Deltochilum (Deltohyboma) crenulipes Paulian, 1938

Chamorro, William, Marin-Armijos, Diego, senjo, Angelico & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records, ZooKeys 826, pp. 1-343 : 95

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scientific name

Deltochilum (Deltohyboma) crenulipes Paulian, 1938


Deltochilum (Deltohyboma) crenulipes Paulian, 1938 View in CoL Plate 22C

Deltochilum (D.) crenulipes Paulian, 1938: 286 (original description. Type locality: Pérou [= Peru], Poazu-Pozuzo, Chanchamayo, Amazones Yurimaguas).

Deltochilum crenulipes : Balthasar 1941: 345 (cited for Peru); Blackwelder 1944: 202 (list of species from Latin America); Balthasar 1951: 330 (cited for Peru); Krajcik 2012: 88 (complete list of species); Ratcliffe et al. 2015: 195 (cited for Peru).

Deltochilum (Deltohyboma) crenulipes : Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 653 (catalog of species, distribution); Vulcano and Pereira 1967: 558 (characters in key); Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 192 (cited for Brazil); Génier 2001: 5 (comment); Carvajal et al. 2011: 316-317 (cited for Ecuador); Bezdek and Hajek 2011: 368 (catalog of the types of the NMPC); Chamorro et al. 2018: 94 (cited for Ecuador).

Deltochilum (s. str.) obenbergeri Balthasar, 1939f: 13 (original description); Blackwelder 1944: 203 (list of species for Latin America); Vulcano and Pereira 1964: 657 (catalog of species, distribution); Vulcano and Pereira 1967: 558 (characters in key); Medina et al. 2001: 136 (cited for Colombia); Génier 2001: 5 (synonym of Deltochilum crenulipes Paulian, 1938); Carvajal et al. 2011: 316-317 (cited for Ecuador); Bezdek and Hajek 2011: 367 (catalog of the types of the NMPC).

Type specimens.

Deltochilum crenulipes Paulian, 1938. The lectotype is deposited at the MNHN (ex coll. R Oberthür). Locality: Amazones Yurimaguas, examined.

Lectotype (sex unknown): "Amazones / Yurimaguas [p, black margin]", "R. PAULIAN / Vidit [p, black margin]", "D. crenulipes n. sp / Type [hw]", “MUSÉUM PARIS / 1952 / coll. R. OBERTHÜR [p, black margin]", "LECTOTYPE [p, red label]", "MNHN / EC2496 [p, black margin]", "DELTOCHILUM / CRENULIPES / PAULIAN / LECTOTYPE / Dés. F. Génier, 2000 [p and hw, black margin]".

Deltochilum (s. str.) obenbergeri Balthasar, 1939. The holotype is deposited at the NMPC. Locality: Mera Ecuador, examined.

Holotype (sex unknown): "Mera / Ecuador [p]", "TYPUS [p, red label]", "HOLOTYPE [p, red label]", "1324 / Dok. L. Mencl, 2011 [p, green label]", "Obenbergeri / m. [hw, green label, black margin]", "DELTOCHILUM / OBENBERGERI / BALTHASAR / HOLOTYPE [hw] / Det. F. Génier [p] 2000 [hw]".


Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Records examined.

MORONA SANTIAGO: Angel Rouby, Codillera del Kutuku, 1300 m (12 specimens MECN); Untsuants sitio 3, Cordillera del Kutuku (7 specimens MQCAZ). NAPO: Archidona (11 specimens MQCAZ); Río Hollín, 1100 m (1 specimen CEMT); Bloque 20, Pungarayacu, 610 m (1 specimen MQCAZ); Santo Domingo de Hollín, Río Hollin, 635 m (3 specimens MQCAZ); Cotundo, La Merced de Jondachi Río Jondachi, 1100 m (1 specimen MGO-UC); Misahualli Jungle Lodge unión río Napo y río Misahualli, 1900 m (2 specimens MQCAZ); Río Osayacu, 1070 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Sunka, 300 m (5 specimens MQCAZ). ORELLANA: Bloque 31, Parque Nacional Yasuní, 200 m (9 specimens MECN); Daimi (1 specimen CEMT); Dayuma Campo Palanda, Llumpac, 295 m (3 specimens MGO-UC); Dayuma plataforma Ungurahua, 300 m (1 specimen MUTPL); El Dorado plataforma Guarango, 300 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Rodrigo Borja IAMOE (33 specimens CEMT; 11 specimens MQCAZ); Estación Científica Yasuní PUCE 215 m (2 specimen CEMT; 84 specimens MQCAZ); Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini USFQ (4 specimens MGO-UC; 1 specimen MUTPL); Lago San Pedro, plataforma Copal, 310 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Río Tiputini Yasuní Res. Stn. (2 specimens CEMT); San Sebastián del Coca, Comuna Guataraco, Campo Pata (1 specimen MGO-UC); Yuturi Lodge Río Napo, 270 m (3 specimens MQCAZ). PASTAZA: Bosque Protector Oglan Alto, 540 m (1 specimen MGO-UC); Campo Tiguino, cerca al estero Ñemenguno, 300 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Chuyayacu Oleoducto km 25, 200 m (1 specimen MGO-UC); E. B. Pindo Mirador UTE, 1000 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Mera (1 specimen NMPC); road El Triunfo-Arajuno (1 specimen CEMT); Villano Pandanuque, 420 m (1 specimen MUTPL); SUCUMBÍOS: 6 km de Dureno, Precooperativa Los Vergeles, 290 m (7 specimens MGO-UC); Aucayacu Río El Eno, 16 km de Lago Agrio, 275 m (2 specimens MGO-UC); Bermejo plataforma ER-A road to a Lumbaqui (1 specimen MUTPL); La Selva Bio. Station 175 km ESE del Coca (4 specimens MQCAZ); Nueva Loja, plataforma Iguana, 310 m (1 specimen MQCAZ); Pichira, Limoncocha (1 specimen MQCAZ); Sacha Lodge, 270 m (4 specimens MQCAZ); Tarapoa, Nuevo Manabí, 270 m (1 specimen MUTPL). ZAMORA CHINCHIPE: Tundayme, Cara de Indio, 1670 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Tundayme Ecsa, road to Polvorín, 1300 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Tundayme Ecsa vivero, 820 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Zurmi Las Orquideas Río Nangaritza, 870 m (1 specimen MUTPL).

Temporal data.

Collected every month of the year.


Inhabits the lowland evergreen forests and evergreen foothill forests of the Amazon region from 200-1680 m a.s.l. Collected with flight interception traps and pitfall traps baited with carrion and human feces.















