Lotus arenarius f. coronillaeflorus Pau

Nualart, Neus, Soriano, Ignasi, Prieto, David Pérez & Ibáñez, Neus, 2021, Catalogue and typification of the Moroccan taxa published by Carlos Pau, Phytotaxa 519 (1), pp. 1-94 : 53-56

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.519.1.1

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scientific name

Lotus arenarius f. coronillaeflorus Pau


Lotus arenarius f. coronillaeflorus Pau in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1930 nº 348 (1932), in sched., nom. nud.

= Lotus arenarius Brot.

Note:—On the label there is no description, only an indication by Font Quer that it should be a form of var. canescens (Kuntze) Brand.

1,2,3 Lotus hispidus var. vidalii Pau in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1928 nº 213 (1929), in sched.

= Lotus palustris Willd.

Ind. loc.:—“ Hab., pr. Xauen, in herbosis, 650 m. alt.; 28 junii”

Lectotype (designated here):— Pr. Xauen, 650 m, 28 June 1928, Font Quer 213-1928 (lectotype BC 16669 ! [https://www.ibb.csic.es/herbari/ JPEG / BC16669 .jpg]; isolectotypes BCN 17903 About BCN [photo!], BM 000839735 [photo!]*, G *, GDA 34164 About GDA [photo!], MA 66211 !, MPU 006637 About MPU [photo!])

Notes:—The BM specimen was labelled as isotype by Lassen in 1986, and the GDA as syntype by Vizoso in 2013. Kramina (2006) cites the G specimen as holotype and the BM specimen as isotype, but according to Art. 9.10 ( Turland et al. 2018) this typification is not valid, since the word “ lectotype ” is not mentioned. The BM specimen was labelled as L. palustris by Lassen in 1986.

2,3 Lupinus velutinus Pau in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1930 nº 289 (1932), in sched., nom. illeg.

= Lupinus cosentinii Guss.

Ind. loc.:—“Hab. in arenosis, pr. El Araix; 16 aprilis fl.; 2 junii fruct.”

Lectotype (designated here):—In arenosis, pr. El Araix, fl. 16 April 1930, fruct. 2 June 1930, Font Quer 289- 1930 (lectotype BC 802846 View Materials ! [https://www.ibb.csic.es/herbari/JPEG/ BC802846 View Materials .jpg]; isolectotypes BCN 73037 [photo!], GDA 34175 [photo!], MA 58300!, MA 58301!, MPU 006753 [photo!], Z 000023509 [photo!]) Notes:— Carrasco (1975) records this taxon as L. pilosus var. velutinus Pau. According to Art. 53.4 ( Turland et al. 2018) this name should be considered illegitimate, because a previous homonym was published by Bentham (1839: 430). The GDA specimen was labelled as syntype by Vizoso in 2013. The BC specimen was identified as L. cosentinii by Talavera in 1996.

1,3 Macrochloa gigantea var. maroccana Pau & Font Quer in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1927 nº 23 (1928), in sched.

Celtica gigantea subsp. maroccana (Pau & Font Quer) F.M.Vázquez & Barkworth

Ind. loc.:—“Hab. in collibus arenosis 1, Bu-Meziat dict. (Atlante rhiphaeo), 1750 m. alt.; 16 junii”

Lectotype (designated by Vázquez & Devesa 1997: 202):—In collibus arenosis 1, Bu-Meziat dict. (Atlante rhiphaeo), 1750 m, 16 June 1927, Font Quer 23-1927 (lectotype BC 67570 ! [https://www.ibb.csic.es/herbari/ JPEG / BC67570 .jpg]; isolectotypes BCN 15695 About BCN [photo!], BCN 73953 About BCN [photo!], GDA 30773 About GDA [photo!], MA 5275 !, MPU 006549 About MPU [photo!])

Notes:—The GDA specimen was labelled as isolectotype by Vizoso in 2015. The BC specimen was identified as Stipa gigantea subsp. maroccana (Pau & Font Quer) F.M.Vázquez & Devesa by Vázquez and Devesa in 1996. APD (2020) synonymizes this variety under Macrochloa arenaria (Brot.) Kunth and does not consider any infraspecific rank. However, Vázquez & Devesa (1997) and Fennane (2014g) accept the taxon of Pau & Font Quer (in Font Quer 1928) at subspecies rank. Nowadays the most widespread taxonomic treatment ( Valdés & Scholz 2009, Fennane 2014g) considers this taxon under Celtica F.M.Vázquez & Barkworth.

1,2,3 Malcolmia patula var. longifolia Pau View in CoL in Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 14: 427 (1914)

= Malcolmia triloba (L.) Spreng.

Ind. loc.:—“alrededores de Larache … Sr. Pérez Camarero, durante la primavera pasada [1914]”

Lectotype (designated by Nualart et al. 2018: 616):—Larache, 1914, Pérez Camarero 23 (lectotype MA 49783 ! [http://colecciones.rjb.csic.es/#cardAdv.php?CatalogNumber=MA-01-00049783]; isolectotypes BC 3377 !, BC 802252 View Materials !)

Note:—The specimens were identified as Malcolmia lacera (L.) DC., a synonym of M. triloba , by Nogueira in 1989.

1 Malope malacoides f. latiorifolia Pau in Mem. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 12: 295 (1924a)

= Malope malacoides subsp. stipulacea (Cav.) Baker f.

Ind. loc.:—“Yebel Dersa, en el reguero del campo del tiro”

Lectotype (designated here):—Djebel Dersa, May 1921, Pau s.n. (lectotype MA 76936 ! [http://colecciones.rjb. csic.es/#cardAdv.php?CatalogNumber=MA-01-00076936]; isolectotype MA 76935 !)

