Macrostomus paraensis, Sena & Rafael & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2024

Sena, Jasmine Déa Nogueira, Rafael, José Albertino & Limeira-De-Oliveira, Francisco, 2024, Four new species and new records of Macrostomus Wiedemann (Diptera: Empididae) from Northern and Northeastern Regions of Brazil, Zootaxa 5492 (1), pp. 25-51 : 44-49

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.2

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scientific name

Macrostomus paraensis

sp. nov.

Macrostomus paraensis sp. nov.

( Figs 102–123 View FIGURES 102–106 View FIGURES 107–115 View FIGURES 116–118 View FIGURES 119–123 )

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the state of Pará, where part of the specimens were collected.

Diagnosis. Thorax and abdomen black ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Thorax with 3 dorsocentral setae, posterior pair stouter; scutellar setae absent. Abdomen shiny, black with blue reflection ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Tergite 8 with 2 distinct anterolateral plates and robust posteromedian projection slightly bilobed ( Fig. 107 View FIGURES 107–115 ). Epandrium with robust anterodorsal lobe, slightly longer than conical posterodorsal lobe, the latter densely setose ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 107–115 ). Hypandrium with distinct translucid lateral area and trifid distally in lateral view ( Figs 116, 117 View FIGURES 116–118 ).

Holotype ♂. Body length 3.3 mm; wing length 3.5 mm.

Description. Head ( Figs 103, 104 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Narrowly dichoptic. Frons shiny black, narrow, slightly narrower than width of anterior ocellus; ocellar tubercle slightly protuberant with 2 pairs of ocellar setae, posterior pair minute. Face ⅓ width of anterior ocellus, less shiny black than frons. Postcranium shiny black, with sparsely gray pruinosity. Inner vertical setae same length of ocellar setae and approximately 2.0X longer than outer vertical setae; latter same length as uniserial postocular row of setae. Gena and postgena with 3 and 2 setae, respectively. Antenna velvety brown to black; with scape and pedicel paler, light brown, pedicel with ring of dark setae distally. Proboscis slightly longer than head height, mainly yellow. Palpus black, with 2 long setae, 1 subproximal ventral and 1 distal.

Thorax ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Shiny black, with blue reflection in certain light. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 2 antepronotals; 2 postpronotals, 1 minute anterior and 1 stout posterior; 3 dorsocentrals, median weaker; 1 supra-alar presutural; 0 supra-alar postsutural; 3 notopleurals, posterior seta stouter; 2 postalars, 1 stout, 1 minute; 2 proepisternals minute; 0 scutellars; 4–5 laterotergals, anterior row longer.

Legs ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Mainly yellow. Black at following points: (i) distal half of hind femur; (ii) entire hind tibia; (iii) entire mid and hind tarsi. Mid tibia with stouter posterodorsal seta near base; 2 small posterior setae near middle. Hind tibia increased in diameter towards distal end. Hind tibia with 3 long, stout dorsal setae equally spaced at distal half. Hind tarsus with 1 stout dorsal seta.

Wing ( Fig. 105 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Almost hyaline, except brown infuscation on pterostigma and apex of cell r 2+3 and slightly superior corner of cell r 4+5. Veins M 1, M 2 and CuA + CuP evanescent distally. Distal section of M 4 shorter than length of crossvein dm-m. Halter light brown with knob yellowish.

Abdomen ( Fig. 102 View FIGURES 102–106 ). Mainly shiny black with blue reflection in certain incidence of light, except tergite 8 and terminalia brown. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 107 View FIGURES 107–115 ) subquadrate in dorsal view, proximal end with 2 plates placed laterally, almost touching each other medially, with robust posteromedian projection slightly bilobed. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 108 View FIGURES 107–115 ) with shallow U-shaped proximal sinuosity in ventral view; with long, stouter setae distally.

Male Terminalia. Epandrium ( Fig. 112 View FIGURES 107–115 ) subpentagonal in lateral view, with robust anterodorsal lobe slightly longer than conical posterodorsal lobe, latter densely setose. Anterior cercus ( Figs 109, 114, 115 View FIGURES 107–115 ) subrectangular in lateral view, short and narrow, with pointed mesial projection and long, dark setae. Cercal bridge ( Figs 113, 114 View FIGURES 107–115 ) with anterior margin medially wavy and posterior margin slightly projected in dorsal view. Median cercus with small, short setae dorsally and anteriorly, rather sclerotized, fused with posterior cercus. Posterior cercus ( Figs 109–111, 115 View FIGURES 107–115 ) complex with shortened posterior arm with 3 tufts of stouter setae at apex; posteroventrally with wide process with 3 digitiform slender stout forward directed yellow setae distally, mesially with three short setose processes, two along midline, forward directed and one ventral in relation to two above, downward directed. Subepandrial sclerite ( Figs 113, 114 View FIGURES 107–115 ) robust in anterior view. Cercal chamber membranous with secondary sub-hypoproctal lobe with small setae. Internal arm of basilar sclerite upcurved and thin distally, with no setae. Hypandrium ( Figs 116, 117 View FIGURES 116–118 ) about 2.0X longer than greatest width, with distinct translucid area medially, with setae along entire posterior margin, trifid distally in lateral view. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 113 View FIGURES 107–115 ) tetralamellar. Phallus ( Fig. 118 View FIGURES 116–118 ) as long as hypandrium, cylindrical and yellow, distal end sharply tapered.

