Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator (Cockerell)

Walker, Kenneth L, 2022, Taxonomic revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Australictus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini: genus Lasioglossum) - “ Wood-Splitting Axe Bees ”, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 81, pp. 135-162 : 156-157

publication ID 10.24199/j.mmv.2022.81.06

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scientific name

Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator (Cockerell)


Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator (Cockerell) View in CoL

( Figs. 2F View Figure 2 , 3A–F View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 8A–F View Figure 8 , 11A, 11B View Figure 11 , 12D View Figure12 )

Halictus plorator Cockerell 1910b: 274 ; Rayment 1953: 29. Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator View in CoL – Michener 1965: 165.

Material examined: Holotype of plorator ♀, Victoria MelbourneAug 1900 , C.F. Turner Collection 1900-7 C.7. 8.00 BMNH Hym.17.a.633 ( BMNH) (view type data and image at 4ea6-8421-90965bbc6284 accessed 16 August 2022).

Other specimens examined (248♀, 159♂): QUEENSLAND: (1♀) Beechmont, 3 Oct 1984, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (2♀) Wyberba National Park , 8 Jan 1967 Houston, T.F. on Eucalyptus (WAM) .


TERRITORY: (5♀) Blue Mtns , 26 Sept 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (2♀, 1♂) Tianjara Falls , 60 km SW Tomerong, 5 Feb 1988, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Orange , Jan 1934 ( ANIC); (2♀, 1♂) 3 km S Mt Wilson, Blue Mtns , 12 Sept 1978, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♂) Narrow Neck , Blue Mtns, 27 March 1979, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀) Mt Victoria, Blue Mtns , 29 Dec 1981, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (2♂) 6 km NE Bilpin, Blue Mtns , 4 March 1986, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (3♀, 1♂) Mt Tomah , Blue Mtns, 9 Feb 1986, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀, 1♂) Mt York , Blue Mtns, 29 Jan 1982, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀, 1♂) Haystack Ridge , 26 Feb 1979, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀, 1♂) 3 km S Mt Wilson, Blue Mtns , 13 Jan 1986, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (1♀, 1♂) Mt Tomah , 25 Jan 1979, N.M. Rodd ( AM); (1♀, 1♂) Nadgee Reserve , 7 km S Newton Beach, 29 Dec 1985, E.A. Sugden, sweeping Kunzea ercoides (AM) ; (2♀) 8 km W Tyalgum , 24 Sept 1983, N.W. Rodd ( AM); (2♀) Mt Kaputar Nat. Park , 1362 m, 5 Dec 1974, I.F.B. Common & G.E.D. Edwards ( ANIC); (4♀) Dawson’s Spring , Mt Kaputar Nat. Pk, 30 Nov – 10 Dec 1978, G. R. Brown ( OIA); (1♀) Armidale , 18 Nov 1959, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC); (5♀) NE Nat. Pk , 4 Nov 1960, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC); (9♀) Blundell’s , 18 Feb 1931, L.F. Graham ( ANIC); (1♀) Blundell’s , 18 Feb 1950, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♂) Mt Wilson , 4 Jan 1931, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (2♀) Winburndale , 12 mi E Bathurst, 6 Dec 1974 ( ANIC); (2♀) Picadilly Circus , Brindabella Ra., 1 Nov 1988, R. R. Snelling & J. Grey #88 ( LACM); (3♀) NE Nat Pk , near Entrance, 04–20 Nov 1960, C.W. Frazier ( ANIC) .