Notes:—Specimens were identified as M. malacoides subsp. stipulacea by Valdés in 1995. The selected lectotype is the specimen with the largest and better preserved plants.

1,2 Malva tetuanensis Pau in Mem. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 12: 297 (1924a), pro hybr.

= Malva sylvestris L.

Ind. loc.:—“Samsa (M. Martínez)”

Holotype:—Samsa, s.d., Martínez s.n. ( MA 77740 ! [http://colecciones.rjb.csic.es/#cardAdv. php?CatalogNumber=MA-01-00077740])

Notes:— Pau (1924a) published this name as a hybrid between Malva nicaeensis All. and M. sylvestris . The accepted name follows Ruiz & Devesa (2002).

1,3 Matricaria transfretana Pau in Sennen & Mauricio, Cat. Fl. Rif Orient.: 60 (1934), nom. nud.


Notes:— APD (2020) reports this taxon as “status undefined”. In MA there are two specimens labelled as M. transfretana ( MA 128097 !, MA 128098 !), but they do not show mature achenes, therefore the determination becomes uncertain .

1,2,3 Matthiola masguindalii Pau in Cavanillesia 1: 137 (1929a)

= Matthiola incana (L.) R.Br.

Ind. loc.:—“Djebel Dersa (MAS)”

Lectotype (designated by Valdés 1993: 188):—Tetuan in collibus, 8 April 1927, Mas Guindal s.n. ( MA 50078 ! [http://colecciones.rjb.csic.es/#cardAdv.php?CatalogNumber=MA-01-00050078])

Note:—The specimen was identified as M. incana by Valdés in 1991.

1,3 Matthiola oxyceras f. stenocarpa Pau in Cavanillesia View in CoL 4: 147 (1931)

= Matthiola fruticulosa View in CoL (Loefl. ex L.) Maire

Ind. loc.:—“-”

Lectotype (designated here):—In arenosis supra Marsa Saguira (Littore rhiphaeo), 40 m, 11 May 1927, Font Quer 241-1927 (lectotype BC 2604 ! [https://www.ibb.csic.es/herbari/ JPEG / BC2604 .jpg]; isolectotypes BCN 70190 About BCN , MA 49975 !, MA 50062 !, MPU 006329 About MPU [photo!], MPU 006330 About MPU [photo!])

Notes:—The plant was distributed in the exsiccata Iter Maroccanum 1927 . On the label there is only the indication “fma. stenocarpa”, without any mention of author or description. Nevertheless, Maire (1929: 45) attributes this taxon to Pau, and indicates that it cannot be a form of Matthiola oxyceras DC. because of the perennial samples. Later, Pau (1931) replies to Maire that the inclusion of this form in M. oxyceras was due to the large lateral horns of the silique. APD (2020) reports the form as M. fruticulosa f. stenocarpa Pau & Font Quer ex Maire published by Jahandiez & Maire (1932: 311), but in this publication Maire did not add any description, only a combination of the name. APD (2020) includes this form in M. fruticulosa , but the specimen MA 50062 was identified as M. longipetala (Vent.) DC. by Valdés in 1991. According to Ouyahya (1999a) plants with woody stems and siliquae either without horns or with large lateral horns should be attributed to M. fruticulosa .

1,2,3 Minuartia maroccana Pau & Font Quer in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1927 nº 160 (1928), in sched.

= Rhodalsine geniculata (Poir.) F.N.Williams

Ind. loc.:—“Hab. in rupestribus maritimis l. Punta de los Frailes d., Marsa Quebira (Bocoya-Littore riphaeo), 40 m. alt., solo calc.; 19 majii”

Lectotype (designated by Kool & Thulin 2017: 320):—In rupestribus maritimis l. Punta de los Frailes d., Marsa Quebira (Bocoya-Littore riphaeo), 40 m, 19 May 1927, Font Quer 160-1927 (lectotype MA 35719! [http:// colecciones.rjb.csic.es/#cardAdv.php?CatalogNumber=MA-01-00035719]; isolectotypes BC 10936!*, BCN 17297 [photo!], BM 000843946 [photo!]*, GDA 1879 [photo!], MA 35718!*, MPU 006348 [photo!]*) Notes:—The GDA specimen was labelled as syntype by Vizoso in 2013. The MA specimens were identified as Rhodalsine geniculata var. fontqueri (Maire) Dobignard by Favarger in 1985. Kool & Thulin (2017) also cited as isolectotypes the BC, BM, MA, and MPU specimens.

1,2,3 Myosotis strigulosa var. rhiphaea Pau & Font Quer in Font Quer, Iter Marocc. 1927 nº 496 (1928), in sched.

= Myosotis welwitschii Boiss. & Reut.

Ind. loc.:—“Hab. in cedretis Yebel Iguermalez (Atlante rhiphaeo), ad rivulos, 1800 m. alt.; 27 junii”

Lectotype (designated here):—In cedretis Yebel Iguermalez (Atlante rhiphaeo), 1800 m, 27 June 1927, Font

Quer 496-1927 ( lectotype BC 42778 ! [https://www.ibb.csic.es/herbari/ JPEG / BC42778 .jpg]; isolectotypes BCN 17145 About BCN [photo!], GDA 853 About GDA [photo!], MA 95865 !, MPU 006273 About MPU [photo!])

Notes:—The GDA specimen was labelled as syntype by Vizoso in 2013. The BC specimen was identified as M. welwitschii by Valdés in 2011.


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Lotus arenarius f. coronillaeflorus Pau

Nualart, Neus, Soriano, Ignasi, Prieto, David Pérez & Ibáñez, Neus 2021

Matricaria transfretana

Pau 1934: 60
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF