Amerozercon halaskovae, Ujvári, 2013

Ujvári, Zsolt, 2013, Amerozercon Halašková, 1969 species (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) of the United States of America, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 47 (15 - 16), pp. 1093-1120 : 1108-1113

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scientific name

Amerozercon halaskovae

sp. nov.

Amerozercon halaskovae sp. nov.

( Figures 2J–L View Figure 2 , 7A–D View Figure 7 , 8A View Figure 8 )

Material examined ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 )

Holotype: female, USA, Tennessee, Cumberland County, Cumberland , 7 July 1956, leg. J.L. Bohnsack (ÉAm-007) . Paratypes: Six females, three males and five deutonymphs, locality and date as for the holotype. The holotype, four females, two males and five deutonymphs of paratypes are deposited in HNHM , two females and one male of paratypes are deposited in CNC (coll. number of paratypes: CNCAZ0791 CNCAZ0793 ) .


Anterior margin of ventrianal shield with two pairs of setae (setae Zv1 present) in females, Zv1 absent in males. Dorsal setae short and distinctly pilose, with the exception of s1 and r1 which smooth and needle-like. Third pair of opisthonotal pores (Po3) situated anteromedially to Z4. Glands gdS5 (Po4) situated posteriorly to S5. Dorsal cavities well-sclerotized and of different size, the larger, central pair posteriorly bordered by a strongly sclerotized, arcuate ledge. Anterior and lateral surface of podonotum covered by tile-like pattern, posterocentral surface of podonotum and anterior surface of opisthonotum bearing net-like ornamentation with refracting dots at the connecting points, posterior surface of opisthonotum behind the level of setae J2-Z2-S3 with alveolar pits.

Description – female

Length of idiosoma: 312–317 µm (313 µm); width: 237–248 µm (241 µm) (n = 7). Dorsal side ( Figure 7A View Figure 7 ). Podonotum with 20 pairs of setae, j1–6, z2–6, s1–6, r2 and r4–5 inserted dorsally, r1 and r3 inserted ventrally, on peritrematal shields (see at ventral side). Marginal setae of podonotum (z3, s2, r2, s3, r4, r5, s6) and j1 densely pilose and somewhat longer than central setae. Among central podonotal setae s1 short, smooth and needle-like, j5 and z5 finely pilose, others densely pilose. Glands gds1 (po1) not visible; gdj4 (po2) situated medially to z4; gds4 (po3) laterally to line connecting s4 and s5, near s4. Anterior and lateral surface of podonotum covered by tile-like pattern, posterocentral surface of the shield bearing net-like ornamentation with refracting dots at the connecting points.

Opisthonotum with 21–22 pairs of setae, J1–5, Z1–5, S1–5, marginal R-series with six to seven pairs of setae, seven pairs in majority of specimens. Each opisthonotal seta short, densely plumose. None of these setae reaching bases of the following one in the series, J-setae reaching approximately half the distance towards the insertion of the following setae. The distance between setae J2-J2 and J5-J5 larger than that between other setae of the series. Setae J5 situated on the level of dorsal cavities. Setae S2 situated on line connecting Z1 and S1, somewhat nearer to Z1. In contrast to S5, setae S3–4 not reaching beyond margin of the shield. Setae S5 and Z5 longer than other podonotal setae. Length of marginal setae decreasing posteriorly. Length of opisthonotal setae and distances between their insertions as in Table 5. Glands gdz6 (Po1) situated anteromedially to insertions of S2; gdZ2 (Po2) on or laterally to line connecting Z1 and Z2, near Z2; third pair of opisthonotal pores (Po3) situated anteromedially to Z4; gdS5 (Po4) posteriorly to S5. Marginal serration shallow and obtuse. Anterior surface of opisthonotum (to level of setae J2-Z2-S3) bearing net-like ornamentation with refracting dots at the connecting points, posterior surface with small to medium sized alveolar pits. Dorsal cavities well-sclerotized and of different size. Lateral pair small, saddlelike, with axes converging anteriorly. Central cavities significantly larger, C-shaped, facing each other, posteriorly bordered by a strongly sclerotized, arcuate ledge.

Ventral side ( Figure 7B View Figure 7 ). Shape of peritrematal shields and peritrematal setae typical for the genus. Peritremes slightly bent, with a small dilatation near the stigma ( Figure 2V View Figure 2 ). Peritrematal shields covered by some longitudinal lines. Sternal shield well sclerotized, 57 µm long and 38 µm wide at the level of setae st2, with nearly straight posterior margin and reticulate ornamentation. Adgenital glands gv2 with two openings. Ventrianal chaetotaxy complete, setae Zv1 present. Postanal seta short and finely pilose, preanal and adanal setae short, smooth and needle-like. Setae Jv5 similar to marginal setae of opisthonotum, densely plumose. Anal valves with vestigial euanal setae. Glands gv3 situated anterolaterally to adanal setae. Anterior surface of ventrianal shield covered by squamous pattern to level of adanal setae and Jv4.


