Timomenus komarowi (Semenov, 1901)

Storozhenko, S. Yu. & Paik, J. Ch., 2009, The Correct Name Of Timome- Nus Komarowi (Semenov, 1901) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae, Opisthocosmiinae) With Lectotypification, Far Eastern Entomologist 199, pp. 7-8 : 7-8

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Timomenus komarowi (Semenov, 1901)


Timomenus komarowi (Semenov, 1901)

Opisthocosmia komarowi Semenov, 1901: 98 , two figs (lectotype – , “ Corea septentr.: vallis Sadegii , 25.VIII 1897, Wl. Komarow ”; in Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; here designated).

Timomenus komarovi: Bey-Bienko, 1936 : figs 64-66; Sakai, 1982: 46; Storozhenko, 1984: 6, fig. 8; Storozhenko, 1986: 320, figs. 161,5, 162,1,2; Steinmann, 1989: 728; Moon & Kim, 1991: 72; Sakai, 1994: 241. Unavailable name (Article 33.3) of the Code [ 2].

NOTES. Incorrect subsequent spelling by Bey-Bienko [ 1] was perpetuated by many subsequent authors, notably by Sakai [ 4, 5], Steimann [ 7], Storozhenko [ 8, 9], and Moon & Kim [ 3]. In the Catalogue of Steinmann [ 7] the male from Korea was mentioned as holotype. But the original description of Semenov [ 6] was based on two specimens, male and female. Therefore (Articles 73.2, 74.1 of the Code) the male kept in the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) is designated here as a lectotype, and the female (with the same label) is marked as paralectotype of T. komarowi .

1. Bey-Bienko, G. Ya. 1936. Insectes Dermaptères. Faune de l’URSS, Nouvelle série 5. Moscou & Leningrad, 240 p. (In Russian with English summary)

2. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. 1999. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, British Museum of Natural History, London.

3. Moon, T.Y. & Kim, Ch.W. 1991. Catalogue of Korean Dermaptera. – Entomological Research Bulletin (Korea) 17: 67-79.

4. Sakai, S. 1982. A new proposed classification of the Dermaptera with special reference to the check list of the Dermaptera of the World. – Bulletin of Daito Bunka University 20: 1- 108.


5. Sakai, S. 1994. Dermapterorum Catalogus. XXVI: Iconographia X. Explicatioseries: IXa: Forficulidae Stephens (1829). The Illustration Series of the Forficulidae for Integrated Taxonomy of the Dermaptera of the World. – Bulletin of Daito Bunka University 32: 1-890.

6. Semenov, A. (Semenov-Tian-Shansky, A.P.) 1901. Pervyi paleanarkticheckii predstavitel roda Opisthocosmia Dohrn. [First Paleanarctic representative of the genus Opisthocosmia Dohrn.] – Revue Russe d’Entomologie 1 (3): 98-100. (In Russian with Latin diagnosis)

7. Steinmann, H. 1989. World Catalogue of Dermaptera, Series Entomologica 43. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht & Budapest, 900 p.

8. Storozhenko, S. Yu. 1984. Review of Dermaptera of the Soviet Far East. – In: Lehr, P. A. (ed.), Systematic of insects of the Soviet Far East. Vladivostok: 3-7. (In Russian)

9. Storozhenko, S. Yu. 1986. Order Dermaptera – Earwigs. – In: Lelej A.S., Kanyukova E.V., Konovalova Z.A., Storozhenko S. Yu. (eds.). Key to the insects of the Soviet Far East. Vol. 1. Leningrad: 317-323. (In Russian)













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