Dennyus (Dennyus) malagonensis, Valim, 2013

Valim, Michel P., 2013, Parasitic On Swifts (Aves, Apodiformes, Apodidae) In Brazil, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 53 (30), pp. 415-429 : 415-429

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492013003000001

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scientific name

Dennyus (Dennyus) malagonensis

sp. nov.

Dennyus (Dennyus) malagonensis View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 14-17 View FIGURES 14‑17 , 20, 22, 24, 26 View FIGURES 18‑26 )

Type host: Cypseloides senex (Temminck, 1826) – Great Dusky Swift ( Apodiformes : Apodidae )

Holotype: Male ( MZUSP #2711 View Materials ), ex Cypseloides senex , BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Uberlândia, Cachoeira do Malagone , Rio Uberabinha [18°40’46”S; 48°30’03”W, 600 m],. XI.2008, G. V. T. Pascoli coll. GoogleMaps

Paratype: 1 Female ( MZUSP #2712 View Materials ), same data as the holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology: The species name is derived from the name of its type locality, the Malagone waterfall in the Uberabinha River. It is an adjective in the nominative case.

Diagnosis: The new species belongs to the same group as described above for D. (D.) pichorimi . However, D. (D.) malagonensis is morphologically close to D. (D.) rotundocapitis based on the shape of sternite II and male genitalia. These species have sternite II medially divided ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 18‑26 ), and males have slender and slightly sinuous parameres ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). However, D. (D.) malagonensis has more angulat- ed head temples (much as in Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) (rounded in D. (D.) rotundocapitis ), and a pair of long setae on the antero-lateral margin of the prosternal plate ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) (absent in D. (D.) rotundocapitis ). The male genital sclerite of D. (D.) malagonensis ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18‑26 ) is quite distinctive among Neotropical species of the subgenus ( Dennyus ) with known males (see Carriker 1954).

Both sexes of D. (D.) malagonensis can be promptly distinguished from the new species described above by the number of outer dorsal (7 vs. 3 and 10, in D. (D.) pascoliae and D. (D.) pichorimi , respectively) and ventral (5 vs. 4 in D. (D.) pascoliae ) setae on first tibia.


Male: Habitus dorsal and ventral as in Figs. 14-15 View FIGURES 14‑17 , respectively. Head wider than long, cephalic index 0.63. Preantennal margin smoothly rounded, temporal and occipital margins slightly angulated (much as in Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). Dorsal head seta 5 (dhs5) short and slen- der; dhs14, dhs28, and one unnamed seta between the dhs29 and dhs31 short and spiniform. Labial setae 5 (ls5) 0.11 long. Gular plate with 8+7 setae.

First tibia with 5 and 7 outer lateral ventral and dorsal setae, respectively. Prosternal plate with 11 short setae within clear area of the plate and 1 anterior set on the marginal band, plus an anterior pair of long setae ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18‑26 ); mesosternal plate with 17 setae; metasternal plate with 23 setae. Femoral brush III with 53 setae. Metapleura with 3 setae on each side, the innermost 4x longer than outer ones; metathorax with 12 setae on posterior margin; median anterior metanotal setae transversely aligned with respect to anterior lateral setae.

Tergal setae (most missing in holotype), posteri- or row: I, 17; II, 18; III, 23; IV, 19; V, 22; VI, 12 (abnormal specimen lacking setae on its right side); VII, 17; VIII, 10. Sternite I with a pair of long setae (one on each latero-posterior side) and 8 short anterior setae. Sternal plate II medially divided (as in Fig. 24 View FIGURES 18‑26 ). Sternal setae, posterior row: II, 13 ; III, 16; IV, 18; V, 9; VI, 9; VII, 4. Anterior sternal rows: II, 13 ; III, 18; IV, 19; V, 8; VI, 9; VII, 2. Sternites I-VII with two irregular anterior rows of setae; sternites V-VII with a small brush of setae on their lateral margins, less distinct in posterior segments. Sternal brush setae (left and right, respectively) : V, 30+33; VI, 33+35; VII, 12+10 ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14‑17 ). Anterior and posterior setae in brush on sternite VI similar to each other. Sternite VIII with a single row of 6 medium long setae. Lateral plates wide and heavily sclerotized, with 8-10 setae on posterior margin of segments III-VII (1-2 outermost setae thin and long); dorsal portion of pleurites II-VIII with characteristic incrassations ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 14‑17 ) .

