Emertonia andeep (Veit-Kohler, 2004)

Mathiske, Annabel, Thistle, David, Gheerardyn, Hendrik & Veit-Köhler, Gritta, 2021, Deep sea without limits-four new closely related species of Emertonia Wilson 1932 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida: Paramesochridae) show characters with a worldwide distribution, Zootaxa 5051 (1), pp. 443-486 : 478

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5051.1.18

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name

Emertonia andeep


Key to species of the Emertonia andeep -group

1. Outer spines of exp P2–P4 strongly serrated................................................................2.

- Outer spines at exp P2–P4 not distinctly serrated............................................................5.

2. P5 exp clearly separated from benp.......................................................................3.

- P5 exp fused with benp (only female known)................................................. E. berndi sp. nov.

3. Caudal ramus seta III almost twice as long as seta IV.........................................................4.

- Caudal ramus seta III shorter than seta IV.................................................... E. hessleri sp. nov.

4. Caudal ramus setae III and V with clearly visible internal structure, seta III naked....................... E. ilse sp. nov.

- Caudal ramus setae III and V without clearly visible internal structure, seta III unipinnate.............. E. serrata sp. nov.

5. Anal somite laterally with strong, chitinous, dorsally flexed appendages (distinct hook-like structures).............................................................................................. E. andeep ( Veit-Köhler, 2004) .

- Anal somite without such structures............ E. minor (Vasconcelos, Veit-Köhler, Drewes & Parreira dos Santos, 2009) .

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