Sites, Robert W., 2022, Phylogeny and revised classification of the saucer bugs (Hemiptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 195, pp. 1245-1286 : 1267-1268

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Plazi (2022-08-12 17:15:12, last updated 2024-11-26 05:27:22)

scientific name


subfam. nov.


FIGS 10G View Figure 10 , 11G View Figure 11

Z o o b a n k r e g i s t r a t i o n: u r n: l s i d: z o o b a n k. org:act: 75C4C846-27F8-42DC-91B4-7812C7789D36

Type species: Macrocoris flavicollis Signoret, 1861 . Taxonomic history: The genera Macrocoris and Neomacrocoris have been held in Naucorinae : Naucorini ( Štys & Jansson, 1988; Zettel, 2001 ). Two species of Macrocoris from Madagascar were originally described in Pseudambrysus ( Montandon, 1897a) ; however, the genus was downgraded to subgenus by Montandon (1900), then appeared as a synonym of Macrocoris in the catalogue of La Rivers (1971).

Revised taxonomy: Based on the evidence from the molecular analyses and morphology of the aedeagus, I here erect the new subfamily Macrocorinae to hold these two sister genera. As such, Macrocoris ( Fig. 10g View Figure 10 ) and Neomacrocoris are transferred from Naucorinae to Macrocorinae .

Diagnosis: Members of Macrocorinae are among the most dorsoventrally robust in the family. Both genera have a dramatically asymmetrical aedeagus with a characteristic shape and substantial, heavily sclerotized, articulated vesica ( Fig. 11g View Figure 11 ). Large, elliptical parameres flank the aedeagus in Macrocoris ( Fig. 11g View Figure 11 ), whereas parameres are absent in Neomacrocoris . The mesosternal carina is sufficiently setose to obscure the cuticular structure of the carina, which can be entire ( Macrocoris ) or crenulate ( Neomacrocoris ) ( Sites & Mbogho, 2012). The pygophore is greatly elongated at the midline to nearly half the aedeagus length ( Fig. 11g View Figure 11 ).

Comments: This subfamily is endemic to Africa, with Macrocoris occurring on both the mainland and Madagascar and Neomacrocoris restricted to the African mainland. Neomacrocoris was revised recently ( Sites & Mbogho, 2012), whereas Macrocoris is in need of revision.

La Rivers I. 1971. Studies of Naucoridae (Hemiptera). Biological Society of Nevada Memoirs 2: 1 - 120.

Montandon AL. 1897 a. Hemiptera Cryptocerata. Fam. Naucoridae. Sous-fam. Cryptocricinae. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 47: 6 - 23.

Montandon AL. 1900. Hemipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus des collections du Musee National Hongrois. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek 23: 414 - 422.

Signoret V. 1861. Faune des Hemipteres de Madagascar (Suite et fin.). 2 Partie. Heteropteres. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Serie 3 8: 917 - 972.

Sites RW, Mbogho AY. 2012. Revision of the African genus Neomacrocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Naucoridae). Zootaxa 3555: 1 - 39.

Stys P, Jansson A. 1988. Check-list of recent family-group and genus-group names of Nepomorpha (Heteroptera) of the world. Acta Entomologica Fennica 50: 1 - 44.

Zettel H. 2001. Die indische Zwergschwimmwanze Nanonaucoris gen. n., eine neue Gattung der Naucorini (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) aus Sudindien. Linzer biologische Beitrage 33: 1085 - 1095.

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Figure 10. Habitus examples of each subfamily: Ambrysinae: Ambrysus signoreti (a), Cheirochelinae: Cheirochela thailandana (b), Cryphocricinae: Cryphocricos hungerfordi (c), Ilyocorinae: Ilyocoris cimicoides (d), Laccocorinae: Laccocoris limicola (e), Limnocorinae: Limnocoris inornatus (f), Macrocorinae subfam. nov.: Macrocoris flavicollis (g), Naucorinae: Naucoris scutellaris (Thailand) (h).

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Figure 11. Examples of male genital capsule with pygophore, aedeagus and parameres (terga IX and X removed) for each subfamily: Ambrysinae: Ambrysus lunatus (a), Cheirochelinae: Coptocatus kinabalu (b), Cryphocricinae: Cryphocricos hungerfordi (c), Ilyocorinae:Ilyocoris cimicoides (d), Laccocorinae: Laccocoris spurcus (e), Limnocorinae: Limnocoris ovatulus (f), Macrocorinae subfam. nov.: Macrocoris flavicollis (g), Naucorinae: Afronaucoris gen. nov.: Afronaucoris madagascariensis (h).











