Oreo bushbay, PLATNICK, 2002

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2002, A Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spiders Of The Families Ammoxenidae, Cithaeronidae, Gallieniellidae, And Trochanteriidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2002 (271), pp. 1-1 : 1-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2002)271<0001:AROTAG>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Oreo bushbay

sp. nov.

Oreo bushbay , new species Figures 137–140 View Figs ; Map 10 View Map 10

TYPE: Male holotype taken in pitfall trap at Bush Bay , 25 ° 05 ̍ S, 113 ° 43 ̍ E, Western Australia (May 23–Aug. 23, 1995; N. Hall), deposited in WAM (99/414) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males of this tiny species resemble those of O. capensis in having only a single retrolateral tibial apophysis, but have a much longer embolus (fig. 137). Females, here matched only by size (and parsimony, as there is no direct evidence that there are more than five species of Oreo ) have the posterior epigynal ducts m­shaped in ventral view (fig. 139) and relatively small anterior spermathecal bulbs (fig. 140).

MALE: Total length 1.8. Coloration, chelicerae, and mouthparts as in O. renmark except anterior pair of abdominal white spots faint, small, not extending to sides or venter, all tarsi and metatarsi yellow. Leg spination: tibiae: III p0­0­0, v0­1p­0, r0­0­0; IV p0­0­0, v1p­1p­0, r0­0­0; metatarsi III, IV p0­0­0, v0­0­0, r0­0­0. Tarsi I–IV cracked at about two­thirds their length. Retrolateral tibial apophysis relatively long (fig. 138); embolus long, originating retrolaterally (fig. 137).

FEMALE: Total length 2.2. Specimen depigmented, coloration uncertain. Chelicerae and mouthparts as in male. Leg spination: tibiae: III p0­0­0, v0­1p­0, r0­0­0; IV p0­0­0, v0­2­ 0, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III p0­0­0, v0­0­1p, r0­ 0­0; IV p­0­0, v0­0­1p, r1­1­0. Tarsi I, II missing; III, IV cracked at about half their length. Epigynum with posterior ducts mshaped in ventral view (fig. 139); anterior portion of spermathecae small, accompanied by twisted ducts (fig. 140).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Western Australia: Bush Bay , 25 ° 05 ̍ S, 113 ° 43 ̍ E, Jan. 16–May 23, 1995, pitfall (P. West, WAM 99 View Materials /415), 13 ; Elashgin Nature Reserve, N side on Maitland Road , 31 ° 20 ̍ S, 117 ° 27 ̍ E, Mar. 29–June 30, 1999, pitfall (M. Harvey, WAM 99 View Materials /416), 1♀ .

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Western Australia (map 10).


Western Australian Museum













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