Eugnoriste florea, Kauschke, 2017

Kauschke, Ellen, 2017, New Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae) of North America. Part IV. Genera Eugnoriste Coquillett and Keilbachia Mohrig, Zootaxa 4319 (1), pp. 53-76 : 59

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scientific name

Eugnoriste florea

sp. nov.

Eugnoriste florea View in CoL sp. n.

( FIg. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–F; plate II, FIg. III; plate III, FIg. VI)

Locus typicus: USA, ArIzona, PIma County, TucSon MountaInS , 16 km W TucSon, Sonora deSert, 32.24°N, 111.13°W. GoogleMaps

Holotype: Male, 2.III.–7.Iv.1996, leg. Prchal (PWMP).

P aratypes: 9 maleS, 5 femaleS, 15.–30.vIII.1995; 3 maleS, 9.–30.vIII.1995; 3 maleS, 2 femaleS, 24.IX.–5.X.1995, Same localIty, leg. Prchal (9 maleS, 7 femaleS PWMP, 1 male In SDEI, 1 male PKHH, 1 male MZH).

Description. Male. Head. Elongate, hIgher than long. Eye brIdge 3 facetS wIde. 4th flagellomere wIth l/w IndeX of 1.8–2.0, wIth pale haIrS, Shorter than the dIameter. PalpuS 3-Segmented, longer than the proboScIS; the fIrSt Segment wIth 5–6 brIStleS and very Short haIr-lIke SenSIllae. Labrum and proboScIS elongate, aS long aS the head hIgh. Thorax. Dark brown; Scutum wIth Short haIrS, Some lateral and preScutellar brIStleS longer. Scutellum wIth 2 Stronger and 2 Shorter brIStleS. PoSterIor pronotum bare. WIngS brownISh; R1 = 3/4 R; c Shorter 1/2 w; y = X, bare; M-fork aS long aS M-Stem, narrow; CuA-Stem dIStInct, equal or Somewhat longer than X; poSterIor veInS dIStInct, wIthout macrotrIchIa. Haltere Short, brown. LegS brownISh; the tIbIal organ of the fore tIbIae wIth a patch of pale brIStleS, dIStInctly bordered; the mIddle and the hInd tIbIae wIth equal SpurS. ClawS wIthout teeth. Abdomen. The fIrSt SIX abdomInal tergIteS wIth SparSe and Short haIrS, the Seventh wIth a denSe cluSter of brIStleS at the mIddle of the dIStal border. The ventral baSe of the hypopygIum wIdely v-Shaped, the membranouS part bare; the Inner membranouS margIn of gonocoXIteS wIth Short haIrS. GonoStyluS taperIng towardS apeX, the Inner SIde weakly concaved, vIrtually StraIght; on the tIp wIth two Strong SpIneS wIthIn Shorter haIrS and a long whIplaSh haIr. The 9th SternIte IS bIlobated, wIth two long lobeS and long haIrS In the dIStal half. The tegmen IS wIder than long, apIcally rounded, wIth a dIStInct area of fIne teeth. The aedeaguS IS rather Short, wIth a large furca. Body length: 3.0 mm. Female. Head elongate, flat ovoId, twIce aS hIgh aS long. Eye brIdge 4 facetS wIde. 4th flagellomere wIth l/w IndeX of 1.4, wIth pale haIrS, Shorter than the dIameter. PalpuS 3-Segmented, longer than the proboScIS; labrum and proboScIS elongate, aS long aS the head hIgh. ThoraX brown, Scutum Shortly haIred, Some lateral and preScutellar brIStleS longer. Scutellum wIth 2 Strong brIStleS. AbdomInal SegmentS haIred unIformly Short.

Comments. The SpecIeS IS characterIzed by a Slender gonoStyluS wIth a vIrtually flat Inner SIde, a bare membranouS part of the ventral baSe of the hypopygIum and long lobeS of the 9th SternIte, unIformly haIred In the dIStal half.

Distribution. USA (ArIzona).













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