Reserve, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14384); Aripo, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14062); Oropuche cave, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14780); Mt. Tamana, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7805), Freeman s.n. (TRIN 9066); Central Range Forest Reserve, Adams 13395 (TRIN); Erin, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14197); Irois, Finlay s.n. (TRIN 2897). Global range: Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl., Fl. Bras. View in CoL 3: 78 (1878) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Cultivated trees and submontane rain forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Brasso Seco; Central Range; Cumaca; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Maracas-Tucuche; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 11% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Tucuche, Raynal 15728 (K, P); Maraval, Broadway 3951 (K); Las Lapas Road, Broadway 6283 (K); Oropuche, Broadway 6226 (K); Arena Government Forests, Broadway s.n. (BM). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Anthurium willdenowii Kunth, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 3: 71 (1841) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Caledonia, Broadway 4496 (BM, K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Brazil.

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Vent., Mag. Encycl. View in CoL 4: 464 (1801) Common Name: Corazon de Jesu, Katchu. Exotic.

Caladium humboldtii (Raf.) Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. View in CoL 4: 417 (1854) Syn: Caladium argyrites Lem. Exotic. View in CoL

Colocasia esculenta View in CoL (L.) Schott, Melet. Bot. 1: 18 (1832) Common Name: Arui, Eddo, Chinese Eddo, Dasheen, Malanga, White Dasheen. Exotic.

Dieffenbachia seguine (Jacq.) Schott, Wiener Zeitschr. Kunst, Litt., Theat. Mode 1829: 803 View in CoL (1829) Common name: Dumb Cane, Seguine, Seguine Diable. Habit View in CoL : Herb. Habitat: Wet places. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E. Coast; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 37% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 64% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 22% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 29% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maracas Bay, Baker s.n. (TRIN 14695); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Philcox & Philcox 8231 (K, TRIN), Croat 53921 (MO). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Dracontium asperum K. Koch Wochens. Gärtn. Pflanz. View in CoL 2: 259 (1859). Exotic.

Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 23B (Heft 37): 60 (1908) Exotic.

Lemna aequinoctialis Welw., Anaes Conselho Ultramar. 55: 543 (1858) Syn: Lemna trinervis (Austin) Small Common name: Duckweed, Lentille d’Eau. Habit: Aquatic. Habitat: Floating on ditches, slow rivers and lakes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Without locality, Broadway 3103 (BM, F, G, NY). TRINIDAD: Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, Bennett s.n. (K, TRIN 16433); Ferry Road, Adams 14220 (K); Kelly Village, Rankin 320 (K); Nariva Swamp, Bennett s.n. (TRIN 15979); Avocat, Philcox & Stoelzel 8391 (K, TRIN, Z); Debe, Rankin 292 (TRIN); Mohess Trace, Bennett & Baranowski s.n. (TRIN); Icacos Road, Philcox 8293 (K, TRIN, ZT). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

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Lemna valdiviana Phil., Linnaea View in CoL 33: 239 (1864) Common name: Duckweed, Lentille d’Eau. Habit: Aquatic. Habitat: Floating on ditches, slow rivers and lakes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Augustine, Kalloo s.n. (ZT); Piarco Savanna, near Centeno, Philcox & Stoelzel 8407 (K, TRIN, ZT); Nariva Swamp, Bennett s.n. (TRIN 15979). Global range: Widespread in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Monstera adansonii Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1830: 1028 View in CoL . (1830) Common name: Ceriman, Cerimen. Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Scandent epiphyte at forest margins, in disturbed forest and on cultivated trees. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; Scarborough-Plymouth; TRINIDAD: Biche-Poole; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; North Central Coast; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 11% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 28% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 17% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 20% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Without locality, Eggers 5608 (K), Broadway s.n. (BM); St. Paul Parish, Worthington & Jack s.n. (MO); Mason Hall Bridge, Broadway 4835 (S, US); Easterfield Road, Sandwith 1711 (K); Castara Road, Hunnewell 19920 (GH). Global range: Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Monstera deliciosa Liebm., Vid. Medd. Dansk Natur. Foren. Kjoebenhavn View in CoL 1: 19 (1849) Exotic.

Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engl. & K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV View in CoL , 23B (Heft 37): 117 (1908) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forest margins. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Longdenville-Talparo; Nariva; North Central Coast; Princes Town; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 19% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 46% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 8% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 29% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Maraval, Broadway s.n. (K); Siparia Quarry, Britton & Broadway 2813 (K); Cedros Peninsula, Simmonds 296 (K). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Monstera obliqua Miq., Linnaea View in CoL 18: 79 (1844) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forest margins, roadsides and in undergrowth of limestone forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; Scarborough-Plymouth; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Brasso Seco; Central Range; Cumaca; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.- Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; San Fernando; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 25% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 29% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 28% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 33% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 57% RBS samples; Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Charlotteville, Sandwith 1797 (K). TRINIDAD: Cocorite, [Crueger s.n.] (TRIN); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6189 (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Philcox & Phillips 8320 (K); Heights of Aripo, Simmonds 64 (K, TRIN 13862); Mt. Aripo, Simmonds 231 (TRIN 14021); Cumuto Main Road, Philcox & Andrews 7725 (K, NY, P, TRIN, US); Caroni Woods, Crueger s.n. (TRIN); Tabaquite, Britton et al. 2603 (K); Cuche, Philcox & Olivier 8099 (K); Siparia Quarry, Britton & Broadway 2807 (NY). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Montrichardia arborescens View in CoL (L.) Schott, Arac. Betreff. 4 (1854) Syn: Montrichardia aculeata (G.Mey.) Crueg. Common Name View in CoL : Swamp Seguine. Habit: Herb. Habitat: River margins and in estuarine and coastal salt-marshes in fresh or slightly brackish water; in palm and herbaceous swamp. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Nariva; Rio Claro-Mayaro. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 7: 10% RBS samples); Swamp/marsh (Vegnum 11: 8% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Lambeau River, Eggers 5890 (K); Hillsborough West River, Philcox & Philcox 8244 (K); between Bacolet and Hope, Jermy 11265 (BM). TRINIDAD: Maracas Bay, Simmonds 81 (K); Nariva Swamp, Carrick 1231 (K); Brigand Hill, Philcox 8032 (K); Cocos View in CoL Road, Philcox et al. 8042 (K, NY, P); Cedros, King s.n. (TRIN 7130). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.


Phytotaxa 250 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 95 Philodendron acutatum Schott, Syn. Aroid. 94 (1856) Common name: Siguine Bord de la Mer, Siguine Grand Bois. Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forest margins, disturbed and secondary forest and other high light intensity sites; palm marsh, with mud volcanoes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Point Radix; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 2: 25% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 46% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 46% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 31% RBS samples); Dry lowland forest (Vegnum 6: 10% RBS samples; Vegnum 7: 20% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 57% RBS samples; Vegnum 12: 33% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mason Hall, Broadway 4504 (K). TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Richardson 833 (K). Global range: Virgin Islands, Leeward Islands, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Bolivia.

Philodendron fendleri K.Krause, Pflanzenr. IV , 23DB (Heft 60): 118 (1913) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Wet forests, mud volcanoes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Matura-Salybia; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 37% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 30% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 6% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Valencia, Britton & Britton 2090 (TRIN); Long Stretch, Simmonds s.n. (K); Sans Souci to Grand Riviere, Simmonds s.n. (K); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8077 (K). Global range: Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador.

Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hooker) G.Don, Hort. Brit. (ed. 3) 632 (1839) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Shady situations in wet forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 25% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 24% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Long Stretch, Simmonds 331 (K); Matura Forest Reserve, Philcox et al. 8076 (K); Valencia, Philcox et al. 8037 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Philodendron hederaceum (Jacq.) Schott, Wien. Zeitschr. View in CoL 3: 780 (1829) Syn: Philodendron scandens K.Koch & Sellow. Common View in CoL name: Seguine. Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Well lit exposed sites or in forest shade. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: without locality, Eggers 5784 (?K). TRINIDAD: Tucuche, Crueger s.n. (TRIN 5907); between Piedra Blanca and Naranja, Simmonds s.n. (K); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN); Aripo Savanna, Britton et al. 275 ( US); Tabaquite, Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN); Rio Claro-Mayaro Road, Simmonds s.n. (K); Moruga Road, Broadway s.n. (TRIN). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Philodendron krugii Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 26: 538 (1899) Habit: Climber. Habitat: Forests in wetter areas, with mud volcanoes. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima Valley; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Manzanilla-Fishing Pond; Maracas-Tucuche; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; NW Peninsular Corner; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Point Radix; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Southern Watershed; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 24% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 55% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 19% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 14% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Gasparillo-Maracas trail, Simmonds s.n. (K); Maracas, Broadway 6964 (K); Oropuche local road, Broadway 6266 (K); Siparia Quarry, Britton & Broadway 2816 (K); Guaico-Valencia Reserve, Simmonds s.n. (K); Arena Forest Reserve, Simmons s.n. (K). Global range: Colombia, Venezuela.

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Philodendron lingulatum (L.) K.Koch, Index Sem. Hort. Bot. Berol., App. 2 (1855) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Montane forests. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima Valley; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; Nariva; North Central Coast; P.O.S.-Santa Cruz; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Trinity Hills; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 100% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 63% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 65% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 38% RBS samples; Vegnum 5: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Caledonia, Broadway s.n. (TRIN); Englishman’s Bay, Broadway 3880 (K). TRINIDAD: Morne Bleu, Broadway 6214 (K); Quare River, Broadway 5442 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Colombia, Venezuela.

Philodendron ornatum Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. View in CoL 3: 378 (1853) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Shady wet lowland and montane forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; TRINIDAD: Arena-Cumuto; Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Brasso Seco; Catshill-Basse Terre; Central Range; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Longdenville-Talparo; Maracas-Tucuche; Matura-Salybia; Nariva; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Sangre Grande-Valencia-Orop.; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 88% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 88% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 57% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 11% RBS samples); Savanna/plantation (Vegnum 9: 43% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Caledonia, Broadway 4493 (K). TRINIDAD: St. George, Kress et al. 86-1883 (SEL); between Piedra Blanca and Naranja, Simmonds s.n. (K); Morne Bleu, Broadway 6213 (K); Blanchisseuse Saddle, Purseglove s.n. (K), Broadway 5984 (K); Brazil, Britton et al. 2130 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Philodendron rudgeanum Schott, Syn. Aroid. View in CoL 78 (1856) Habit: Climber. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: NE. Star: BU. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima Valley; Aripo Heights; Biche-Poole; Cumaca; Matura-Salybia; Tabaquite-Brickfield. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 16% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 1% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Laventille, Dannouse s.n. (TRIN); Arima, Britton et al. 618 (NY); Melajo Reserve, Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 14564, U); Brazil, Broadway 5770 (BM, K). Global range: Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.

Philodendron simmondsii Mayo, Aroideana View in CoL 4: 20 (1981) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Marsh forest. IUCN: EN. Star: BK. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: SW Icacos-Cedros. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Aripo Savanna, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14782); Long Stretch, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14876), Baker & Simmonds s.n. (K, TRIN 15109); Siparia Reserve, Simmonds s.n. (TRIN 14492). Global range: Endemic to Trinidad.

Philodendron simsii (Hooker) Sweet ex Kunth, Hort. Brit. View in CoL (ed. 3) 632(1839) Habit: Herb. Habitat: Terrestrial, low climbing or epiphytic in wet forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TOBAGO: E Coast; NE Coast-Main Ridge F.R.; Trinidad: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Biche-Poole; Catshill-Basse Terre; Cumaca; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Matura-Salybia; Rampanalgas-Toco; Rio Claro-Mayaro; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples; Vegnum 2: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 17% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 7% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Mason Hall, Broadway 4833 (BM), Broadway 4539 (K). TRINIDAD: between Piedra Blanca and Naranja, Simmonds s.n. (K); El Cerro de Maracas and Las Cuevas, Simmonds 83 (TRIN 13894); Arima-Blanchisseuse Road, Broadway 6596 (BM, K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil.

Philodendron venosum (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Croat, Aroideana View in CoL 9: 157 (1986) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: NE. Star: GD. Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Caledonia, Broadway s.n. (BM). TRINIDAD: Cumuto, Broadway 6913 (BM). Global range: Venezuela.

Pistia stratiotes View in CoL L., Sp. Pl. 963 (1753) Common name: Water Lettuce. Habit: Aquatic. Habitat: Wide range of freshwater habitats. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): Nariva Swamp, Philcox 8250 (TRIN), Aitken 45 (TRIN), Bennett s.n. (TRIN 15978); Kelly Village, Rankin 321 (TRIN); San Francique, Stoelzel 8383 (TRIN),


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Icacos Peninsula, Ramcharan 647 (TRIN), Broadway s.n. (TRIN 8954). Global range: Widespread in the subtropics and tropics.

Rhodospatha latifolia Poepp. , Nova Gen. Sp. 3: 91 (1845) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Montane forest. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: between Piedra Blanca and Naranja, Simmonds 67 (TRIN 13881); Piedra Blanca, Simmonds 357 (K, TRIN 14352). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Spathiphyllum cannifolium (Dryand. ex Sims) Schott, Aroid. 1: 1 (1853) Common name: Arum Lily, Maraval Lily, River Lily. Habit : Herb. Habitat: Damp places and at the margins of lowland streams. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Aripo Heights; Central Range; Grande Riviere-Matelot ; Matura-Salybia; Mt.St.Benedict-Caura; North Central Coast; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; SW Icacos-Cedros; Tabaquite-Brickfield; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 11% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 9% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Tairico Bay, Simmonds 33 (K); Maracas Valley, Richardson 2045 (K); Caura, Broadway 7082 (K); Caura Road, Jermy 2077 (BM); Guanapo River, Jermy 2872 (K); Quare River, Broadway s.n. (K); Aripo Road, Broadway 7371 (BM); Four Roads, Riley 216 (BM, K). Global range: Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Spirodela polyrrhiza (L.) Schleid., Linnaea 13); 392 (1839) Common name: Greater Duckweed. Habit: Aquatic. Habitat: Floating on ditches, slow rivers and lakes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Nariva Swamp, Singh s.n. (TRIN 21277), Ramcharan 431 (TRIN 22110); Cedros, Agostini s.n. (BM, TRIN). Global range: Cosmopolitan.

Syngonium podophyllum Schott, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 9: 85 1851. Exotic

Syngonium vellozianum Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Wochenbl. View in CoL 4: 418 (1854) Habit: Epiphyte. Habitat: Forests. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Biche-Poole; Central Range; Guanapo-Chaguaramal; Princes Town; Rio Claro-Mayaro; SW Erin-Guapo; Trinity Hills. RBS Vegetation Classes: Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 5% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 9% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: between Naranja and Piedra Blanca, Simmonds 302 (TRIN 14219); Cumaca, Adams 13326 (BM); Moruga, Broadway s.n. (TRIN 7620); Siparia Quarry, Britton & Broadway 2795 (K). Global range: Central America, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Peru.

Typhonium blumei Nicolson & Sivadasan, Blumea View in CoL 27: 494 (1981) Exotic.

Typhonium trilobatum View in CoL (L.) Schott, Wiener Zeitschr. Kunst, Litt., Theat. Mode 1829: 752 (1829) Exotic.

Wolffiella lingulata (Hegelm.) Hegelm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. View in CoL 21: 303 (1895) Habit: Aquatic. Habitat: Floating on ditches, slow rivers and lakes. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: St. Augustine, Kalloo s.n. (ZT); Nariva Swamp, Philcox & Stoelzel 8377 (K, TRIN), Philcox et al. 8411 (K, TRIN, ZT); Charuma River area, Philcox et al. 8409 (K); Debe, Broadway 8074 (S), Rankin 292a (K); Debe-Penal Road, Bennett & Baranowski s.n. (TRIN 22286). Global range: Widespread through Central and South America and the Caribbean.

Xanthosoma belophyllum (Willd.) Schott, Enum. Pl. View in CoL 3: 44 (1841) Exotic.

Xanthosoma brasiliense (Desf.) Engl., Pflanzenr. IV View in CoL , 23E (Heft 71): 58 (1920) Common Name: Hog Tannia, Majenjen. Exotic.

Xanthosoma helleborifolium (Jacq.) Schott, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. View in CoL 15: 33 (1865) Common name: Bhaji, Fowl Foot Bhaji. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Weed of lowland cultivations. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. Vouchers (selected): TRINIDAD: Woodbrook, Broadway 8995 (BM); St. Joseph, Purseglove P6190 (K); St. Augustine, Simmonds 117 (K); Tabaquite, Broadway 6340 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Xanthosoma sagittifolium View in CoL (L.) Schott, Melet. Bot. 1: 19 (1832) Syn: Xanthosoma atrovirens K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Common Name View in CoL : Chou, Tannia. Exotic.

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Xanthosoma undipes (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) K.Koch View in CoL , Bonplandia 4: 4 (1856) Common name: Hog Tannia, Wild Tannia. Habit: Herb. Habitat: Wet rocky streamsides and ravines in forest and cacao plantations. IUCN: LC. Star: GN. RBS Distribution Plots: TRINIDAD: Arima-Blanchisseuse Rd N; Brasso Seco; Grande Riviere-Matelot View in CoL ; Tucker-Mt.Catherine. RBS Vegetation Classes: (Sub-)Montane forest (Vegnum 1: 13% RBS samples); Moist lowland forest (Vegnum 3: 2% RBS samples; Vegnum 4: 3% RBS samples). Vouchers (selected): TOBAGO: Englishman’s Bay, Broadway 4433 (K); above Parlatuvier, Sandwith 1901 (K). TRINIDAD: Maracas, Broadway 5562 (K), Simmonds 39 (K, TRIN 13873); Cumaca Road, Jermy 11092 (BM); Matchepoorie, Britton & Britton 2208 (K). Global range: Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru.

Zantedeschia aethiopica View in CoL (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 765 (1826) Exotic.















Baksh-Comeau, Yasmin S., Maharaj, Shobha S., Adams, Dennis, Harris, Stephen A., Filer, Denis L. & Hawthorne, William D. 2016

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.)

Dennst. 1986: 366

Alocasia plumbea

Van Houtte 1875: 93

Colocasia esculenta

Dasheen. Exotic. 1832: 18

Xanthosoma sagittifolium

K. Koch & C. D. Bouche Common Name 1832: 19

Typhonium trilobatum

1829: 752

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Spreng. 1826: 765
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