Genitalia as in Fig. 26 View FIGURES 18‑26 , with slender parameres inwardly curved and genital sclerite with distinctive shape ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 18‑26 ).

Measurements (n = 1): TW, 0.70; PoW, 0.52; HL, 0.44; PW, 0.42; PrL, 0.22; PrW, 0.17; MW, 0.64; FeIIL, 0.33; FeIIIL, 0.40-42; AL, 1.17; AW, 0.78; GL, 0.76; PaL, 0.24; GSL, 0.22; TL, 2.14.

Female: Habitus dorsal and ventral as in Figs. 16-17 View FIGURES 14‑17 , respectively. Similar to the male, except in dimensions and morphology of terminalia. Head as in male, cephalic index 0.62. Labial setae 5 (ls5) 0.13 long. Gular plate with 6+7 setae.

First tibia with 5 and 7 outer lateral ventral and dorsal setae, respectively. Prosternal plate with 11 short setae within clear area of plate and 1 anterior set on marginal band, plus an antero-lateral pair of long setae; mesosternal plate with 17 setae; metasternal plate with 21 setae. Femoral brush III with 61 setae. Metapleura with 3 setae on each side, as in males; metathorax with 17 setae on its posterior margin.

Tergal setae with only a posterior row: I, 28; II, 28; III, 31; IV, 32; V, 35; VI, 33; VII, 23; VIII, 15. Sternite I with a pair of long setae, one on each latero-posterior side, and 11 short anterior setae. Sternal plate II medially divided. Sternal setae, posterior row: II, 14 ; III, 20; IV, 21; V, 10; VI, 10; VII, 5. Anterior sternal rows: II, 18 ; III, 31; IV, 36; V, 17; VI, 21; VII, 7. Sternal brush setae : V, 45+42; VI, 46+41; VII, 16+18 ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 14‑17 ). Subgenital plate without medio-anterior setae; with lateral marginal setae (lms) and median marginal setae (mms) all missing in paratype on subgenital plate; with 3 and 2 on each postero-lateral side. Ventral and dorsal anal fringe with 68 and 61 setae each, respectively; without any setae anterior to anal fringe. A regular row of 24 setae on vulvar setae margin .

Measurements (n = 1): TW, 0.78; PoW, 0.56; HL, 0.48; PW, 0.48; PrL, 0.24; PrW, 0.18; MW, 0.83; FeIIL, 0.39-0.42; FeIIIL, 0.52; AL, 1.71; AW, 1.14; AnW, 0.42; TL, 2.87.


Although the single pair comprising the type series for D. (D.) malagonensis was collected from the same host individual as one female of D. (D.) pascoliae , the two females can be separated by these features: (1) D. (D.) malagonensis has only one spine-like seta on the anterior margin of the prosternal plate ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 18‑26 ), while D. (D.) pascoliae has three of these setae ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 18‑26 ); (2) D. (D.) malagonensis has 5 outer ventral and 7 dorsal setae on first tibia, D. (D.) pascoliae has 4 and 3, respectively; (3) the shape of the sternal plate I in D. (D.) malagonensis is narrower than in D. (D.) pascoliae ; (4) sternal plate II in D. (D.) malagonensis medially divided ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 18‑26 ), but distinctly entire in D. (D.) pascoliae ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 18‑26 ); and (5) the female of D. (D.) pascoliae collected with specimens of D. (D.) malagonensis is morphological identical to the female paratypes of that species.


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