Kotejacoccus turcicus Kaydan & Kozár, 2008

Kaydan, Bora & Kozár, Ferenc, 2008, Two new genera and species of Eriococcidae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) with new data on the family in Turkey, Zootaxa 1848, pp. 16-26 : 21

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scientific name

Kotejacoccus turcicus Kaydan & Kozár

sp. nov.

Kotejacoccus turcicus Kaydan & Kozár sp. nov.

( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Type data: Holotype female, Turkey, Van-Catak, N: 37º55’005", E: 0 42º57’791", 1438 m altitude, on Quercus sp., M. B. Kaydan, 16.V.2006, coll. No 2636. Deposited in scale insect collection of Van University ( Turkey).

Paratypes: One female (with two well-developed 1st -instar nymphs inside), Hakkari-Cukurca Road, N: 37º 30’986" E: 0 43º43’741", 956 m, on Quercus sp., M. B. Kaydan, 15.IX.2005, coll. No. 2343; also a separate slide with 2 1st -instar nymphs, 2 2nd - and 1 3rd -instar female nymphs. Deposited in the scale insect collection of the Van University ( Turkey), and two females with the same label in the collection of Plant Protection Institute, HAS ( Hungary

Live appearance: Adult females lilac; found inside small creamy-coloured ovisacs at the bifurcation of young branches, in a similar manner to Acanthococcus aceris Signoret.

Mounted female. Body elongate oval ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). 1.19 (1.19–2.0) mm long and 0.6 (0.6–1.34) mm wide. Frontal tubercle absent. Eyes situated on venter near margin.

Ve n te r. Labium 3 segmented, 100 (100–110) μm long; basal segment not well developed, but with two setae on each side. Stylet loop much longer than body. Antenna 6 segmented, length of each segment: I: 30 (30–35) μm, II: 30, III: 62 (58–62) μm, IV: 20, V: 20, and VI: 40 (38–40) μm; segment II with a sensory pore; segment III almost parallel sided. Apical seta: 70 (70–74) μm long. Apical segment with three falcate sensory setae, longest 32 (32–38) μm long. Two penultimate segments with falcate sensory setae, each 30 (30–32) μm long. All antennal segments with sparse rings of hair-like setae. Legs normal: anterior legs: coxa 40 (40–40) μm, trochanter 32 (32–40) μm, femur 80 (78–80) μm, tibia 70 (65–72) μm; tarsus 55 (52–55) μm, claw 21 (21–22) μm, claw digitules 21 (20–22) μm; mesothoracic legs: coxa 40 μm, trochanter 35 μm, femur 90 μm, tibia 68 μm, tarsus 62 μm, claw 22 (21–22) μm, claw digitules 22 μm; metathoracic legs: coxae 40 (40–42) μm, trochanter 30 (27–30) μm, femur 97 μm, tibia 75 (70–75) μm, tarsus 60 (55–60) μm; tarsal digitules knobbed, claw 22 (22–25) μm, claw digitules each slightly knobbed. All coxae with spinulae on anterior surface, but without pores. Each trochanter with two pores on each side. Claw with a denticle. Legs with a few hair-like setae, plus a sensory pore on tarsus. Tibia each with 3 setae, tarsus with 4 setae. Quinquelocular pores, each 4.1 (4.1–5.0) µm in diameter, distributed in sparse rows on all abdominal and thoracic segments, plus groups around each spiracle, each group with more than 20 pores. Diameter of anterior spiracles 48 (48– 42) µm. Hair-like setae few, scattered on venter, longest setae near vulva where each about 30 (25–30) µm long. Macrotubular and microtubular ducts absent. Bilocular-micropores in more than 15 large groups on venter plus a group between antennae. Cruciform pores absent. Internal genital organ not seen. Suranal setae setose.

Dorsum. Groups of spinulae in median part of the head absent. Dorsal setae all stout and capitate, those on the dorsum being 10-18 μm long and those on the margin 12-26 μm long. Macrotubular ducts short, wide, each 17.2 (16.4–17.2) µm long, 8.2 µm wide, scattered and sparse throughout; terminal gland of each duct heavily sclerotized and globose. Microtubular ducts each 4 (4.0–4.1) µm wide and 9.4 (7.4–9.4) µm long, few, scattered over dorsum. Anal ring oval, 38 (38–42) µm in diameter, with 6 fairly short, strong setae, each 40 (34–42) µm long; anal ring with 14 pores in one row. Anal lobes weakly developed, each with four capitate setae, longest 28-29 (22–29) µm long; each apical seta strong but short, each 82 (82–120) µm long. Cauda absent.

Comment. For diagnostic features of adult female, see generic diagnosis.

Etymology. The new species is named after the country where it was collected.


Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul















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