Onthophagus (Onthophagus) xanthomerus Bates, 1887

Chamorro, William, Marin-Armijos, Diego, senjo, Angelico & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records, ZooKeys 826, pp. 1-343 : 193-195

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scientific name

Onthophagus (Onthophagus) xanthomerus Bates, 1887


Onthophagus (Onthophagus) xanthomerus Bates, 1887 View in CoL Plate 44C

Onthophagus xanthomerus Bates, 1887: 69 (original description. Type locality: Amazonas, Ega [= Tefé]).

Onthophagus xanthomerus : Gillet 1911a: 208 (complete list of species); Boucomont and Gillet 1927: 208 (catalog of species); Blackwelder 1944: 212 (list of species from Latin America); Zunino 1981: 79 (redescription, distribution), Zunino and Halffter 1997: 165 (list of species); Medina et al. 2001: 140 (cited for Colombia); Pulido-Herrera and Zunino 2007: 119 (catalog of species, distribution); Carvajal et al. 2011: 322-323 (cited for Ecuador); Krajcik 2012: 188 (complete list of species); Ratcliffe et al. 2015: 195 (cited for Peru).

Onthophagus (Onthophagus) xanthomerus : Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 194 (cited for Brazil); Chamorro et al. 2018: 79 (figure 2B), 97 (cited for Ecuador).

Onthophagus canellinus Bates, 1887: 70 (original description); Gillet 1911a: 204 (complete list of species); Boucomont and Gillet 1927: 204 (catalog of species); Boucomont 1932: 299 (characters in key), 321 (distribution); Blackwelder 1944: 211 (list of species from Latin America); Zunino 1981: 79 (synonym of Onthophagus xanthomerus Bates, 1887); Pulido-Herrera and Zunino 2007: 119 (cited as synonym of Onthophagus xanthomerus Bates); Krajcik 2012: 176 (cited as species).

Types specimens.

Onthophagus xanthomerus Bates, 1887. Two syntypes examined deposited at the MNHN (ex coll. HW Bates and ex coll. R Oberthur). Lectotype to be designated in a future work on this species group.

Onthophagus canellinus Bates, 1887. The holotype (♀) is deposited at the MNHN (see Zunino 1981: 79). Locality: Canelos, Equador (not examined).


Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.

Records examined.

MORONA SANTIAGO: Comunidad Ángel Rouby, 1300 m, Cordillera del Kutukú (5 specimens MECN); Comunidad Unsuants, 500-1100 m, Cordillera del Kutukú (13 specimens MECN); Nuevo Israel, 1290 m, Cordillera del Kutukú (2 specimens MUTPL). NAPO: Puerto Misahualli (2 specimens MECN); Shiqui cerca al Tena, 480 m, Pungarayacu (1 specimen MUTPL); Tena, 450 m (3 specimens MECN). ORELLANA: Bloque 31, 200 m Parque Nacional Yasuní (7 specimens MECN); Cononaco, Bloque 16 YPF, Parque Nacional Yasuní, 250 m (1 specimen MUTPL); plataforma Daimi 1 (1 specimen CEMT); Dayuma Campo Hormiguero, plataforma Hormiguero, 320 m (1 specimen MUTPL); SCYASUNI [= Estación Científica Yasuní PUCE, Parque Nacional Yasuní], 250 m (2 specimens CEMT); Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini USFQ, 215 m, Parque Nacional Yasuní (1 specimen MUTPL); Lago San Pedro, plataforma Copal, 310 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Río Tiputini Yasuní Res Stn. (5 specimens CEMT). PASTAZA: Bosque Protector Oglán Alto, 660-809 m (2 specimens MUTPL); Chuyayacu km 25 Oleoducto, 200 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Mera, E. B. Pindo Mirador UTE, 1000 m (1 specimen CEMT). SUCUMBÍOS: Pacayacu Campo Libertador, Tapi, 260 m (1 specimen CEMT); Tarapoa Campo Marian, 260 m, plataforma Fanny 5 (1 specimen MUTPL); Tarapoa, Nuevo Manabí, 270 m (1 specimen MUTPL). ZAMORA CHINCHIPE: Tundayme campamento Ecsa, San Marcos, 900 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Tundayme, campamento Ecsa, vivero, 820 m (1 specimen MUTPL); Zurmi, Comunidad La Wants, 1010 m (1 specimen MEPN; 1 specimen MUTPL).

Literature records.

GUAYAS: Bucay ( Boucomont 1932: 321). LOJA: without specific locality ( Zunino 1981: 80). NAPO [= SUCUMBÍOS], 250 m, Limoncoche [= Limoncocha] ( Zunino 1981: 80). PASTAZA: Canelos ( Zunino 1981: 80). UNDETERMINED PROVINCE: Thimbo ( Boucomont 1932: 321).

Temporal data.

Collected in all months except October.


Inhabits the lowland evergreen forests, evergreen foothill forests, and evergreen lower montane forests in the Amazonian range from 200-1500 m a.s.l. Collected with flight interception traps and pitfall traps baited with carrion, human feces and dead chilopods. According to Boucomont (1932), this species was recorded in the coastal region too (Bucay, Guayas). However, we consider this record possibly erroneous.















