Cleruchus blimp Triapitsyn, 2018

Manickavasagam, Sagadai, Triapitsyn, Serguei V. & Palanivel, Selvaraj, 2018, Five new species of Cleruchus from the Oriental region and report of Anaphes quinquearticulatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India, Zootaxa 4387 (1), pp. 134-156 : 136-138

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4387.1.6

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scientific name

Cleruchus blimp Triapitsyn

sp. nov.

Cleruchus blimp Triapitsyn , sp. n.

( Figs 1–6 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURES 2–6 )

Description. FEMALE (holotype, Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2–6 ). Head and antenna brown, rest of body and legs pale to light brown except propodeum and apical gastral terga a little darker (brownish).

Eye normal; ocelli present. Antenna ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2–6 ) with scape almost smooth; scape minus radicle 3.75× as long as wide. Pedicel 1.6× as long as wide, much longer than any funicular segment; all funicular segments short, at least a little wider than long and without mps; clava slightly longer than funicle, 3.0× as long as wide, with 6 mps.

Mesosoma slightly shorter than metasoma ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2–6 ), almost smooth; propodeum about as long as mesoscutum.

Macropterous. Fore wing ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2–6 ) 10.75× as long as wide; venation 0.35× as long as wing length; parastigma with both macrochaetae moderately long (27–40 µm) and stigmal vein with a long seta; disc slightly infuscate, with a median row of setae in addition to a few setae at wing’s apex and an admarginal row of setae along anterior margin only (that along posterior margin absent except for an incomplete row of a few very short, inconspicuous setae just beyond venation); the longest marginal seta 3.4× greatest width of wing. Hind wing ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2–6 ) 18.0× as long as wide; disc slightly infuscate, with an incomplete median row of setae in addition to a complete admarginal row of setae along anterior margin only (that along posterior margin absent except for an incomplete row of short setae beyond venation); longest marginal seta 5.0× greatest width of wing.

Petiole inconspicuous, 5.5× as wide as long; ovipositor 0.8× length of metatibia and occupying a little less than 0.3 length of gaster, slightly exserted beyond its apex (by 0.19× own length) ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2–6 ).

Measurements in µm (holotype, as length or length/width): Body, 593; head, 121/152. Antenna: radicle, 10/10; rest of scape, 90/24; pedicel, 33/21; fl1-fl5, 12/16; fl2, 14/17; fl3, 14/17; fl4, 15/17; fl5, 16/18; fl6, 14/21; clava, 102/ 34. Fore wing, 387/36; longest marginal seta, 121. Hind wing, 378/21; longest marginal seta, 106. Mesosoma, 227/ 142; mesoscutum, 58/127; anterior scutellum, 30; frenum, 24; propodeum, 57. Petiole, 6/33; gaster, 267/136; ovipositor, 94. Metatibia, 115.

Variation (paratypes, Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ): body length 430–460 µm.

MALE. Unknown.

Diagnosis. In Triapitsyn (2014a), females of C. blimp key to the Palaearctic species C. mikhail Triapitsyn whose antenna, however, has fl1–fl5 longer than wide. Among the Oriental species, C. blimp is most similar to C. indicus , which has a different, relatively brachypterous fore wing ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18−20 ) with a complete admarginal row of setae along the posterior margin, and is also setose behind the marginal and stigmal veins and lacks a long seta on the stigmal vein.

Type material. Holotype female [ UCRC] on slide ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2–6 ) labeled: 1. “ BRUNEI: Temburong Dist. Bukit Patoi trail, 41-290 m 4°45.365’N 115°10.51’E 4.vii.2010, J. M. Heraty swp dipterocarp forest H10-090”; 2. “ UCRC Mounted at UCR /ERM by V. V. Berezovskiy 2010 in Canada balsam”; 3. “ Det. by S. V. Triapitsyn 2010”; 4. (magenta) “ Cleruchus blimp S. Triapitsyn HOLOTYPE ♀ ”; 5. (database barcode label) “ UCRC UCRC ENT 00407599 About ENT ”. The holotype is dissected under 3 coverslips and lacks a hind wing and a fore leg GoogleMaps . Paratypes: BRUNEI: Belait District, Rumah Teraja, Labi Rd. , 4°16.983’N 114°25.372’E, 40 m, 2.vii.2010, J. Mottern, sweeping dipterocarp forest, M10-061 (1 ♀ on point, UCRC) GoogleMaps . Temburong District, Bukit Patoi trail, 4°45.365’N 115°10.51’E, 41–290 m, 4.vii.2010, J.M. Heraty, sweeping dipterocarp forest, H10-090 (1 ♀ on point, UCRC). GoogleMaps

Distribution. Brunei.

Etymology. The species name is a noun in apposition and a meaningless combination of letters.


University of California, Riverside


University of California


University of California, Riverside













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