Brunneritettix fuscipennis ( Bruner, 1910 ), 2025

Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J., Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando, Infante, Ivette Coque, Silva, Daniela Santos Martins & Tavares, Gustavo Costa, 2025, Studies on pygmy grasshoppers: On the current Metrodorinae sensu lato classification (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with emphasis on American and Malagasy taxa, Zootaxa 5597 (1), pp. 1-265 : 174-177

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Plazi (2025-03-04 12:56:25, last updated 2025-03-04 13:25:28)

scientific name

Brunneritettix fuscipennis ( Bruner, 1910 )

comb. nov.

Brunneritettix fuscipennis ( Bruner, 1910) , comb. nov.

( Fig. 119 View FIGURE 119 )

Allotettix fuscipennis Bruner, 1910: 115 View in CoL . Holotype. Male. Brazil: Pará : Benevides. Depository: ANSP.

Remarks. There are no additional records of this species since its description.

Genus Platythorus Morse, 1900

Platythorus Morse, 1900: 8 View in CoL .

Type species: Platythorus camurus Morse, 1900 , by monotypy.

Redescription. Body robust, moderately flattened dorsoventrally ( Fig. 120A, B View FIGURE 120 ). Head moderately compresso-elevated. In frontal view, vertex wider than an eye, anteriorly truncated, and slightly lower than the eyes; medial carina short and not elevated; transverse carinae separated by a shallow groove but continuous with a low ridge running backward along each side of the mid-carina; fontal costa forking midway between the ocelli and vertex into high narrowly divergent rami, scutellum narrow; antennal groves located at the level of the ventral margin of eyes, in the middle length of each branch of the fascial carinae, antennae segments unknown (maybe 14 as the other genera of this tribe), lateral ocelli between the middle of the eyes; medial ocellus close to the lower margin of the scutellum; palpi with last three segments brown and little flattened, first two segments short and nearly cylindrical ( Fig. 120C View FIGURE 120 ). In lateral view, face little oblique; carina of the vertex not produced between the eyes; fastigio-fascial angle rounded; fascial carinae slightly emerging between the antennae, not surpassing the pedicelus length and rounded, above and below slightly sinuated; eyes rounded, with rounded dorsal surface, straight ventral margin and very little elevated than vertex ( Fig. 120A View FIGURE 120 ). Thorax. Pronotum slightly surpassing the tip of abdomen, but not the tip of hind femora ( Fig. 120A View FIGURE 120 ); pronotal disc mostly flat, anteriorly straight, and apically acute; median carina slightly undulated on anterior section; pronotum granulated and with post humeral spots ( Fig. 120B View FIGURE 120 ). Lateral carinae almost straight in dorsal and lateral views, divergent anteriorly; humeral angles obtuse; lower edge of lateral lobes flattened and projected to the sides, with rounded apex; posterior margin of lateral lobe with a mid-undulation; infra-scapular area mid-sized and wide, ending at the level of the fourth or fifth abdominal segments; lateral area extending to the apex of the pronotum and narrower than the infrascapular area in lateral view ( Fig. 120A View FIGURE 120 ). Wings. Absent. Legs slender. Fore and mid-femora carinated dorsally and ventrally undulated; fore and mid-tibiae carinated above. Hind femora stout with ante-genicular and genicular teeth moderately developed; the first and third segments of the hind tarsi nearly equal in length or the first slightly longer. Abdomen. Last segment constricted dorsally; cerci conical; subgenital plate quadrangular with a rounded apex bearing a small spine. Ovipositor with moderately robust and serrulated valves and medium-sized teeth.

Male. Unknown.

Species included. Type species only.

Distribution. Central America between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Maps 4 and 7).

Remarks. It is the only brachypronotal and wingless genus of the tribe Otumbini .

Bruner, L. (1910) South American Tetrigidae. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 7, 89-143.

Morse, A. P. (1900) Orthoptera. The Acrididae. Subfamily Tettiginae. Biologia Centrali-Americana, 2, 3-9.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 119. Brunneritettix fuscipennis (Bruner, 1910) comb. nov. Male lectotype. A–B. Habitus in lateral view. C. Habitus in dorsal view. D. Frons. E. Labels.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 120. Platythorus camurus Morse, 1900. Female holotype. A. Habitus in lateral view. B. Habitus in dorsal view. C. Frons. D. Labels. Photos: J. Tumbrinck.











