Capnogryllacris (C.) erythrocephala fuscifrons, Ingrisch, 2018

Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2018, New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera, Zootaxa 4510 (1), pp. 1-278 : 143

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scientific name

Capnogryllacris (C.) erythrocephala fuscifrons

subsp. nov.

Capnogryllacris (C.) erythrocephala fuscifrons View in CoL ssp. nov .

Figs. 46B View FIGURE 46 , 48D View FIGURE 48 , 49C View FIGURE 49

Material examined. Holotype (male): Vietnam: Quang Tri prov., Da Krong Nat. R., (16°37'N, 106°47'E), 5– 10.vii.2011, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel (I.G. 31.933)—(Brussels RBINS). GoogleMaps

Other specimens studied: Vietnam: same data as holotype— 2 males (paratypes) (Brussels RBINS).

Diagnosis. The new subspecies is similar to C. erythrocephala Gorochov, 2003 and its subspecies C. e. borealis Gorochov, 2003 . It differs by coloration of head and by the shape of the modifications of the ninth abdominal tergite in male. The head is almost completely black with only small red brown and yellow marks instead of with red brown vertex and face in both other subspecies. The ninth abdominal tergite male is shorter than in C. e. erythrocephala with the globular swellings separated by a wide instead of narrow furrow. The hooks of ninth abdominal tergite male are stouter than in C. e. e., but not as stout as and longer than in C. e. borealis ; the apical narrowing is straight instead of little curved in C. e. erythrocephala and without the doubled constriction as in C. e. borealis .

Description. Medium sized to large species. Head: Face ovoid; forehead in middle with fine riffles, laterally nearly smooth; fastigium verticis wider than scapus; ocelli distinct; fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a very fine suture; subocular furrows shallow ( Fig. 48D View FIGURE 48 ). Abdominal tergites two and three without stridulatory pegs.

Wings surpassing hind knees ( Fig. 46B View FIGURE 46 ). Tegmen: Radius with RS branching before mid-length of tegmen, both forked near tip; media anterior free from base; media posterior arises at about end of basal third of tegmen from equally strong oblique veins from media anterior and cubitus anterior; cubitus posterior undivided, free throughout; with 4 anal veins.

Legs: Fore coxa with a spine at fore margin; fore and mid femora unarmed; fore and mid tibiae with four pairs of large ventral spines and one pair of smaller ventral spurs; hind femur with about 10–12 external and 17–20 internal spines on ventral margins; hind tibia with spaced spines on both dorsal margins, ventral margins with one pre-apical spine; with 3 apical spurs on both sides.

Coloration. General color brown; vertex black; pronotum with a broad transverse black band that can be entire or interrupted; legs light medium brown, tarsi darker. Face: Fastigium verticis dark brown with a black spot in middle and yellow ocelli; frons from antennal scrobae and fastigium frontis downward black except for median ocellus yellow, a pair of large spots below antennal scrobae and an area around clypeo-frontal suture dark red brown, ventral margin and midline of clypeus and very base of labrum yellow; labial palpi yellowish, maxillary palpi black. Tegmen semi-transparent yellowish, towards base darker; veins yellow; hind wing semi-transparent ochre, main veins yellow or brown, cross veins dark brown or black adorned on both sides by narrow light or dark brown bands.

Male. Eighth abdominal tergite prolonged. Ninth abdominal tergite globular, furrowed in midline, then split and provided at both sides with a large, compressed, curved, acute process, in situ overlapping each other; the process is little shorter and thicker than in the nominate subspecies. Tenth abdominal tergite present ( Fig. 49C View FIGURE 49 ). Subgenital plate wider than long with diverging lateral margins, apical margin faintly concave in middle; styli stout, almost twice as long as subgenital plate, inserted at apico-lateral angles; without v-shaped depression. Phallus membranous.

Female unknown.

Measurements (3 males).—body w/wings: 47–49; body w/o wings: 31–40; pronotum: 6.5–7.0; tegmen: 33–35; tegmen width: 12.5; hind femur: 19–20; antenna: 95–100 mm.

Etymology. Named for the dark face; from Latin fuscus (dark brown).


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences















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