Lactifluus foetens (Verbeken & Van Rooij 2003:230 ) Verbeken (2012: 445)

Crop, Eske De, Putte, Kobeke Van De, Wilde, Serge De, Njouonkou, André-Ledoux, Kesel, André De & Verbeken, Annemieke, 2016, Lactifluus foetens and Lf. albomembranaceus sp. nov. (Russulaceae): look-alike milkcaps from gallery forests in tropical Africa, Phytotaxa 277 (2), pp. 159-170 : 167-168

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.277.2.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lactifluus foetens (Verbeken & Van Rooij 2003:230 ) Verbeken (2012: 445)


Lactifluus foetens (Verbeken & Van Rooij 2003:230) Verbeken (2012: 445) View in CoL . FIGURES 2c–d View FIGURE 2 , 5c–d View FIGURE 5

Mycobank: MB 564593

Holotypus:— BENIN. Atacora Province: Bassila , 21 June 2000, A. De Kesel 2840 (Holotypus BR 126393–02 ; isotypus GENT) .

Description: —Basidiospores ellipsoid, sometimes subglobose or elongate, (6.0–)6.1– 7.1–7.4 –8.8 × (4.0–)4.4– 5.6– 5.8 –6.5 μm (Q = 1.07– 1.24–1.33 –1.54(–1.56), n = 177); ornamentation amyloid, composed of irregular, subspherical to subconical warts, up to 1 μm high, aligned and connected by fine connective lines, forming a distinct and incomplete to complete reticulum, warts seldom isolated; plage often centrally to almost totally amyloid. Basidia 55–77 × 9–12 μm, subclavate, thin-walled, 4-spored (seldom 2-spored); content oil-like or granular, sometimes needle-like. True pleurocystidia absent. Pleuropseudocystidia 4–8 μm diam., regularly cylindric with rounded, sometimes subcapitate apex; content needle-like and granular, sometimes with oil-like droplets. Lamellae-edge sterile; marginal cells 15–30(– 38) × 2–5 μm, subclavate to irregularly cylindric, sometimes branched, thin-walled to refringent, hyaline, sometimes with oil-like droplets. Hymenophoral trama mixed, with rosettes and abundant lactifers. Pileipellis a lampropalisade, composed of a distinct pseudoparenchymatous layer (subpellis) covered with distinctly developed tufts of hair-shaped thick-walled elements (discontinuous suprapellis); elements of the suprapellis (terminal elements) 25–225 × 3–5 μm, cylindric, hair-shaped, sometimes tapering towards the apex, septate, with thickened walls (0.5–1 μm); subpellis pseudoparenchymatous, with spherical cells (10–)15–25(–30) μm, sometimes with thickened walls. Stipitipellis a lampropalisade without developed pseudoparenchymatous layer, terminal elements usually longer and thin-walled (<0.5 μm). Clamp-connections absent.

Ecology:—Found both in gallery forests within the Guineo-Sudanian transition zone, with Berlinia grandiflora , Uapaca guineensis and U. somon Aubréville & Leandri (1935: 50) and in Sudanian woodland, with Isoberlinia doka Craib & Stapf (1911: 267) , Monotes sp. and Uapaca sp.

Distribution:—Known from Benin, Burkina Faso and Togo.

Studied material:— BENIN. Donga province: Bassila, 21 June 2000, A. De Kesel 2840 (Holotypus BR MYCO 126393–02; isotypus GENT); Atacora province: Kota falls, gallery forest dominated by Berlinia grandiflora and Uapaca somon , 18 June 2004, A. De Kesel 3688 (BR MYCO 157117–74).

TOGO. Central province: West of Alédjo Wildlife Reserve, 28 June 2002, A. De Kesel 3486 ( BR MYCO 152042– 43!); ibid., N09°16.460’ E01°12.416’, gallery forest, with Berlinia grandiflora , 11 July 2007, A. De Kesel 4283 ( BR MYCO 163675-36!); Fazao, Fazao Malfakassa National Park, primary Sudanian woodland with Isoberlinia , Monotes and Uapaca , 19 June 2011, A. Verbeken 11-176 ( GENT!).


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Ghent University, Biology Department


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection














Lactifluus foetens (Verbeken & Van Rooij 2003:230 ) Verbeken (2012: 445)

Crop, Eske De, Putte, Kobeke Van De, Wilde, Serge De, Njouonkou, André-Ledoux, Kesel, André De & Verbeken, Annemieke 2016

Lactifluus foetens

Verbeken, A. & Van de Putte, K. & De Crop, E. 2003: 230
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