Schizotetranychus baltazari, Rimando, 1962

Poojar, Dyamanagouda, Ramakrishnan, Vishnupriya & Gowda, Channegowde Chinnamade, 2021, Two new records of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) with new host plant from Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India, Persian Journal of Acarology 11 (1), pp. 153-157 : 155

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Felipe (2022-10-09 03:03:55, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 17:35:51)

scientific name

Schizotetranychus baltazari


S. baltazari Rimando, 1962 View in CoL

Geographical distribution – This species was first reported by Rimando (1962) in citrus ( Rutaceae ) from Philippines, later it was reported in Hong Kong, Myanmar and India on citrus ( Manson 1963); on Lansium domesticum (Meliaceae) in Taiwan ( Lo 1968), Thailand ( Ehara and Wongsiri 1975), and Indonesia ( Ehara 2004); on Mallotus japonicus (Euphorbiaceae) in Japan (Kazunori Ohashi et al. 2009), and in Dioscorea sp. (Dioscoreaceae) from Thailand ( Ehara and Wongsiri 1975). In India reported in citrus spp., Murraya koenigii (Rutaceae) and Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) ( Manson 1967; Prasad 1974; Gupta 1991; Gupta and Gupta 1994).

Material examined – 3 ♂ and 3 ♀, Thondamuthur , Coimbatore, TNAU 0127-0132 View Materials , 7.ii.2020 on Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) ; 3 ♀ and 4 ♂, Theethipalayam , Coimbatore, TNAU 0133- 0140 View Materials , 17.ii.2020 on Citrus aurantiifolia ; 3♂ and 5♀, Paddy Breeding Station , Coimbatore, TNAU 0141- 0148 View Materials , 7.ii.2020 on Murray koenigii (L.) ; 2♂ and 3♀, TNAU, University , Playground, Coimbatore, TNAU 0149- 0153 View Materials , 7.ii.2020 on Azadiracta indica A. Juss .

Remarks – Mite infests both leaves and fruit in case of citrus, in neem and curry leaves. Young female lays eggs underneath web silks to protect progenies from predators and abiotic stress. They feed below web and these spots are visible like white or silvery spots. Shape of aedeagus of S. baltazari resembles S. hindustanicus ( Hirst, 1924) . It only differs from the latter in absence of posterior extension of aedeagal knob. Both mites are reported from citrus ( Navia and Marsaro Jr 2010). This mite is a threat in curry leaves and citrus; it greatly reduces the quality of leaves and yield respectively and imposes huge financial burden in form of management practices on farmers.

Ehara, S. & Wongsiri, T. (1975) The spider mites of Thailand (Acarina: Tetranychidae). Mushi, 48 (13): 149 - 185.

Ehara, S. (2004) A collection of spider mites (Arachnida: Acari: Tetranychidae) from Sumatra. Species Diversity, 9 (1): 67 - 76.

Gupta, S. (1991) The mites of agricultural importance in India with remarks on their economic status. In: Dusbabek, F. & Bukva, V. (Eds.), Modern Acarology. Vol. 1, Academia Prague Academic Publications, pp. 509 - 522.

Gupta, S. K. & Gupta, Y. N. (1994) A taxonomic review of Indian Tetranychidae (Acari: Prostigmata): With descriptions of new species, re-descriptions of known species, and keys to genera and species. Memories of the Zoological Survey of India, 18 (1): 1 - 196

Hirst, S. (1924). LV. - On some new species of red spider. Journal of Natural History, 14 (83): 522 - 527. DOI: 10.1080 / 00222932408633151

Lo, P. (1968) Tenuipalpid and tetranychid mites infesting citrus in Taiwan, and life history study of the citrus geen mite, Schizotetranychus baltazarae Rimando. Bulletin of the Sun Yat-sen Cultural Foundation, 1: 253 - 274.

Manson, D. (1963) Mites of the families Tetranychidae and Tenuipalpidae associated with citrus in South East Asia. Acarologia, 5: 351 - 364.

Manson, D. (1967) Mites of the families Tenuipalpidae and Tetranychidae intercepted entering New Zealand from overseas. New Zealand Journal of Science, 10 (3): 664 - 673.

Navia, D. & Marsaro Jr, A. L. (2010) First report of the citrus hindu mite, Schizotetranychus hindustanicus (Hirst) (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae), in Brazil. Neotropical Entomology, 39 (1): 140 - 143.

Ohashi, K., Ehara, S., Kunimoto, Y., Amano, H. & Takafuji, A. (2009) The occurrence of Schizotetranychus baltazari Rimando (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Japan. The Acarological Society of Japan, 18 (1): 29 - 31.

Prasad, V. (1974) A catalogue of mites of India. Indira Acarology Publishing House, Ludhiana, India, 320 pp.

Rimando, L. C. (1962) The tetranychoid mites of the Philippines. University of the Philippines, College of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin, 11: 1 - 52.


Tamil Nadu Agricultural University