VICTORIA: (3♀) Gorae West , 1951, 22 Aug 1956 ( ANIC); (1♀) Packenham , 20 Nov 1936 ( ANIC); (2♀) Grampians , Oct 1928, F.E. Wilson ( ANIC); (1♀) Grampians , 20 Oct 1945, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (3♀) Flowerdale , 15 Dec 1954, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (3♀) Flowerdale , 8 Dec 1954, Neboiss ( NMV); (1♀) Melbourne, F.P. Spry 1909 ( ANIC); (1♀) Erica , 20 April 1983, P. Bernhardt ( NMV); (7♀) Warburton, 19 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley on Leptospermum ericoides (QM) ; (1♀) Warburton, 19 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley on Prostanthera lasianthoe (QM) ; (2♀) Portland , 6 Dec 1974, G. Knerer ( NMV); (1♀) Macedon , 29 Feb 1967 ( ANIC); (1♀, 5♂) Emerald , 26 July 1936, Rayment ( ANIC); (1♀) 11 km Halls Gap , 21 Oct 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) Mt Difficult, Grampians , 2 Jan 1966, B. Cantrell ( QM); (2♂) Anglers Rest, 5 March 1992, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (2♀, 1♂) Reefton , 9 Feb 1955, Neboiss ( NMV); (17♀) Croydon ( NMV); (2♀) Lake Hattah , 11 Apr 1920, J.E. Dixon ( NMV); (1♀) San Remo , 17 Oct 1927, A.D.D. ( NMV); (3♀) Hamilton , 14 Sept 1914, G.S. ( NMV); (3♀) Wombargo Ck , 9 May 1947, G.B. ( NMV); (1♀) Grampians , 19 Oct 1945, G.B. ( NMV); (1♀) High Tap , 7 Aug 1951 ( NMV); (1♀) Lorne , 3 March 1954, F.E. Wilson, burrowing in punk of rotten log ( NMV); (2♀) Mt Dandenong , 2,000 ft, 21 Dec 1930, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♀) Dromana , 3 Nov 1931, G.B. ( NMV); (2♀) Warburton , 8 Sept 1959, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (2♀) Ferntree Gully , 5 Dec 1915, F.P. Spry ( NMV); (1♀) Nariel , 12 Feb 1963, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (34♀) Cobboboonee State Forest , 1.3 km E Wright’s Swarm Road, 3 March 1990, W. T. Wcislo ex Brenesia (SEM) ; (37♀) Cobboboonee State Forest , 12–13 March 1990, W. T. Wcislo, ex Eucalyptus (SEM) ; (3♀, 9♂) 22 km N Portland farm, at NW Border of Cobboboonee State Forest and Glenelg National Forest, 15 Feb 1990, W. T. Wcislo ex red Eucalyptus (SEM) ; (11♀, 14♂) Cobboboonee State Forest , 4 Feb 1997, K. Sparks and C. Mcphee on Bursaria (NMV) ; (1♀) Victoria Valley , 11 Feb 1947, B. Given ( NMV); (1♀) 715 Lt Hampton Rd Glenlyon, Gayle Osborne, on Achillea millefolium (iNaturalist observations/68516396); (1♀) Wilsons Promontory , 5 Mile Beach Road , 26 Feb 1996, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (3♀) Mt Hickey , Tallarook , 14 Nov 1987, P. Carwardine ( NMV) .

TASMANIA: (1♀) 3 km SEE Black River , 18 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (2♀) 11 mi E Strahan , 1 Jan 1969, E.M. Exley on Melaleuca (QM) ; (1♀) 10 mi W Upper Blessington , 29 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley, on Leptospermum (QM) ; (1♀) Tullah , 31 Dec 1968, E.M. Exley on Leptospermum (QM) ; (3♀) 1 km SSE Gladstone , 29 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) The Lea, 6 km S Hobart , 27 Dec 1979, J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) Hobart, Lea ( SAM); (2♀) Sandy Bay , 20 May 1947, A.N. Burns ( NMV); (1♂) 7 km SW Buckland , 27 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (2♀) Huon–Picton R Junction , 14 Nov 1972, A. Neboiss ( NMV); (21♀) Marrawah , 30 Jan 1949, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀) Mt Claude , 680m, 21 March 1990, L. Hill, on Leptospermum (TDA) ; (2♀) Lake Leake , 2000 ft, 27 Feb 1963, I.F.B. Common & M.S. Upton ( ANIC); (1♀) 10 km NNW St. Helens, 14 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (1♀) 2 km NNE Pioneer , 29 Jan 1983, I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC); (2♀) Bruny I Lea ( SAM); (14♀) Hastings , 15 Jan 1949, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (2♀) SW Nat. Park, Tyenna , 11 Jan 1997, A. Hingston, on Leptospermum lanigerum (TDA) ; (1♀) 4 km WSW Maydena , 11 Dec 1981, I.D. Naumann ( ANIC); (2♀) Tyenna , 16 Dec 1917, C.E. Cole, ( SAM); (1♀) National Park , 21 Jan 1949, E.F. Riek ( ANIC); (1♀, 110♂) Florentine Valley , 20 km W Maydena , 9 Feb 1986, K. Walker, on Leptospermum (NMV) ; (1♀) Ellendale , 30 Jan 1973, R. J. Hardy ( TDA); (1♀) Mount Wellington, Icehouse Track , 27 Jan 2001, K. Hergstrom ( TDA); (1♀) Mt Wellington, Hobart , 8 Nov 1996, A. Hingston, on Hakea lissosperma (TDA) ; (2♀) Mt Nelson , 31 Jan 1997, A. Hingston, on Leptospermum scoparium (NMV) ; (1♀) Liffey: Fernery , 4 Dec 1993, C.P. Spencer & L. Richards ( TMAG); (1♀) 6 mi SW Queenstown , 1 Jan 1969, E.M. Exley, on Melaleuca (QM) ; (1♀, 2♂) 6 km N Zeehan , 6 March 1989, K. Walker, on Eucalyptus (NMV) ; (1♀, 1♂) Cradle Mountain , 7 March 1989, K. Walker, on Leptospermum rupestre (NMV) .

