Cletomorpha mackayensis Distant

Brailovsky, Harry, 2007, A revision of the tribe Gonocerini from Australia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae), Zootaxa 1530, pp. 1-18 : 3-4

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Cletomorpha mackayensis Distant


Cletomorpha mackayensis Distant View in CoL

( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 – 9 , 11, 16 View FIGURE 10 – 16 , 19 View FIGURE 17 – 22 , 25)

Cletomorpha mackayensis Distant, 1911: 583 View in CoL .

Redescription. Male. Head length 1.04; width across eyes 1.40; interocular space 0.80; interocellar space 0.33; preocular distance 0.56; antennal segment length I, 2.16, II, 2.20, III, 1.92, IV 1.48; pronotum length 1.92; width across humeral angles 3.84; scutellar length 1.16; width 1.28; maximum width of abdomen 3.64; total body length 8.10. Dorsal coloration.—Head pale yellow, with few reddish orange punctures; antennal segments I to III pale yellow, IV shiny brownish orange, basal joint and apex dark yellow; pronotum pale yellow, posterior margin dark yellow with reddish brown punctures, humeral spine black to dark brown; scutellum dark yellow, punctures pale orange, apex pale yellow; clavus and corium dark yellow, punctures reddish brown, anterior half of costal margin pale yellow; apical edge of corium with distinct transverse wide whitish callose band, running from base of medio-apical angle to or near costal margin; hemelytral membrane translucent, veins and basal angle pale yellow; connexival segment III pale yellow, IV pale yellow with posterior margin pale brown, V pale brown suffused with yellow and pink marks, VI and VII pale yellow, anterior and posterior borders pale brown; dorsal abdominal segments shiny pale orange yellow. Ventral coloration.— Including rostral segments (apex of IV brown), legs (tibiae and tarsi suffused with pale orange marks), anterior and posterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme, and genital capsule pale yellow, with few reddish brown punctures at propleuron, mesopleuron, metapleuron, and abdominal sterna III to VII; posterior angle of connexivum dark brown. Structure.— Head.— Antenniferous tubercles widely separate, outer border armed with single medium-sized acute spine; antennal segment I uniformly stout, wider, granulate, segments II and III slender, cylindrical, IV fusiform, elongate; segment II>I>III>IV, or II>III>I>IV; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metasternum ( Figs. 11, 16 View FIGURE 10 – 16 ). Thorax.— Pronotum.— Humeral angle tapering into large acute spine, directed outward ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 – 9 ). Legs: femora and tibiae finely granulate. Abdomen.— Connexivum distinctly raised above terga, posterior angles of connexival segments IV to VI produced into short, obtuse projection; upper margin of connexivum crenulate. Genital capsule.— Posteroventral edge with lateral angles rounded, exposed, and mesial lobe quadrate, protruding, laterally concave, and apically straight ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 17 – 22 ).

Female. Head length 1.06; width across eyes 1.42; interocular space 0.88; interocellar space 0.40; preocular distance 0.64; antennal segment length I, 1.64, II, 1.96, III, 1.80, IV 1.48; pronotum length 1.92; width across humeral angles 4.48; scutellar length 1.24; width 1.44; maximum width of abdomen 4.08; total body length 8.50. Coloration similar to male. Connexival segments VIII and IX pale yellow, posterior border pale brown; dorsal abdominal segments II to IX pale yellow, suffused with pale brown; genital plates yellow. Structure.— Abdominal sternite VII with plica and fissura; plica reduced, occupying anterior border of sternite, concave; fissura covering 2/3 or more of total length of sternite; gonocoxae I short, enlarged anteroposteriorly, in caudal view closed, in lateral view convex, entire; paratergite VIII conspicuously reduced, almost hidden by outer margin of abdominal sternite VII; paratergite IX broad, foliate, larger than gonocoxa I.

Variation. 1. Ocellar tubercle black. 2. Middle third of anterior lobe of pronotal disk with irregular black spot on each side. 3. Propleuron, mesopleuron, metapleuron pale yellow, heavily punctate with dark brown punctures. 4. Mesosternum pale yellow, pale brown laterally. 5. Abdominal sternites III and IV with short and wider black diagonal stripe. 6. Abdominal sterna III to VII with four incomplete rows of pale brown spots (usually hard to see). 7. Posterior border of connexival segment III pale brown.

Type locality. AUSTRALIA: Queensland, Mackay ( BMNH, examined).

Distribution. AUSTRALIA: Queensland, Mackay (NE coastal). Indonesia, Irian Jaya, Maluku, and Sulawesi. Papua New Guinea (Blőte 1935, and Cassis and Gross 2002).

Material examined. New records. AUSTRALIA: 1 male, 1 female, Queensland, 4 mi SSE of Yeppoon, 2-II-1970, I. F. B. Common ( ANIC); 1 female, Central Queensland, Boyne Island via Gladstone, 23°55’S 151°20’E, 1995 (without date) ( QMBA); 1 female, Northern Territory, 5 mi SSE of Auvergne HS (East Barne River Bank), 15°46’S 130°02’E, 28-V-1968, M. Mendum ( ANIC).

Comments. This species is easily distinguished by having the antenniferous tubercles armed, the posterior angles of connexival segments IV to VI produced into short obtuse projections, the apical edge of the corium with a whitish callose transverse stripe, paratergite VIII reduced, the pronotal disk clearly bicolorous (pale yellow with posterior margin dark yellow to pale brown), and each humeral angle tapering into a large acute spine ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 – 9 ).


Australian National Insect Collection


















Cletomorpha mackayensis Distant

Brailovsky, Harry 2007

Cletomorpha mackayensis

Distant 1911: 583
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