Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F. Daniel

Daniel, Thomas F., García-Morales, Leccinum J. & Mora-Olivo, Arturo, 2021, Taxonomic and Photographic Guide to the Acanthaceae of Tamaulipas, Mexico, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (6), pp. 185-228 : 197

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11513051


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2024-06-07 00:46:15, last updated 2024-11-29 10:57:46)

scientific name

Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F. Daniel


Carlowrightia henricksonii T.F. Daniel View in CoL

PHENOLOGY.— Flowering: April–September; fruiting: April–September.

DISTRIBUTION.— Mexico (Tamps.).

HABITAT.— Sandy prairies, sometimes on limestone.

ELEVATION.— 160–175 meters.

NOTES.— Daniel (1983a) provided a description of this rare species, which is endemic to Tamaulipas. The species is known from only three collections. The whereabouts of Wooton’s collection locality has not been determined, and thus an EOO cannot be determined. Depending on the location of Wooton’s collection, an AOO of either 8 or 12 km 2 is likely for the species. A potential conservation assessment of either critically endangered (CR) or endangered (EN) would be likely if threats and their impacts to the species were to be identified ( IUCN 2019).

REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS.— 3 mi W of Morales and 19 mi E of Matamoros–Victoria Hwy. on rd. to Loreto , [24.332986°, -98.105904°], M. Johnston & J. Crutchfield 5357 (holotype: US!; isotypes: MICH!, TEX!) ; 20 mi E of San Fernando –Santander Jiménez hwy., 11 mi W of Loreto , [24.326538°, -98.136530°], M. Johnston & J. Crutchfield 5528B ( TEX, US); Buena Vista Hda., E. Wooton s.n. ( US) .

DANIEL, T. F. 1983 a. Carlowrightia (Acanthaceae). Flora Neotropica Monograph 34: 1 - 116.

IUCN. 2019. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 14. IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee. <http: // www. iucnredlist. org / documents // RedListGuidelines. pdf> [accessed 5 June 2021]


University of Michigan


University of Texas at Austin