Otostylis brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1918b: 40)

Thiago E. C. Meneguzzo, José F. A. Baumgratz & Cássio Van Den Berg, 2015, Taxonomic studies in the Aganisia complex (Orchidaceae, Zygopetalinae), Phytotaxa 238 (1), pp. 1-39 : 24-26

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Otostylis brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1918b: 40)


4.2. Otostylis brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1918b: 40) View in CoL View at ENA .

Zygopetalum brachystalix Reichenbach (1863b: 660) View in CoL . Aganisia brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Rolfe (1914: 200) View in CoL . Koellensteinia brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1915: 32) View in CoL . Type: — [TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO.] Trinidad: Tanapuna-Piarco, Aripo Savannah, 8 July 1848, Crüger s.n. (lectotype, designated here, K 58992 View Materials !); 8 July 1848, Crüger s.n. (remaining original material W-R 33737 icon!). Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 B, 8D–E View FIGURE 8 Aganisia lepida Linden & Rchb. View in CoL f. in Reichenbach (1869: 15). Otostylis lepida (Linden & Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1918b: 40) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Amazonas: River Negro, ex hort., 1866, Wallis sub Linden s.n. (lectotype, here designated, W-R 40597!); Amazonas: River Negro, ex hort., 1866, Wallis sub Linden s.n. (remaining original material W-R icon 40622!), syn. nov.

Cyrtopodium grisebachii Rolfe View in CoL in Patter (1895: 276). Type:—TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Trinidad: Tanapuna-Piarco: Aripo, 12 May 1895, Patter s.n. (lectotype, designated here, K 880369!); I 1893, Alexander 5700 (remaining syntype K 588993!). syn. nov.

Zygopetalum paludosum Cogniaux View in CoL in Hoehne (1912: 12). Otostylis paludosa (Cogn.) Schlechter (1918c: 214) View in CoL . Type:—BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: High River Juruena, Juruena telegraph station, May 1909, Hoehne sub Commissão Rondon 2013 (lectotype, designated here, BR 6497200!), Alto Rio Juruena, Estaç"o Telegráfica Juruena, June 1909, Hoehne sub Commissão Rondon 2000 (remaining syntype R 3053!). syn. nov.

Etymology:— From Greek, βραχύς, short and στήλη, column, for the short column.

Herb terrestrial. Pseudobulbs 1.3–2 × 0.8–1.2 cm, fusiform. Leaves 2–3, petiole 4–11 cm long; blade 4.5–75 × 0.8–2.0 cm, linear. Inflorescence racemose, rare doubly racemose, 7–18 flowers, 49–72 cm long; peduncle 46–57 cm long; rachis 9–15 cm long. Pedicellate ovary 0.8–1.5 cm long. Sepals and petals white, lip white with yellow disc. Sepals 1.2–1.5 × 0.5–0.7 cm, elliptic, the lateral ones oblique, base cuneate apex oblique. Petals 0.9–1.2 × 0.4–0.5 cm, narrowly elliptic, rarely obovate, base cuneate, slightly constricted apically, apex obtuse-acuminate. Lip with lateral lobes 0.1–0.2 × 0.1–0.2 cm, deltoid; midlobe 0.6–0.7 × 0.5–0.6 cm, obovate, base cordate, apex rounded, callus hippocrepiform, tuberculate, apex tricuspidate. Column 0.3–0.4 × ca. 0.2 cm, ⅓ lip length, semi-clavate. Capsules 1.2–1.5 × 0.4–0.5 cm, fusiform.

Material examined:— BRAZIL. Amazonas: S"o Gabriel da Cachoeira, 17 November 1928, Luetzelburg 23189 (M). Mato Grosso: Campo Novo dos Parecis, 23 August 1996, Godinho & Macedo s.n. (CEN, UFMT); Juína, 12 July 1977, Oliveira 29 (RB); Novo Mundo, 26 August 2008, Sasaki et al. 2414 (HERBAM); 9 February 2008, Zappi et al. 1158 (HERBAM). Pará: Serra do Cachimbo, 14 December 1956, Pires et al. 6241 (IAN); 26 September 1957, Pires 6605 (IAN); 14 January 1959, Pires 7152 (IAN); 20 March 1959, Pires 7162 (IAN); 22 August 1958, Pires 7203 (IAN, SPF). Roraima: Caracaraí, 10 October 2011, Pessoa et al. 738 (INPA); Pacaraima, 26 June 1999, Silva 814 (MG). COLOMBIA. Meta: 70 km S of Orocué, 22 April 1939, Haught 2783 (AMES, COL, MO, RB). GUYANA. Barima-Waini: Arukumai Creek, 19 January 1978, Grewal & Persaund 508 (U). Cuyuni-Mazaruni: west brach of Eping river, 7 February 1991, McDowell & Stobey 3922 (K). Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo: Guuns, 28 September 1989, Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1875 (K, MO, P, U). PERU. Madre de Díos: Tambopata. Puerto Maldonado, 10 May 2009, Balarezo et al. 2556 (BRIT). SURINAME. Sipaliwini: 4 September 1966, van Donselaar 3690 (U); 22 January 1969, Oldenburger et al. 957 (K). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Trinidad: Tanapuna-Piarco, Savana de Aripo, 27 July 1943, Beard 141 (AMES, K, U); 14 April 1921, Britton & Britton, 2933 (K); 16 April 1908, Broadway 2336 (K); 2 February 1911, Broadway 4115 (K); 26 April 1924, Broadway 5284 (U); 15 July 1963, Jermy 2286 (K); 4 February 1959, Richardson 540 (K). VENEZUELA. Apure: Pedro Camejo, 28 February 1978, Davidse & González 14615 (HB, MO, VEN). Bolívar: Cerro Venamo, 9 January 1964, Steyermark et al. 92884 (AMES, F); Río Cuyuni, 26 December 1974, Steyermark & Dunsterville 104535 (K); Ilu-tepui, 10 February 1952, Maguire 33283 (K).

Distribution:— Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and northern and west-central Brazil: Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará, Roraima. TDWG code: 81 TRT-OO 82 GUY-OO SUR-OO VEN-OO 83 CLM-OO PER-OO 84 BZC-MT BZN-AM BZN-PA BZN-RO.

Diagnostic characters:— Differs from Otostylis alba in its linear leaves with a lip callus composed of tuberculate processes with the apex tricuspidate and column one third of the lip length.

Taxonomic note:— Romero-González & Meneguzzo (2012) noted that callus details used as diagnostic features on Otostylis species delimitation (i.e. Schlechter 1818b, Chocce et al. 2004) are frequently misinterpreted due to deformation caused by the drying process. The study of carefully hydrated flowers, pictures and living specimens let us conclude that Otostylis brachystalix is the only species from the Guaporé and Guianas Shields.

Nomenclatural notes:— Rolfe (1914) was in doubt about the type of Zygopetalum brachystalix , whether it was the specimen collected in Trinidad by Purdie (here identified as K 880370 and P 447798) or Crüger ( K 58992 View Materials ), both in the same area because Reichenbach (1863b) only cited “Ins. Trinitatis” in the protologue. In a specimen from the Reichenbach herbarium (W-R 33737), there is an illustration noted as “Sav Aripo 1847; Trinit Crueger”, which agrees except for the date, but it must be the same specimen as deposited at K. We consider the illustration as part of the original material ( McNeill et al. 2012: art. 9.3) and Crüger’s collection as the most appropriate lectotype.

At W-R there are two sheets related to Aganisia lepida : one an illustration (W-R 40662) and the other with two illustrations and a specimen (W-R 40597). All dates agree with the protologue, but the year is one year after the one in the prolologue (1865 vs. 1866). We chose the herbarium specimen W-R 40597 as lectotype.

The lectotype for Cyrtopodium grisebachii was chosen from among the two specimens deposited at K before the protologue and identified by Rolfe.

There are two specimens of Zygopetalum paludosum deposited at R under sheet number 3053 with the same providence (Brazil. Mato Grosso: Alto Rio Juruena), but two different collection dates and collection numbers (May 1909, Hoehne sub Commiss"o Ron don 1914; June 1909, Hoehne sub Commissão Rondon 2000). The first specimen is not a syntype because it was not cited in the protologue. The specimen deposited at BR was chosen as lectotype because it is a complete specimen and was cited by Cogniaux in the protologue.














Otostylis brachystalix (Rchb.f.) Schlechter (1918b: 40)

Thiago E. C. Meneguzzo, José F. A. Baumgratz & Cássio Van Den Berg 2015

Otostylis lepida (Linden & Rchb.f.)

Schlechter 1918: 40

Otostylis paludosa (Cogn.)

Schlechter 1918: 214

Koellensteinia brachystalix (Rchb.f.)

Schlechter 1915: 32

Aganisia brachystalix (Rchb.f.)

Rolfe 1914: 200

Zygopetalum brachystalix

Reichenbach 1863: 660
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