Salvia sect. Brandegeia Epling (1939: 314)

González-Gallegos, Jesús Guadalupe, Castro-Castro, Arturo & Ávila-González, Heriberto, 2020, Salvia rhizomatosa (Lamiaceae) a new species from Sierra Madre Occidental in Durango, Mexico, with a synopsis of Salvia sect. Brandegeia, Phytotaxa 434 (3), pp. 255-269 : 256

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.434.3.4

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scientific name

Salvia sect. Brandegeia Epling (1939: 314)


Salvia sect. Brandegeia Epling (1939: 314) . Type: Salvia angustiarum Epling (1939: 315) View in CoL .

Perennial herbs with several stems, decumbent, or small shrubs, frequently covered with extended long hairs (except S. oresbia ). Leaves sessile or petiolate; leaf blade ovate, deltoid-ovate, [elliptic, ovate-elliptic, lanceolate, lanceolate-ovate, ovate-lanceolate, to orbicular,] essentially glabrous except by the midvein and the margin, this usually ciliated. Inflorescences in racemes, each floral node 2–6[(–8)]-flowered. Floral bracts deciduous or persistent. Calyx mostly glabrous except by the veins which are ciliated, upper lip 5–7-veined. Corolla tube ventricose, invaginated towards the base [(except S. rhizomatosa )], [naked inside or ornate with a couple of folds just above the invagination]; lower corolla lip conspicuously longer than the upper one. Style dorsally and ventrally pilose. Gynobase longer than the mericarps.

Salvia sect. Brandegeia is integrated by 5 species including the one here described. All these are endemic to Mexico, growing in the north and central portion of the country between 20–24º in latitude, just in the northern slope of the Mexican Transition Zone ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 ). It is not clear if this section is a monophyletic group. In the phylogenetic study of Jenks et al. (2013), Salvia angustiarum View in CoL , S. blepharophylla View in CoL and S. sharpii View in CoL were analyzed; the first was recovered in a large polytomy, whereas the samples of the other two were grouped in a clade nested into the same polytomy than S. angustiarum View in CoL . In other two phylogenetic analyses, S. buchananii View in CoL was also included ( Fragoso-Martínez et al. 2018, Kriebel et al. 2019); in both S. blepharophylla View in CoL and S. sharpii View in CoL were recovered in a clade, which in turn is sister to S. angustiarum View in CoL , whereas, S. buchananii View in CoL appears in a basal position of the clade including the former species and 13 more belonging to 11 different sections. However, the representation of the diversity of the different sections in subgenus Calosphace is still limiting, hence, it is necessary to increase the sampling of species, including S. oresbia View in CoL and S. rhizomatosa View in CoL .












Salvia sect. Brandegeia Epling (1939: 314)

González-Gallegos, Jesús Guadalupe, Castro-Castro, Arturo & Ávila-González, Heriberto 2020

Salvia sect. Brandegeia

Epling, C. 1939: )
Epling, C. 1939: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF