Agmina piscaria, Espeland & Sjöberg & Johanson, 2020

Espeland, Marianne, Sjoeberg, Tin & Johanson, Kjell Arne, 2020, Description of 47 new species of the New Caledonian endemic caddisfly genus Agmina Ward & Schefter (Trichoptera, Ecnomidae), ZooKeys 956, pp. 49-162 : 49

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scientific name

Agmina piscaria

sp. nov.

Agmina piscaria sp. nov. Figs 99-104 View Figures 99–104


Agmina piscaria sp. nov. is distinguished from other Agmina species in combination of having a subapical instead of apical position of the median hooks of the superior appendage, dorsal branch of inferior appendages that are hooked mesally at their apex, seen in dorsal view, the shape of the plate formed by the inferior appendages that is narrowly parallelogram-shaped with a long central lobe, and long, straight sternal process. Also A. amieuensis sp. nov. and A. christinae sp. nov. have a subapical position of the mesal hooks of the superior appendages, but A. amieuensis sp. nov. is separated from A. piscaria sp. nov. by the tapering superior appendage in lateral view, the short sternal processes, and the different shape of the inferior appendage. Agmina christinae sp. nov. has a group of megasetae on the dorsobasal part of the superior appendages that are absent in A. piscaria sp. nov.


Piscaria, from Latin, meaning fish-like. Named for the fish-shaped phallus in ventral view.

Material examined.

Holotype: New Caledonia - Province Sud • ♂; Mt. Panié; 20.57306S, 164.77139E; 902 m; 9.xii.2003; Malaise trap; loc#075; leg. KA Johanson; MNHN.


Fore wing length 4.5 mm (N = 1). Total length of genitalia: 0.6 mm.


Genitalia: In lateral view, segment IX triangular anteriorly, apex located medially; in ventral view anteriorly oblong. Sternal processes, lateral view, with each apex almost reaching posterior apex of superior appendage, anterior half triangular, abruptly narrowing around mid-length, posterior half slender, straight with semi-acute apex, directed posteroventrad; in ventral view, anterior half robust, slightly diverging, posterior half narrower, almost parallel, apices blunt. Tergum X in lateral view anterodorsally narrowly triangular, with anterior margin concave, dorsal margin straight, ventral margin convex, shorter than superior appendage; in dorsal view, mesally fused, strongly concave anteriorly, inner margin forming U-shape. Parameres in lateral view anteriorly triangular, then abruptly narrowing, midpart very slender, curving, apex much wider, club-shaped, directed dorsad, with two warts at posterior margin; in dorsal view, widely separated, bifurcated anteriorly, slender, anterior half slightly diverging, posterior half parallel, narrowly, club-shaped at apex. Superior appendages, in lateral view, largely oval, longer than wide, with wide setae at posterior part of dorsal margin; in dorsal view robust, slightly converging, lateral margin straight, mesal margin convex with claw-like process directed anteromesad near rounded. Inferior appendages, in lateral view, with dorsoposterad orientated dorsal branch with rounded apex slightly longer than ventroposterad-directed narrow, acuminate, ventral branch; in ventral view rhomboid, with ventral branch forming long, acute, central process, club-shaped dorsal processes exceeding posterior margin. Phallus, in lateral view as long as segment IX, tubular, of equal width along its length, curving upwards towards posterior; in ventral view fish-shaped.

Additional information.

This species was referred to as "sp. 30" in Espeland and Johanson (2010a).













