Limyra silvai, Duarte, 2017

Duarte, Marcelo, 2017, Description of Limyra, new genus with a new species and the redescription of Cibyra pluriargenteus (Viette), from southeastern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), Zootaxa 4299 (4), pp. 581-591 : 588-589

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scientific name

Limyra silvai

sp. nov.

Limyra silvai sp. nov.

( Figs 11–15 View FIGURES 11 − 15 , 22–31 View FIGURES 22 − 29 , 32 View FIGURE 32 )

Diagnosis. The single known species may be recognized using diagnostic attributes of the genus. But the male and female genitalia must show the most important diagnostic features. In the male genitalia: (i) the ventral portion of the saccus dome-shaped with its edges concave with tapered corners; (ii) pseudotegumen with its ventral section flattened, enlarged at the base and expanded latero-distally; and (iii) vesica with cornuti separated or not. In the female genitalia: (i) lamella antevaginalis with two prolonged triangular plates meso-anteriorly that extends ventroposteriorly fusing to a mesal process, thus forming a depression between both structures; (ii) the mesal process conspicuous, tapered, curved upwards, slightly bifid dorsally process.

Description. Male ( Figs 11–13 View FIGURES 11 − 15 , 22 View FIGURES 22 − 29 ). Forewing length: 16–21 mm; wingspan: 34–43 mm.

Head. Eyes reduced. Frons dark orange-brown. Antenna with about 32 antennomeres.

Thorax. Coloured as the head. Legs: epiphysis absent. Forewing dorsally: no distinct banding or broad patches, ground colour light pale brown to orange circles sometimes interspersed by dark grey stripes. Stigma sometimes marked by few light yellowish-white or pale yellow scales. Costal area darker with some light yellow spots. Dark grey to black spots sometimes sparsely present between Rs4 and CuA2, but a diagonal line or patch can be perceived distally to the cross veins. Hindwing dorsally: dark orange-brown proximately, lighter distally. Forewing and hindwing ventrally: uniformly coloured, light orange-brown without any markings.

Abdomen. Dorsally as the thorax, ventrally lighter. Lateral longer scales distally. Tergum VIII concave, posteriorly bilobed, distally folded.

Male genitalia. Tegumen mostly fused to the pseudotegumen, ventral portion articulated with saccus. Dorsal section of the saccus V-shaped with digitate projections postero-laterally almost at right angles; ventral portion dome-shaped, edges concave with tapered corners, the anterior corners strongly sclerotized. Tergal lobes slightly produced posteriorly as two separate and reduced setose lobes. Pseudotegumen compound as two inverted Lshaped formations; the shorter (dorsal) sections curved with a small hook-like process in their dorsal edge, the longer (ventral) sections flattened, enlarged at the base and expanded latero-distally, parallel, supporting the phallus. Fultura inferior boat-shaped ventrally, produced dorsally, curving and somewhat round in shape; fultura superior as a reduced rectangular bar, well sclerotized. Valvae slightly curved, extending from the base of the fultura to the posterior tip of the pseudotegumen. Phallus as long as the genitalia capsule; vesica bearing a lateral lobe medially; apically the vesica produces two processes with cornuti separated or not.

Female ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 11 − 15 ). Forewing length: 31 mm; wingspan: 68 mm. Only differences from the male are mentioned.

Head. Antennae with ca. 30 segments.

Thorax. Wing pattern the same as in the male, but paler and longer forewing.

Female genitalia. Lamella antevaginalis with a reduced and tapered process laterally; from its inner edge emerges, on each side, a prolonged triangular and conspicuous plate that extends postero-ventrally, forming a depression between both structures, fusing to produce a curved and tapered upwards mesal, slightly bifid dorsally, posterior process. Antrum situated anteriorly to the prolonged triangular processes. Corpus bursae 1.5 times longer than ductus bursae, enlarged on its first half.

Distribution. Limyra silvai sp. nov. is known from the municipality of Salesópolis and the type locality in Eastern São Paulo, Brazil from 800 m to about 1,600 m, respectively ( Fig. 32 View FIGURE 32 ). It is sympatric with C. endyra , C. ochracea , C. tesselata , and C. pluriargenteus .

Ethology. All specimens at the type locality were attracted to light at dusk.

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Renato Oliveira Silva, one of the members of the expedition and a technician at the MZSP, in recognition for his enthusiasm and efforts to collect Hepialidae moths.

Type material. Holotype male with the following labels: /HOLOTYPUS, Limyra silvai C. Mielke, R. Dell’Erba & Duarte det. 2017/ Brasil. SP. Campos dos Jordão., P. E. C. Jordão [State Park]. T[rack]. Canhambora ., S 22°41'38.9'' S, 45°29'28.5''W., 07–08.XII.2016. J. Lastra, R. Dell’Erba & R. O. Silva leg./ MZSP 30.632 / ( MZSP) GoogleMaps .

Paratypes (in total 7 males and 1 female) . Brazil: São Paulo, Salesópolis, Biological Station of Boracéia , 800– 850 m: 1 male, 6.XII.1941, D’Almeida leg. ( DZUP); 2 males, 20.XI.1959, L. Travassos F. & others leg. ( MZSP 14.403 View Materials , 14.405 View Materials ); 1 female, 13.XI.1958, L. Travassos F. leg. ( MZSP 14.404 View Materials ) ; 1 male, 7.XII.1958, L. Travassos & L. Travassos leg. ( MZSP 14.406 View Materials ); 1 male, 30.XI.1948, Travassos, Travassos F., & Pearson leg. ( Z 4728 ( CEIOC)); 1 male, 24.XI.1946, Travassos & Ventel leg. (1824 Oswaldo Cruz ( CEIOC)); 1 male, 30.XI.1948, Travassos F. & Rabello leg. ( MZSP).


Brazil, Parana, Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Parana, Museu de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure




Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure













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