Situation of hypostomal and subcapitular setae typical for the family. Setae h1 elongate, needle-like. Setae h2–3 shorter than h1, needle-like, h4 longer than previous setae, serrate. Corniculi horn-like, internal malae with a pair of bifurcate anterocentral branches and with serrate margins. Chelicerae relatively slender, fixed digit with six teeth, movable digit with four or five teeth. Epistome ( Figure 2J View Figure 2 ) typical for the genus Amerozercon , of Zercon - type (see Ujvári 2011b).

Description – male

Length of idiosoma: 247–269 µm (258 µm); width: 194–204 µm (199 µm) (n = 3).

Dorsal side ( Figure 7C View Figure 7 ). Chaetotaxy, adenotaxy and ornamentation of dorsal shields similar to that of female, except setae j5, which are smooth and needle-like. Length of opisthonotal setae and distances between their insertions as in Table 5.

Ventral side ( Figure 7D View Figure 7 ). Posterolateral parts of peritrematal shields fused to ventrianal shield on level of setae R1, the separating membranous slit between ventral and dorsal shields absent. Shape of peritrematal setae as for the female. Peritremes slightly bent anteriorly, without remarkable dilatation near the stigma. Peritrematal shields covered by some longitudinal lines. Sternigenital shield possessing four pairs of setae (st5 absent). Anterior to the genital opening, the shield is covered by reticulate ornamentation, beyond the level of setae st4 irregular ditches can be observed on its surface. Adgenital glands gv2 with two openings. In contrast to females, the ventrianal chaetotaxy incomplete, setae Zv1 absent. Other ventrianal characters similar to those of female.


Each character similar to that of female, but terminal part of fixed digit of chelicerae bifurcate.

Description – deutonymph

Length of idiosoma: 268–274 µm (270 µm); width: 199–204 µm (202 µm) (n = 5).

Dorsal side ( Figure 8A View Figure 8 ). Position of dorsal setae similar to that of adults, however differences in shape and length of setae are more expressed. On podonotum, setae s1, z5–6 and j6 significantly shorter than other podonotal setae. Setae j5 smooth and needle-like, s1, z5–6 and j6 finely pilose, other podonotal setae distinctly elongate and densely pilose. Opisthonotal setae J1–5 and Z1–2 short, pointed and pilose. J-setae constitute parallel rows, their length decreasing posteriorly. J5 situated on level of dorsal cavities. Setae Z3–4 and S1–2 approximately twice as long as Z1–2. Setae Z5 and S3–5 elongate and possessing longer pili than other setae of the shield, S3–5 reaching beyond the margin of the shield. Length of opisthonotal setae and distances between their insertions as in Table 5. Position of gland poroids similar to that of adults. The lateral, anterocentral and central surface of podonotum covered by tiles possessing undulate posterior margins, posterocentral surface with a couple of small pits. Opisthonotum with small to medium sized alveolar pits, the net-like ornamentation (characteristic for the adults) can only be found on level of setae J1-Z1. The central pair of dorsal cavities larger than the lateral pair, both pairs with approximately parallel axes and undulate anterior margins.


Each character similar to that of female. It is interesting to remark that deutonymphal epistome of each Zerconidae species studied has shown similar morphology, with four conspicuous, prolonged anterior processes; however, deutonymphs of A. halaskovae sp. nov. possess characteristic, Zercon - type epistome ( Figure 2K, L View Figure 2 ), similar to adults.

Protonymph and larva



The new species is dedicated to the memory of Dr Vĕra Halašková, one of the most prominent researchers of Zerconidae and establisher of the genus Amerozercon .


The new species fts most diagnostic characteristics (such as shape of peritrematal setae, the fusion of peritrematal and ventrianal shields of male, number of pairs of R-setae, appearance of most dorsal setae and dorsal cavities, ornamentation of dorsal shields etc.) to the type species of the genus Amerozercon , A. suspiciosus Halašková, 1969 . The two species can be distinguished by the shape of setae Z1–2 (smooth in A. suspiciosus , densely pilose in A. halaskovae sp. nov.), the general appearance of pilose podonotal and opisthonotal setae [each of them more strikingly pilose and bear longer pili in A. halaskovae sp. nov. ( Figure 2W View Figure 2 –AB) than in A. suspiciosus ( Figure 2P–U View Figure 2 )], the presence of the third pair of opisthonotal pores (Po3) and a pair of strongly sclerotized, arcuate ledges behind central dorsal cavities in A. halaskovae sp. nov. and furthermore in the position of glands gdS5 (Po4) (situated anteriorly to S 5 in A. suspiciosus , posteriorly to S 5 in A. halaskovae sp. nov.). A further difference between females of the two species is that A. suspiciosus lacks setae Zv1 (see the description of the species with remarks above).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes

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