Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884)

Schuster, Phillip Alves & Machado, Renato José Pires, 2022, Insights on the evolution of Ululodini (Insecta: Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Ascalaphinae), focusing on the systematics of the genus Ascalorphne Banks, 1915, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220070) 66, pp. 1-21 : 12-13

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0070

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scientific name

Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884)


Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884) View in CoL

Figs. 8-11 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 View Figure 11 , 18B View Figure 18 .

Orphne umbrina Gerstaecker, 1884:107 View in CoL (original description): Weele, 1908:142 (cited), Navás, 1912a:224 (key); Navás, 1912b:80 (key/ list); Navás 1913:64 (key).

Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884) View in CoL : Banks 1915:350 (new combination); Navás 1920:37 (cited); Navás 1928:109 (cited); Penny 1977:11 (list); Heckman, 2017:201 (key); Ardila-Camacho et al., 2019:3 (list); Oswald, 2022 (catalog); Dobosz, 2021:26 (cited).

Orphne leisewitzi Navás, 1911:25 View in CoL (original description): Navás, 1912a:224 (key); Navás,1912b:80 (key/ list); Navás,1913:64 (key) - Syn. nov.

Ascalorphne leisewitzi ( Navás 1911) View in CoL : Banks, 1915:350 (new combination); Navás, 1920:37 (cited); Navás, 1928:109 (cited); Williner, 1945:436 (cited); Penny, 1977:11 (list); Heckman, 2017:201 (key); Ardila-Camacho et al., 2019:3 (list); Oswald, 2022 (catalog).

Diagnosis. Tuft of long white setae on the dorsolateral margin of the clypeus. Labial and maxillary palps yellow. Antennae reddish-brown. Males with a thick row of short setae on the surface of flagellomeres 8-23. Antennal club piriform, brown with yellowish tip. Thorax brown, with yellow spots, pleural region with white hairs. Coxae, trochanter and femur yellowish, tibia uniformly yellowish/brown. Wings hyaline or pigmented, subcostal area of wings with amber coloration. Ectoproct of both sexes with circular black maculae. This species is similar to A. impavida , but can be distinguished mainly by the narrow GX 11 in lateral view and in dorsal view by the wide GX9.

Dimensions (mm). Body: ♀ 17.9 ± 0.47/ ♂ 19.34 ± 1.44; antennae: ♀ 25.48 ± 1.65/ ♂ 26.34 ± 1.36; forewing: ♀ 25.58 ± 1.09/ ♂ 23.7 ± 1.02; hind wing: ♀ 24.56 ± 4.7/ ♂ 21.06 ± 0.67.

Head ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 , 10 View Figure 10 C-E). As in the description of the genus, but differing by the following characteristics: presence of tufts of white long setae on the dorsolateral margin of the clypeus; labial palps yellow; antennae reddish and yellowish, and brown at the apex, with black rings, 38-39 flagellomeres, long, reaching the apex of the forewing; in males flagellomeres 8-23 have a dense row of short setae, but in females these setae are simple and elongated, antennal club pyriform, dorsally brown and ventrally dark brown at the base and light brown at the apex.

Thorax ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 , 10B, C View Figure 10 ). Pleural region brown with yellow spots and with long white setae and some black; pronotum brown, medially with a light-yellow macula; prescutum brown with yellow lateral macules; scutum brown laterally and medially yellowish; brown scutellum with two yellowish macules. Leg. Coxae and trochanter yellowish-brown; femur yellow at the base and dark at the apex; tibia uniformly yellowish-brown; tarsomeres dark yellow with black tips and short black setae.

Forewing ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 , 10A View Figure 10 ). Females with wing membrane hyaline or slightly yellowish, males may have hyaline or pigmented wing membrane, veins brown but at the base of the wing it is yellowish, pterostigma brown with 6 crossveins; apical area after fusion of Sc+R with 3-4 cell lines; RP with 4-5 branches; CuA+MP with 9-10 branches; cubital area with 3-4 cell lines. Hind wing ( Figs. 8-10A View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 ). Membrane as above, brown veins; pterostigma smaller, with 4 crossveins; MA straight, ending at the fourth RP branch; Cup straight and extending to the first RP branch; cubital area with 2-3 cell lines.

Abdomen ( Figs. 8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 , 10B, C View Figure 10 ). Shorter than wings, brown/yellowish. Terminalia and genitalia ( Fig.11 View Figure 11 ). ♂: Ectoproct with a circular sclerotized macula in the upper portion; T9 brown, triangular, in lateral view, and with short setae on the ventral portion; GPC with GX11 (gonarcus), in lateral view, narrow and truncated, and GX 9 in dorsal view broad; ♀: Ectoproct with circular sclerotized macula in the upper portion.