Floral record: Families visited: 4 ( Asteraceae (1), Lamiaceae (1), Myrtaceae (5), Proteaceae (1)). Genera visited:5 ( Achillea (1), Eucalyptus (6), Hakea (1), Kunzea (1), Leptospermum (7), Prostanthera (1)).

Flight phenology capture records: Jan (18) Feb (14) Mar (7) Apr (3) May (2) June (0) July (1) Aug (2) Sept (4) Oct (6) Nov (8) Dec (15).

Diagnosis. Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator is most like L. (Australictus) davide in body colour. This species can be distinguished, in both sexes, from other Australictus species by black body colour with bluish tinge on metasoma; lack of tomentum on mesosoma or metasoma; dorsal surface of metapostnotum posterior margin acarinate but surface elevated above surrounding lateral, vertical surfaces; metapostnotum dorsal surface sculpture microalveolate (figs. 2F, 8A–D); male genitalia with gonobase narrowed basally, moderate sized retrorse lobes, small, erect gonostylus (figs. 11A, 11B); and metasomal sterna with erect lateral hair tufts on S4-S5 (fig. 8F). This species occurs in SE Australia, including Tasmania (fig. 12D).

Description of female: (figs. 2F, 8A, 8B) body length: 9.89– 10.12– 10.21 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.97–3.05– 3.12 mm (n=10); head width: 2.64–2.71– 2.78 mm (n=10); intertegular width:1.87–1.98– 2.06 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 82–83, UID: 60–62, LID: 59–60, IAD: 09–10, OAD: 22–23, IOD: 08–09, OOD: 17–18, CL: 20–21, GW: 20– 21, EW: 20–21, SL: 43–45, FL: 70–72.

Head: (fig. 8E) upper and lower inner eye margins almost parallel; median frontal carina barely reaching above upper antennal bases; clypeus polished, smooth on apical half, remainder with microtessellate sculpture pattern giving dull sheen, surface weakly convex, openly punctate with shallow punctures, few irregular, elongate punctures apically, supraclypeal area distinctly raised above paraocular area, surface dull with microtessellate sculpture pattern, sparsely punctate with shallow punctures; frons sculpture above antennal bases densely reticulate, laterally almost smooth but plicate with weak, wavy, raised, vertical carinae extending laterally to inner margins of eyes, apically to just basally level of median ocellus, paraocular area smooth, shining, weakly plicate.

Mesosoma: (figs. 2F, 8A-B) mesoscutum anterior mesial margin weakly produced mesoanteriorly, surface smooth, with dull sheen due to weak microtessellate sculpture pattern across surface, medially open to closely punctate, laterad of parapsidal areas closely punctate, in parapsidal areas densely punctate, densely punctate along posterior margin; scutellum 1.6 x length of dorsal surface of metapostnotum, scutellum with dull sheen, with microtessellate sculpture pattern, open to closely punctate; dorsal surface of metapostnotum acarinate across posterior margin with weak carinae in posterolateral corners, dorsal surface defined by rounded, raised ridge above vertical, lateral surfaces, dorsal surface with microalveolate sculpture but with several weak striae basally, striae not reaching mid-point of dorsal surface, lateral margins smooth with microalveolate pattern, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum defined by lateral carinae (fig. 2F); mesepisternum and metepisternum plicate; first recurrent vein (1m-cu) meeting 1rs-m vein or entering second submarginal cell.