Female ( Figs 119–123 View FIGURES 119–123 ). Specimens of same locality, with same color pattern as male, without postsutural supra-alar and scutellar setae and no pennate setae are herein associated with male. Terminalia ( Fig. 119 View FIGURES 119–123 ) brown with tergite and sternite 8 subequal in length. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 120 View FIGURES 119–123 ) subrectangular in dorsal view, with basal and distal sinus and small basal midline; tergite 9+10 with sinus anteriorly. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 121 View FIGURES 119–123 ) with large depression in lateral view, acuminate distally in ventral view. Spermatheca spherical ( Fig. 122 View FIGURES 119–123 ). Genital fork ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 119–123 ) with rather long lateral arms. Genital chamber ( Fig. 123 View FIGURES 119–123 ) rather sclerotized.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: Brazil, Pará, Serra Norte, Manganês , 12.v.1984, F.F. Ramos \ FLO 8390 (not dissected, MPEG) . PARATYPES: idem, Canga , 28.i.1985, M.F. Torres \ FLO 8391 (1♂ MPEG) ; idem, \ FLO 8392 (1♀ MPEG) ; idem, ii.1985, arm.[armadilha] suspensa, 1, 6 m \ FLO 8393 (1♂ INPA) ; idem, 9–12.ii.1985 \ FLO 8394 (terminalia in microtube) (1♂ INPA) . MA [= Maranhão], C.[=Centro] N. [=Novo] [do] Maranhão, REBIO-Res. [=Reserva] Biol. [=Biológica] [do] Gurupi. Trilha 1, 03°37'35.4"S- 46°48'55.8"W \ Armadilha MALAISE ( Grande ), 15–31.v.2022, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, A. Tôrres & E.S. Pessoa, cols [=collectors] / PROTAX\ FLO 5513 (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6693 (wing detached) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 20–31.i.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6695 (bad conditions) (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6696 (bad conditions) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 14–28.ii.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 6694 (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–31.v.2022 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 5507 (1♂, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5512 (left antenna lost) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5514 (hind leg detached) (1♂, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5515 (hind leg lost) (1♂, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5571 (1♂, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5572 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5573 (1♀, MPEG) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5575 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 5576 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem, Bom Jardim, REBIO-Res. [=Reserva] Biol. [=Biológica] [do] Gurupi \ Armadilha Malaise , 17– 27.i.2010, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, J.T. Câmara & A.A.T. Sousa, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6626 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \ FLO 6627 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Armadilha Shannon , 17–19.iv.2010, J.C. Silva, A.C.F. Sampaio & M.M. Abreu, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6624 (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem, Armad. [=Armadilha] Luminosa Móvel , 17–19.iv.2010, J.C. Silva, D.W.A. Marques & F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, cols [=collectors] \ FLO 6625 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, C. [=Cândido] Mendes. Fazenda 7 Irmãos, 01°52'06"S- 45°45'59.7"W \ Armadilha MALAISE, 1–15.i.2019, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, D. Limeira & J.S. Brito, cols[collectors] \ FLO 3352 (pinned, wings mounted on cover slips, terminalia in microtube) (1♂, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–28.i.2019, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, D. Limeira, J.S. Brito & F.C.S. Pessoa, cols [collectors] \ FLO 7525 (1♀, INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–28.ii.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \ FLO 7523 (1♀, CZMA) GoogleMaps ; idem, 15–31.iii.2019 GoogleMaps , idem \FLO 5578 (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps ; idem \FLO 7522 (1♀, MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; idem \FLO 7524 (1♀, MZUSP) GoogleMaps .

Variation. Male (n=10): body length 2.6–3.6 mm, wing length 2.9–3.5 mm. Hind tibia with 2–3 stouter setae. Hind tarsus with 1–2 stouter dorsal setae.

Geographical records. BRAZIL (Maranhão, Pará).

Seasonal record. From January to May.

Bionomic. Amazon Biome.

Remarks. Characters allowing to place Macrostomus paraensis sp. nov. confidently into a species-group are not available. This species is easily distinguishable from all other species by the following combination of characters: 3 dorsocentral setae, tergite 8 elongated posteriorly ( Fig. 107 View FIGURES 107–115 ), posterior cercus complex with two or more apical marginal and mesial protuberances with yellow setae ( Fig. 115 View FIGURES 107–115 ), cercal chamber with secondary ventral hypoproctal lobe setose, hypandrium somewhat widened with a somewhat translucid area medially ( Figs 116–117 View FIGURES 116–118 ). It shares some of the characters above with the following species: Macrostomus alpinus Rafael & Cumming (see Rafael & Cumming, 2006, figs 1–4), M. ciliaticosta Rafael & Cumming (see Rafael & Cumming 2006, figs 5–11), M. lineatus Rafael & Cumming (see Rafael & Cumming 2006, figs 12–19), M. tarsalis Rafael & Cumming (see Rafael & Cumming 2006, figs 29–39) and M. unilineatus Rafael & Marques (see Rafael & Marques 2021, fig. 13), all of them unplaced to species group.

Macrostomus paraensis sp. nov. was collected in Bom Jardim (January and April), Cândido Mendes (January to March), Centro Novo do Maranhão (January to February and May) and Pará (January to February and May).


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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