Cleptommation tupaqi Engel, 2013

Engel, Michael S., 2013, Revision of the cleptoparasitic bee genus Cleptommation (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Journal of Melittology 2013 (22), pp. 1-26 : 9-12

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i22.4608

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scientific name

Cleptommation tupaqi Engel

sp. nov.

Cleptommation tupaqi Engel , new species


( Figs. 13–19 View Figures 13–15 View Figures 16–19 )

Cleptommation minutum (Friese) ’; Engel et al., 1997: 19 [partim].

DIAGNOSIS: The new species is most similar to C. bulivyense in overall coloration of the head and mesosoma and form of the hidden sterna (i.e., the more broad and blunt apical process of sternum VII: cf. figures 6 and 16) (vide supra). It differs from that species in the metasomal terga largely yellowish with brown apical margins ( Figs. 13, 15 View Figures 13–15 ) and male genitalia ( Figs. 17–19 View Figures 16–19 ).

DESCRIPTION: ♂: Total body length 8.67 mm; forewing length 6.40 mm. Head length 1.70 mm, width 2.07 mm; upper interorbital distance 1.10 mm; lower interorbital distance 0.83 mm. Intertegular distance 1.27 mm. Forewing basal vein distad cu-a by about one vein width; 1rs-m confluent with 1m-cu; 2rs-m distad 2m-cu by 6 times vein width, 2rs-m relatively straight; first submarginal cell longer than combined lengths of second and third submarginal cells; second submarginal narrow, anterior border of second submarginal cell along Rs much less than length of third submarginal cell along same vein; anterior border of third submarginal cell less than three-quarters length of posterior border; hind wing with distal hamuli arranged 4-1-2. Terminalia as in figures 16–19.

Labrum imbricate. Clypeus imbricate with faint, coarse punctures over yellow surface, otherwise smooth with smaller, faint punctures separated by a puncture width or less over basal brown integument; supraclypeal area smooth with small punctures separated by a puncture width or less laterally; remainder of face with small punctures separated by a puncture width or less, progressively becoming more dense on upper face with punctures separated by less than a puncture width; punctures then become minute and more widely-spaced by ocellar area, separated by 1–2.5 times a puncture width in ocellocular area and 2–5 times medially on vertex; gena with punctures like those on vertex; postgena impunctate. Pronotum imbricate with scattered, minute punctures. Mesoscutum smooth with minute punctures separated by 1–2.5 times a puncture width, punctures fainter and sparser along anteromedial border around medial line and integument in that area faintly imbricate; mesoscutellum as on disc of mesoscutum except punctures separated by 1–3 times a puncture width; metanotum smooth, weakly nodulose near setal bases and with punctures separated by 1–3 times a puncture width. Preëpisternal area imbricate; mesepisternum with small punctures separated by 0.5–2 times a puncture width, punctures becoming fainter and sparser ventrally and posteriorly; hypoepimeral area impunctate; metepisternum faintly imbricate and impunctate; lateral and posterior surfaces of propodeum weakly imbricate and impunctate; basal dorsal-facing area of propodeum finely imbricate and impunctate. First metasomal tergum smooth, shining, and impunctate; terga II and III finely and faintly imbricate, remaining terga finely imbricate but more noticeably so than on terga II and III; sterna finely imbricate.

Mandible yellow except reddish at apex; labrum yellow; clypeus yellow except basal margins brown with strong metallic brassy green highlights ( Fig. 14 View Figures 13–15 ); supraclypeal area entirely brown with strong metallic brassy green highlights. Scape entirely yellow ( Figs. 13–15 View Figures 13–15 ); pedicel and first flagellomere yellowish brown, remainder of flagellum brown. Face, vertex, and gena brown with strong metallic brassy green highlights; postgena brown with faint metallic highlights. Labiomaxillary complex yellow. Pronotum and propleura yellow; remainder of mesosoma brown with strong metallic brassy green highlights, highlights weaker on disc of mesoscutum and dorsal-facing surface of propodeum; lower posterior corner of mesepisternum with a patch of yellow; lowermost portion of metepisternum yellow; lateral surface of propodeum yellow; tegula translucent yellow without metallic highlights. Wing membranes hyaline and clear; veins yellowish brown except Sc+R slightly darker and pterostigma distinctly yellow. Legs entirely yellow. Metasoma light yellow brown, with apical margins of terga brown.

Pubescence generally yellow; face with particularly prominent short, subappressed, plumose setae which become more sparse toward ocellar area; vertex with scattered erect, long setae; gena with plumose setae as those on face although not as dense; postgena with sparse, simple, long, erect setae. Mesoscutum with scattered, fine, simple or little-branched, subappressed, yellow setae; with short plumose setae as those on face along lateral borders; mesoscutellum similar to mesoscutum, posteriorly with more elongate and more erect setae; metanotum similar to mesoscutellum although erect setae much more numerous and over entire surface; pleura with scattered yellow setae, becoming longer ventrally; propodeum with setae as on pleura except with dense patches of moderately long, plumose setae around propodeal spiracle. First metasomal tergum with sparse setae over much of surface except fine, suberect, yellow setae becoming more numerous, albeit still widely scattered, in posterior half; remainder of metasomal terga with fine, short, suberect to subappressed setae scattered over surface, becoming progressively more numerous and slightly longer on more apical terga; sterna with scattered, fine, suberect yellow setae, those of apicolateral corners of sterna II–V typically longer.

♀: Unknown.

HOLOTYPE: ♂, ECUADOR: Pich. [Pichincha], Tinalandia, Santa Domingo , 14 June 1976, S. & J. Peck ( SEMC).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet recognizes Incan leader Túpac Inca Yupanqui (ca. 1453?–1493) (Quechua: Tupaq Inka Yupanki), tenth Sapa Inca, who expanded the empire to encompass regions as far North as much of modern Ecuador.


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute














Cleptommation tupaqi Engel

Engel, Michael S. 2013

Cleptommation minutum (Friese)

Engel, M. S. & R. W. Brooks & D. Yanega 1997: 19
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