Eupithecia munguata Mironov & Galsworthy

Mironov, Vladimir & Galsworthy, Anthony, 2014, A survey of Eupithecia Curtis, 1825 (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) in Mongolia with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 3774 (2), pp. 101-130 : 112

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3774.2.1

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Plazi (2016-04-11 16:31:36, last updated 2024-11-26 01:09:13)

scientific name

Eupithecia munguata Mironov & Galsworthy

sp. nov.

Eupithecia munguata Mironov & Galsworthy View in CoL , sp. n.

( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 16 )

Material examined. Holotype. ♀, W. Mongolia, Khovd aimag, Uenchin-Gol Valley, 50 km N of Uench vill., 1500 m, 6.vii.2007, V.V. Anikin leg., Mironov slide no. 885♀ ( ZISP).

Diagnosis. This species belongs to the “ sinuosaria ” group and can easily be distinguished from other Eupithecia species by the distinctive maculation and colour. The female genitalia are similar to those of E. sinuosaria Eversmann. However , the bursa copulatrix is smaller, shorter and narrower, the spines are larger and placed more sparsely, the rows of spines along the left side reaching to the base of the colliculum, the base of the ductus seminalis is broader and placed close to the anterior end of the corpus bursae, and the eighth tergite is smaller and the posterior apophyses shorter than in E. sinuosaria .

Description. Wingspan 17.0 mm; fore wing 9.0 mm. Labial palpi equal to diameter of eye, covered with mixed pale grey and black scales. Frons and vertex pale grey with brown scales. Notum pale grey with ochreous tinge. Fore wing rather narrow, elongate with slightly arched costal margin, evenly curved terminal margin and narrowly rounded apex; basal area pale ochreous with narrow, oblique blackish grey basal transverse line and broad blackish grey postbasal line sharply angled near costa; medial area narrow, brown from costa to medial vein and pale ochreous from discal dot to anal margin; antemedial line wavy, sharply angled onto costa; postmedial line wavy, evenly curved near costa; terminal area broad, divided by pale grey subterminal transverse line forming an M-zigzag near apex; inner part of terminal area with a large, dark brown costal cloud and smaller brownish tornal blotch; outer part of terminal area narrower, ash grey with brownish tinge and two narrow, black dashes between R5 and M1 and M1 and M2 veins; discal dot relatively small, intensely black, narrow and elongate. Hind wing ovoid, ash grey, darker along anal margin and near tornus; dark transverse lines inconspicuous; discal dot small, pale, rounded. Terminal lines on all wings narrow, black, interrupted by vein ends. Fringe distinctly spotted with dark brownish grey and light off-white with a soft ochreous tinge. Abdomen: first segment with white anterior and black posterior transverse bands; abdominal segments covered with mixed light ochreous greyish and black scales, and with black dorsal and lateral spots on each segment.

Female genitalia ( Fig.33 View FIGURES 31 – 33 ). Bursa copulatrix relatively small, elongate, pear-shaped, lightly sclerotized, anteriorly about half covered with spines and with rows of spines along left side, reaching to base of colliculum. Posterior half of bursa covered with numerous longitudinal striations. Ductus bursae not distinguishable. Ductus seminalis broadened at base, attached to corpus bursae close to anterior end. Colliculum collar-like, large, broad and elongate. Antrum membranous, rather short and broad. Tergite A8 rectangular, with posterior corners rounded and narrowly sclerotized anterior margin. Anterior and posterior apophyses narrow and relatively short. Papillae anales rather small, rounded.

Male unknown.

Etymology. From “mungu”, a Mongolian coin.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 9 – 16. Eupithecia adults (scale bar = 10 mm). 9. E. munguata Mironov & Galsworthy, sp. n. (holotype); 10. E. impolita Vojnits, 1980 (Mongolia); 11. E. kuldschaensis Staudinger, 1892 (Mongolia); 12. E. rubeni Viidalepp, 1976 (Russia, S. Primorje); 13. E. vicariata Dietze, 1904 (Mongolia); 14. E. illaborata Dietze, 1904 (Mongolia); 15 E. bastelbergeri Dietze, 1910 (Mongolia); 16. E. relaxata Dietze, 1904 (China, Heilongjiang).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 31 – 33. Female genitalia of Eupithecia (scale bar = 1 mm). 31, 32. E. holti Viidalepp, 1973 (Mongolia: 2 different forms); 33. E. munguata Mironov & Galsworthy, sp. n. (holotype).


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences













