Oedanomerus bidentatus Sehnal, 2018

Sehnal, Richard, 2018, Two new Oedanomerus species from Zimbabwe (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Tanyproctini), Zootaxa 4377 (4), pp. 593-600 : 593-598

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scientific name

Oedanomerus bidentatus Sehnal

sp. nov.

Oedanomerus bidentatus Sehnal View in CoL , new species ( Figs. 1A View FIGURES 1 , 2A View FIGURES 2 , 3A View FIGURES 3 , 4A, 4E View FIGURES4 , 5J View FIGURE 5 )

Type locality. Zimbabwe, [Matabeleland North Province], Bulawayo, Kenmaur.

Type material. Holotype and two paratypes (all males): “ ZIMBABWE W | NW Bulawayo | Kenmaur env. | 18. 11. 2014 Snížek [white label, printed]”.

Type depository. Holotype in Národní muzeum Praha, Czech Republic ; paratypes in Richard Sehnal collection, Velenice, Czech Republic .

Description of holotype (male). Body length 6.1 mm. Body narrow, elongate. Head, pronotum, and scutellum black; antennae dark brown ( Fig. 2A View FIGURES 2 ); elytra black with brownish-black margins ( Fig. 1A View FIGURES 1 ). Protibiae and mesotibiae brown, metatibiae black, protarsi and mesotarsi testaceous, metatarsi brownish black, abdomen black.

Head. Clypeus pointed; clypeal carina broadly prominent, clypeal plate vertical; strongly punctate; each puncture bearing a long, erect, posteriorly inclined, yellow macroseta ( Fig. 2E View FIGURES 2 ). Labrum reduced, triangular; lobes rounded. Frons deeply rugose; edge of clypeus strongly punctate; each puncture bearing a short, semierect, posteriorly inclined yellow macroseta.

Eyes large, exceeding genae externally in dorsal view. Genae rugopunctate, with group of long macrosetae. Antennae ( Fig. 2A View FIGURES 2 ) with eight antennomeres; antennomeres 6–8 forming long, apically curved club at least 1.8x times longer than antennal shaft; antennomeres 1–5 with sparse, long macrosetae; antennal club completely finely punctate, without smooth areas. Pedicel bulbous and as long as antennomeres 3–5 combined. Terminal maxillary palpomere elongate, longer than palpomeres 2 and 3 combined; sub-basally with apically pointed, flat, oval alutaceous area tapering toward apex.

Pronotum ( Fig. 2A View FIGURES 2 ) weakly convex, approximately tetragonal, 1.42x times wider than long, widest approximately at middle; margin nearly completely bordered, anterior border widely interrupted medially. Anterior angles strongly rounded; posterior angles broadly rounded, poorly defined. Surface with long, yellow macrosetae; shallowly punctate. Scutellum matte, punctate only on margins, slightly longer than wide; margins broadly arcuate.

Elytra moderately convex, narrow. Disc wrinkled and punctate; punctures evenly distributed, separated approximately by more than 3x the puncture diameter; macrosetae short and denser than on pronotum, inclined posteriorly, absent from humeri. Sides punctate, with lateral margins and apices diffusely lighter-colored than disc.

Macropterous. Legs. All femora shiny and irregularly, coarsely punctate; macrosetae relatively long. Protibia bidentate ( Fig. 4E View FIGURES4 ). Claws simple. Metafemora black with intermixed long macrosetae and long macrosetae. Mesotibiae moderately expanded apically. Metatibiae strongly expanded apically, with one oblique carina externally; carina and apical edge with row of elongate, stout macrosetae ( Fig. 4A View FIGURES4 ); terminal calcars stout, long, lower calcar slightly shorter than upper calcar. Pro-, meso- and metatarsomeres without patches of short, dense macrosetae; metatarsomeres ventrally covered with long, sparse macrosetae.

Abdominal sternites black, with yellow, recumbent macrosetae. Pygidium black, flat, very finely punctate, with fine, long macrosetae.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 3A View FIGURES 3 ). Aedeagus symmetrical, parameres slender, relatively long.

Variability in males. Paratypes somewhat variable in body length (5.2–5.4 mm), slightly variable in dorsal punctation density and length and distribution of macrosetae. Coloration of one paratype is the same as the holotype, while the other paratype has dark brown elytra, with brownish-black humeral umbones.

Female. Unknown.

Diagnosis. Based on characters stated in Evans (1987), the new species differs from its congeners by the following combination of characters: smaller and narrow species; antennae with eight antennomeres; bidentate protibia; clypeus pointed; clypeal carina broadly prominent; head, pronotum and elytra black with brownish-black margins; metafemur black. Generally, the new species is similar to O. lupanus new species and O. pilosus . Oedanomerus lupanu s new species has elytra brown with black suture and humeral umbones; tridentate protibia; larger body; wide clypeus; different shape of antennal club and shape of aedeagus ( Figs. 1B View FIGURES 1 , 2B View FIGURES 2 , 3B View FIGURES 3 , 4B, 4F View FIGURES4 ). Oedanomerus pilosus has head and pronotum piceous, tridentate protibia, anterior clypeal margin broadly rounded; larger body; different shape of aedeagus ( Evans 1987).

Etymology. The specific epithet is given for the two protibial teeth. The name is an adjective in the nominative singular.

Distribution. Zimbabwe, Matabeleland North Province, Kenmaur ( Fig. 5J View FIGURE 5 ).















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