Coniceromyia setosa, Ament & Kung & Brown, 2020

Ament, Danilo César, Kung, Giar-Ann & Brown, Brian V., 2020, Forty-one new species of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), an identification key, and new distributional records for the species of the genus, Zootaxa 4830 (1), pp. 1-61 : 38-39

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scientific name

Coniceromyia setosa

sp. nov.

Coniceromyia setosa View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 6E View FIGURE 6 , 9E View FIGURE 9 , 15K View FIGURE 15 , 22 View FIGURE 22 D–E, 25L, 26N)

Diagnosis (male). Forefemur, foretibia, and foremetatarsus with long, thin ventral setae, foretarsomeres 2–5 short, foretarsomere 5 with approximately six apical, curved, elongated setae ( Fig. 6E View FIGURE 6 ), midfemur with band of tiny setulae along basal two-thirds of ventral margin ( Fig. 26N View FIGURE 26 ).

Material examined. Holotype ♂, COLOMBIA: Boyacá: SFF Iguaque: Cabaña Chaina , 5.42ºN, 73.45ºW, 14.ii–15.iii.2001, Malaise trap, 2600m, P. Reina col. ( IAVH) [LACM ENT 180931] GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♂, same data as holotype but 17.v– GoogleMaps ; 4♂, same but 30.iv–17.v.2001.

Description. Male. Body length, 2.4 mm. Head. Frons dark brown, sparsely setulose, with well-defined median furrow. Flagellomere 1 brown to dark brown, globose. Arista subapical, about three times flagellomere 1 length. Palpus light brown. Gena with two to three setae. Thorax. Scutum, scutellum and pleural regions dark brown; anepisternum bare. Foreleg yellowish-brown, except forefemur posteriorly dark brown. Midleg yellowish-brown, except midfemur anterior brown macula. Hind leg light brown, except brown apical half of hind femur. Forefemur, foretibia, and foremetatarsus with long, thin ventral setae. Foretibia with three dorsal setae and anterodorsal row of strong setulae. Foremetatarsus with anterior excavation, anteroapical setulose process, group of short setae at excavation base, and strong seta at anteroapical process base ( Fig. 9E View FIGURE 9 ). Foretarsomeres 2–5 short; foretarsomere 5 with approximately six apical, curved, elongated setae. Foremetatarsus ratio 0.35. Midfemur with band of tiny setulae along basal two-thirds of ventral margin. Hind femur with narrow basoventral band of tiny blunt setulae ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 D–E). Hind femur height/length ratio, 0.33. Hind tibia with one dorsal seta in basal half. Wing ( Fig. 15K View FIGURE 15 ). Costa swollen, 0.46 of the wing length; R 2+3 absent or vestigial as a tiny remnant attached to costa; M 1 concave, curved posteriorly at apex; M 2 nearly straight, CuA 1 -M 2 /M 2 -M 1 ratio 1.55; CuA 1 slightly sinuous. Halter base light brown, apex white. Abdomen. Tergites brown with shining pubescence. Hypopygium brown ( Fig. 25L View FIGURE 25 ). Left epandrial process with a subepandrial wall extending from the hypoproct to its apex and a medially directed setulose projection near its base. Margin of right lobe of hypandrium without lateral projection. Hypoproct with two setae.

Distribution. Known from a single high-elevation site in Colombia.

Etymology. Name derived from the Latin word setosus (bristly), referring to the long, thin ventral setae on the forefemur, foretibia, and foremetatarsus.


Instituto de Ivestigacion de los Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt













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