Metasoma and legs: metasomal T1–T5 shining, smooth, sparsely punctate with minute punctures; anterior metatibial spur finely serrate, teeth barely discernible.

Colour: (figs. 8A, 8B) body black except scapes dark brown, flagella segments light brown, metasomal tergal segments black with bluish tinge, legs dark brown.

Vestiture: (figs. 8A, 8B, 8E) body vestiture sparse, clypeus, supraclypeal area almost glabrous, frons with sparse, small, black, erect hair, mesoscutum, scutellum almost glabrous but with sparse, small, black, erect hair; long hair on lateral, vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum, apical one third of T1 with some long, erect, hair, remainder of T1, T2 glabrous, T3–T4 with some black, adpressed hair apically.

Description of male: (figs. 8C, 8D) body length: 8.48–9.98– 10.99 mm (n=10); forewing length: 2.64–3.08– 3.12 mm (n=10); head width: 2.26–2.57– 2.64 mm (n=10); intertegular width: 1.58–2.07– 2.16 mm (n=10). Relative head measurements: HW: 100, HL: 83–85, UID: 60–62, LID: 47–48, IAD: 09–10, OAD: 20–21, IOD: 15–16, OOD: 16–17, CL: 27–28, GW: 19–20, EW: 28–29, SL: 19–20, AF4/AF2+3 (21/14, 22/15) 1.46–1.50, FL: 210–214.

Differs from female as follows: upper and lower inner eye margins converging basally; median frontal carina reaching about one quarter to median; frons sculpture reticulate across surface to inside inner margins of eyes; scape almost reaches level of median ocellus; clypeus smooth, shiny, with weak microtessellate pattern basally, medium area rounded, open to closely punctate; supraclypeal area protruding above paraocular area, surface dull with microtessellate sculpture covering entire surface, openly punctate; mesoscutum surface dull with reticulate, densely punctate sculpture, except anterolaterally with microtessellate sculpture, openly punctate; scutellum surface dull with reticulate, densely punctate sculpture except medially openly punctate but dull; dorsal surface of metapostnotum same as in female except V-shaped, weak striae reaching dorsolateral margin, posterolaterally weakly plicate; colour similar to female except apical two thirds of clypeus pale yellow, fore tibiae light brown and metasoma with distinct blue tinge; apical margin of T6 yellow.

Vestiture: frons with erect, black hair; between antennal bases, paraocular area with dense white semi-erect hair, gena with erect, long beard-like, white hair; mesoscutum with short, erect, brown hair, metapostnotum lateral sides with sparse, long, white, erect hair, apical posterior vertical posterior surface of metapostnotum glabrous; metasomal sterna with short erect, adpressed black setae, S4–S5 with elongate, erect lateral hair tufts (fig. 8F).

Genitalia: (figs. 11A-B) gonobase sides narrowed basally, complete ventroapically, gonobase width almost half of gonocoxa width, gonocoxa glabrous dorsally and ventrally, dorsal inner margins of gonocoxa basally broadly truncate to broadly rounded, gonocoxa apical inner margin not produced, continues contours of gonostylus, glabrous; retrorse lobes moderate in length, not meeting at midline, membranous, inwardly pointing, outer margins of retrorse lobes glabrous, inner margins of retrorse lobes with area of erect, large, inwardly pointed setae, apically retrorse lobes glabrous; gonostylus moderate sized (about one third length of gonocoxa), erect, apically rounded, sparse short setae on inner margin, dense elongate simple, erect hair on outer margin; penis valves curved apically, glabrous dorsolaterally.

Distribution: (fig. 12D) this species occurs from SE Queensland, down eastern New South Wales, across Victoria, and is widespread in Tasmania.

Remarks: Rayment (1953) described the male of L. plorator , from Victoria (Gorae West) and labelled the specimen an Allotype; however, this specimen has no type status. Lasioglossum plorator is the species found nesting in rotting wood in the Facebook posts mentioned above (figs. 3A–F, 4).


Australian Museum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Australian National Insect Collection


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museum Victoria


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Queensland Museum


South African Museum


Department of Agriculture, Tasmania


Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery














Lasioglossum (Australictus) plorator (Cockerell)

Walker, Kenneth L 2022

Halictus plorator

Michener, C. D. 1965: 165
Rayment, T. 1953: 29
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1910: 274
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF