Anhemialges lioparus, Chang & Wang & Liu, 2018

Chang, Hui-Qun, Wang, Zi-Ying & Liu, Huai, 2018, Four new feather mite species of the genus Anhemialges Gaud, 1958 (Astigmata: Analgidae) from China, Zootaxa 4531 (2), pp. 251-265 : 252-254

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Anhemialges lioparus

sp. nov.

Anhemialges lioparus sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 , 9 View FIGURE 9 A–D)

Type material. Male holotype [IOZ(E)225507], 10 male and 6 female paratypes ex Lioparus chrysotis ( Passeriformes : Paradoxornithidae ), CHINA: Sichuan, 31°6'24.21'' N, 103°33'24.58'' E, 16 May 2014, coll. H.–Y. Cao.

Depositories. Holotype, and 1 female paratypes—IOZ, 10 male and 5 female paratypes—IESWU.

Description. MALE (Holotype, range of measurements for 10 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma 563 (555– 584) in length and 269 (255–269) in width; length of hysterosoma 417 (413–446). Prodorsal shield: shaped as narrow trapezium, 119 (110–119) long along the midline and 114 (113–116) wide; posterior margin shallowly concave, with pair of acute suprategumental extensions about 9 (8–10) long, distances between scapular setae (se:se) 93 (91–96). Scapular shields well developed with a pair of angular suprategumental extensions in posteromesal angle ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Hysteronotal shield: length from anterior margin to level of lobar apices 378 (391–400), width at anterior margin 164 (168–177); anterior margin slightly wavy with unciform anterior angles; lateral margins slightly concave with rounded membrane posterior to bases of setae e2; punctated surface without any ornamentation. Posterior end of opisthosoma with long opisthosomal lobes attenuated apically, length 118 (118– 126), width at the level of setae f2 38 (40–41), separated by rectangular terminal cleft, anterior margin slightly concave with poorly defined borders; interlobar membrane wide with relatively long and sharp extensions on lobar apices ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ); incision in the interlobar membrane roughly long triangular, 123 (119–130) long, 78 (62–87) wide. Supranal concavity large semicircular, poorly defined. Setae h3 flattened and membranously enlarged in medial part, greatest width 15 (8–14). Setae ps1 long, about 3 times longer than the distance between them. Setae d1, e1 represented by microsetae, setae d2 hair–like, much longer than the distance between them. Setae e1 slightly anterior to the level of setae e2. Distance between hysteronotal setae: c2:d2 105 (106–112), d2:e2 119 (111–123), e2:h2 109 (117–118), h2:h3 53 (45–51), ps1:h3 69 (63–69), ps2:ps2 143 (147–149), h2:h2 138 (137–140), h3: h3 115 (110–120), d1:d2 34 (39–42), e1:e2 7 (5–7).

Sternum long and thin, over 2/3 of total length of epimerites I, its posterior end extending beyond the level of setae 1a. Coxal fields II and III with triangular sclerotized areas in lateral parts, extending beyond the level of coxal setae 1a and 4b respectively. Epimerites IVa wide with setae 4a on their inner ends. Genital arch height 19 (17–20), distance between tips 41 (38–42), aedeagus minute. Epiandrum bow–shaped, height 13 (12–15), distance between tips 42 (44–45). Paragenital apodemes long and narrow, fused anteriorly with corresponding epimerites IV, flanking median area from bases of setae 4b to midlevel of trochanters III ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Gastral shield split into a pair of triangular sclerites ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ), length 58 (57–58), maxwidth of each 28 (29–33). Adanal shield triangular, covering anterior half of anal opening, bearing filiform setae ps3 near its anterior margin. The wide adanal membranes stretching from adanal shield to bases of setae ps2. Anal suckers in the shape of a low cylinder, 22 (24– 25) in diameter. Cupules ih situated postero–lateral to adanal suckers, ih–ih 86 (87–88). Length of anal field from anterior margin of adanal shield to lobar apices 224 (212–226). Distance between ventral setae: 4b:4a 48 (54–56), 4b:g 59 (58–63), g: ps3 92 (96–99).

Legs: legs III hypertrophied; tarsus III 124 (126–128) long, setae w and s of tarsus III blade–like, 63 (61–63) and 30 (28–33) in length respectively, longer seta w extending beyond midlength of corresponding seta s ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Legs IV slightly extending by ambulacral discs to level of setae h3; tarsus IV conical, slightly curved, with bidentate apex, 49 (47–50) in length ( Fig. 9D View FIGURE 9 ).

FEMALE (range of measurements for 6 paratypes). Idiosoma 473–506 in length and 200–226 in width; length of hysterosoma from anterior margin of humeral shields to posterior end of opisthosoma 335–366. Prodorsal shield shaped as in male, length 98–104, width 100–109, acute suprategumental extension 14–16 long, setae se separated by 87–91. Scapular shields shaped similarly to males but smaller. Setae e1 absent, setae d1 present as microsetae, setae c2 and d2 subequal in length, filiform, e2 longer than the distance between them ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), extending beyond posterior margin of opisthosoma. Distance between dorsal setae: c2:d2 80–93, d2:e2 101–109, e2:h3 124–144, h2:h2 89–95 and h3:h3 74–77. Epimerites I and II as in male. Epigynum semicircular, with sharp posterior tips( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ), length 52–59, width 29–35. Setae 4b on tips of epigynum. Thin setae 4a two times longer than the distance between them ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ). Legs relatively short compared to the opisthosoma, tarsus III 55 –57 long, tarsus IV 67 –70 long, legs IV do not extend by ambulacral discs to the level of the posterior end of opisthosoma ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the generic name of the host.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is most similar to A. suteui Constantinescu et al., 2016 from Hylia prasina ( Passeriformes : Macrosphenidae ) in having long, attenuated opisthosomal lobes and semicircular membrane on in males.

The new species differs from the closest species, A. suteui , by the following features: in males of the new species, the interlobar membrane forms comparatively long and sharp extensions on the lobar apices, the anterior angles on the hysteronotal shield are unciform, and the paragenital apodemes are fused anteriorly with corresponding epimerites IV. In A. suteui , the interlobar membrane does not extend beyond the lobar apices, the anterior angles on the hysteronotal shield are not directed anteriorly, and the paragenital apodemes are not connected with the epimerites. Females of A. lioparus and A. suteui differ in the relative length of their posterior legs: in females of the new species legs III and IV do not reach the posterior margin of the opisthosoma, but in A. suteui legs III and IV extend beyond the posterior margin.

















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