Chordodes sandoensis Sciacchitano, 1937

Zanca, Fernanda, Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas, Villalobos, Cristina De & Achiorno, Cecilia, 2006, Revision of the genus Chordodes (Gordiida, Nematomorpha) from Africa. II. Ultrastructural redescription of C. africanus Sciacchitano, 1933, C. hawkeri Camerano 1902; C. sandoensis, Sciacchitano 1937; C. schoutedeni, Sciacchitano 1933 and reinterpretation of Chordodes butensis Sciacchitano, 1937, Zootaxa 1191 (1191), pp. 49-59 : 55-56

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Chordodes sandoensis Sciacchitano, 1937


Chordodes sandoensis Sciacchitano, 1937 View in CoL

( Figure 3)

1937. Chordodes sandoensis . Sciacchitano. Rev Zool Bot Afr. 30: 144.

Holotype: 1female (AMT 1431)

Type locality: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lulua Sandoa

Material examined: Holotype, SEM midbody and posterior end

Host: Unknown.

Description: The anterior end of the body is tapered, with a dark ring. The posterior end ( Fig. 3A) is rounded with terminal cloacal opening. The body colour is light brown with white spots.

The cuticle contains four areolar types ( Figs. 3B, 3C). Simple areoles are oval or rounded in shape with a smooth surface, some with minute bristles on top ( Fig. 3B), scattered among simple areoles there are thorn areoles. The thorns are blunt, elevated (7.5µm) and originate from a basal structure that appears to represent an areolar socket ( Fig. 3B). Crowned areoles occur in pairs and are elevated 10.6µm above the surface. They have an apical ring of very short filaments ( Fig. 3C). Between 13 and 15 elevated (14.2µm) circumcluster areoles surround each pair of crowned areoles ( Fig. 3C).

Dimensions: holotype is 165mm in length and 1mm in diameter in the middle region of the body.

Comments: Sciacchitano (1937) describes Chordodes sandoensis from one specimen determined as a male and containing two types of areoles; in 1958, Sciacchitano redescribed and drew the posterior end of the same specimen as a male although it presents the characteristics of a female. Our reinvestigation by LM of the holotype shows that although the posterior end is retracted (see Fig. 3A), it clearly corresponds to a female as the cloacal opening is terminal and not subterminal. Sciacchitano (1958) also widens the description of the cuticle indicating the presence of elongated areoles, low with refringent granules, dark areoles in groups of 7­8 surrounding two central areoles with short filiform projections. Likewise, he describes a spiniform process in the interareolar space. These cuticular structures correspond with the four areolar types described in this reinvestigation by SEM.

Distribution: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lulua Sandoa (1 female, Sciacchitano 1937).













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