Eotebenna viviannae Peel, 1991a

Peel, John S. & Berg-Madsen, Vivianne, 2023, Muscle attachment scars in helcionelloids from Denmark cast light on mollusc evolution in the Cambrian, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (4), pp. 625-638 : 627-629

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.01101.2023

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scientific name

Eotebenna viviannae Peel, 1991a


Eotebenna viviannae Peel, 1991a

Figs. 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig .

1985 rostroconch sp. I; Berg-Madsen 1985: fig. 5D.

1991 Eotebenna viviannae sp. nov.; Peel 1991a: 173, fig. 19.

1991 Eotebenna viviannae ; Peel 1991b: fig. 31.

1997 Eotebenna cf. viviannae ; Hinz-Schallreuter 1997: pl. 2: 4.

2004 Eotebenna viviannae ; Gubanov et al. 2004: 10, fig. 8.

2004 Eotebenna viviannae ; Peel 2004: fig. 1C.

2006 Eotebenna viviannae ; Peel 2006: text-fig. 2H.

2021 Eotebenna viviannae ; Peel 2021c: fig. 1H.

Type material: Holotype MGUH 19564 View Materials , well preserved shell internal mould ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) . Paratypes: MGUH 19565 View Materials and three additional internal moulds ( MGUH 19566–19568 View Materials ), that were described by Peel (1991a: fig. 19H–N) but are not figured herein. All from type locality and horizon. Type locality: The rivulet Øleå, Bornholm, Denmark .

Type horizon: Andrarum Limestone, Guzhangian, Miaolingian, middle Cambrian.

Material.— MGUH 34273–34276 View Materials , internal moulds from type locality and horizon .

Description.—Apical attachment scars and fibrous shell microstructure are added to the description of Peel (1991a).

Remarks.— Eotebenna viviannae was described by Peel (1991a) on the basis of exfoliated specimens and internal moulds without details of external ornamentation from the Andrarum Limestone of Bornholm, Denmark. The shell is characteristically elongate and laterally compressed ( Figs. 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig ). Its overall shape is similar to that of the Ordovician rostroconch Pinnocaris lapworthi Etheridge, 1878 , but the growth vectors are dissimilar ( Peel 2004). A well preserved specimen clearly showing the comarginal growth lines on the elongate shell was illustrated by Hinz-Schallreuter (1997) and similar ornamentation is retained in a partially exfoliated specimen (MGUH 34273) illustrated here ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). In addition to material from Bornholm, ten silicified specimens of Eotebenna viviannae were described by Gubanov et al. (2004) from the Kuonamka Formation (Drumian, Miaolingian) of northern Siberia, Russia.

In terms of its elongate shape, Eotebenna viviannae is similar to the type species Eotebenna pontifex Runnegar and Jell, 1976 , from the Currant Bush Limestone (Miaolingian) of Queensland, Australia but the latter is distinguished by its massive, circular snorkel at the sub-apical margin when compared to the inverted teardrop-shaped sub-apical opening in Eotebenna viviannae ( Fig. 2A View Fig 4 View Fig ).

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Drumian of Siberia, Russia and Guzhangian of Denmark (both middle Cambrian).










Eotebenna viviannae Peel, 1991a

Peel, John S. & Berg-Madsen, Vivianne 2023

Eotebenna viviannae

Gubanov, A. P. & Kouchinsky, A. & Peel, J. S. & Bengtson, S. 2004: 10

Eotebenna viviannae

Peel, J. S. 1991: 173
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