Morphological variation. The wings may be almost hyaline (especially in females) or pigmented (especially in males).

Temporal distribution. The insects analyzed in person or by photographs were collected on 12.vii and 03.vii, and there is no other source of data available for this species.

Geographic distribution ( Fig. 12 View Figure 12 ). Bolivia: Chiquitos, Buena Vista ( Navás, 1928); Santa Cruz, Basílio. Paraguay: Sapucai; San. Bernadino ( Navás,1911), Villarrica, San Ignacio Missiones ( Navás, 1920). iNaturalist. There are no records of this species.

Primary type ( Figs.8 View Figure 8 , 9 View Figure 9 ). Orphne umbrina , 1♀ and 1 ♂, ZIMUG,high resolution images analyzed. Lectotype (here designated): ♂ Orphne umbrina (27500b); type locality: Chiquitos, Bolivia; labels: 1) Gerst Umbrina . * Chiquitos, Bolivia Hdgr, 2) Zoo. Mus Greifswald 27500b; condition: excellent, right antennae wrongly glued, belonging to a female. Paralectotype: 1 ♀, label: umbrina Gerst. * Chiquitos , Bolivia Hdgr., 2) Zoo. Mus Greifswald 27500a; condition: excellent, right antennae wrongly glued, belonging to a male .

Primary type ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10 ). Orphne leisewitzi , 1 ♀, ZSM, high resolution images analyzed. Holotype (by monotypy): ♀ Orphne leisewitzi ; type locality: San Bernardino, Paraguay; labels: 1) Nav., 2) K. Fiebrig, S. Bernadino, Paraguay 1/ii, 3) Type von Navás, 4) Orphne leisewitzi ♀ det. Navás; condition: excellent, right antennae glued, abdomen and eye collapsed.

Examined specimens. Bolivia - Santa Cruz: • N. Basílio , 3km; 7.iii.1999; 1 ♀ e 5 ♂; Malaise; M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker & L.A. Stange; FSCA 00094847, FSCA00094849, FSCA00094852, FSCA00094853, FSCA00094854, FSCA00094861, FSCA00094859, FSCA00094864, FSCA00094865 • Idem , 2 ♂ ; arm. Malaise ; M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, L.A. Stange; TAMUICX0405250, X07405250 • idem; 1 ♀ ; USMBMB0253445. • Buena Vista , 380m; 17°27’69S 63°39’63”W; 20.ii.1999; 1 ♂ ; L.A.Stange; FSCA00094859. Paraguay: • 1 ♀ ; MNHN • Cordillera: • Piribebuy: Cruce Piribebuy ; 2,25.377ºS 57.043ºW; 20.ii.2016; 1 ♀ B. & N. Garcete colls; MNHNP • Paraguarí, Parc.Nac.Ybycuí ; 26.i.1982; 1♀ H. Ferreira C. Colr ; MNHNP • idem; 6-9.iii.1984; 1 ♂ ; Colr. T. Bonace; MNHNP • Sapucai : 7.12.1904; 1 ♂; Coll. V.D. Weele leg. ; NBCN°6 • Villarrica ; 1 ♂ ; NHRS-JLKB000073614 • idem; 1 ♂ ; NHRS-JLKB 000073615 • Amambay, Parc. Nac. Cerro Corá ; 7-21.ii.1982, 7-21.iii.1982; 2 ♂ H. Ferreira C.Col.MNHNP.

Comments. Nothing is known about the biology of this species and larvae are unknown. One specimen was collected with a Lepidoptera leg in its mouth indicating that butterflies/moths may be a food source for this genus (see A. impavida comments).

Ascalorphne umbrina was described by Gerstaecker (1884), based on specimens of both sexes from Bolivia; the author highlighted that this species would be smaller than the others and would be distinguished by the color of the wing, by the lighter color of antennae, yellowish mouthparts, yellowish legs and indicated that the male’s cubital lobe of hind wings would be shorter and with a different shape, and that in females the base of the hind wing would be a little wider than in A. macrocerca .

Later, Navás (1911) describedA. leisewitzi from Paraguay and, despite mentioning male characteristics, the type material is composed by a single female. According to Navás, this species would be differentiated from A. umbrina , based on the hyaline wings with only the subcostal field slightly pigmented (wing entirely pigmented in A. umbrina ), reddish antennae (brown inA. umbrina ) ( Navás,1912a, 1912b). Navás (1928) expanded the distribution of A. leisewitzi to Bolivia, in the department of Santa Cruz, exactly the same location where the specimens housed at the FDASC were collected, and which were personally studied in the present work.

Previously, the deposit location of the type material of both species was unknown as mentioned in Oswald (2022). The types were herein located and their analysis reveals a single notable morphological difference:the wings of the female of A.umbrina are slightly pigmented while those of A. leisewitzi are completely hyaline. In addition, the reddish antennae of A. leisewitzi are very close to the reddish-brown coloration of the A. umbrina type. Furthermore, both species have overlapping distributions and variations in general body coloration are a common phenomenon within the genus (as observed in A. impavida , for example).

Also, according to the literature and research in databases, such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), in addition to consultations in many institutions, only three specimens identified as A. leisewitzi was located (the holotype in the ZSM; another specimen cited for the first time by Navás (1920) and housed at the MNHN; and another one in the SMNH), all of them are females and were identified by the species author himself, Navás.

Thus, A. leisewitzi is herein indicated as a synonym of A. umbrina . Furthermore, no material was pointed as the holotype in the original publication of A. umbrina and therefore the male specimen (27500b) is herein designated as the lectotype.

It is important to mention that some specimens with strongly pigmented wings were located at the Museo Nacional de História Natural del Paraguay and Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, but it was not possible to study those insects.

Identification key for the species of Ascalorphne Banks, 1915 ( Neuroptera : Myrmeleontidae : Ascalaphinae )

1 Antennal club fusiform ( Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ); tufts of brown dorsolateral setae on the clypeus ( Fig. 2E View Figure 2 ); antennae uniformly dark brown, surpassing the apex of the forewing; males with tufts of thick setae at the apices of flagellomeres 8-23, similar to spines ( Fig.18C View Figure 18 ); femur variegated in black and yellow; ectoproct with macula forming a broad band on the upper portion ( Figs. 3A, E View Figure 3 ).... ................................................................................................... A. macrocerca View in CoL

1’ Antennal club piriform ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ); tufts of white dorsolateral setae on the clypeus ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ); antennae brown or reddish brown, reaching apex of forewing; males with thick row of setae along the flagellomeres 8-23 ( Figs. 18A, B View Figure 18 ); femur uniformly brown/ yellow; ectoproct with circular-shaped macula ( Figs. 6A, E View Figure 6 )...........2

2 Male, in lateral view, with GX11 narrow and, in dorsal view, with GX9 wide ( Figs. 11C, D View Figure 11 ); yellowish palps, reddish-brown antenna; coxae, trochanter and femur yellowish, tibia uniformly yellowish-brown; hyaline or pigmented wings (especially in males)................. ......................................................................................................... A. umbrina View in CoL

2’ Male, in lateral view, with GX11 wide and, in dorsal view, with GX9 narrow ( Figs. 6C, D View Figure 6 ); yellowish-brown palps, brown antennae; coxae, trochanter and femur yellowish-brown, tibia uniformly brown; hyaline wings.................................................................. A.impavida View in CoL

Character descriptions (data matrix: Table 1)

0. Anterior orbital sclerite (AOS), frontal view, shape: straight (0); slightly projected towards the eye (1); strongly projected towards the eye (2).

Comment. This character correlates to the level of ocular separation, being straight in insects with entire eyes ( Dimarini and Haplogleniini ), slightly projected in insects with inconspicuous eye division ( Fillus amazonicus ) and projected in insects with transversely sulcated eyes ( Ululodini , except A. furcata ).














Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884)

Schuster, Phillip Alves & Machado, Renato José Pires 2022

Ascalorphne umbrina (Gerstaecker, 1884)

Dobosz, R. 2021: 26
Heckman, C. W. 2017: 201
Penny, N. D. 1977: 11
Navas, L. 1928: 109
Navas, L. 1920: 37

Ascalorphne leisewitzi ( Navás 1911 )

Heckman, C. W. 2017: 201
Penny, N. D. 1977: 11
Williner, G. J. 1945: 436
Navas, L. 1928: 109
Navas, L. 1920: 37

leisewitzi Navás, 1911:25

Navas, L. 1913: 64
Navas, L. 1912: 224
Navas, L. 1912: 80
Navas, L. 1911: 25


Navas, L. 1913: 64
Navas, L. 1912: 224
Navas, L. 1912: 80
van der Weele, H. W. 1908: 142
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF