Panscopus (Nocheles) longus Buchanan, 1936

Spanton, Timothy G. & Anderson, Robert S., 2016, A Taxonomic Revision of Weevils of the Genus Panscopus Schönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Tropiphorini), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 15) 70, pp. 1-86 : 42-43

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Panscopus (Nocheles) longus Buchanan, 1936


Panscopus (Nocheles) longus Buchanan, 1936

( Figs. 16 View Figs , 42 View Figs , 65 View Figs , Map 17 View Map 17 )

Panscopus (Nomidus) longus Buchanan 1936: 16 . Blackwelder 1939: 66.

Panscopus longus ; Hatch 1971: 291; O’ Brien and Wibmer 1982: 63; Bright and Bouchard 2008: 260.

Type Material. Holotype male: “PESHASTIN / IV-8-34 WASH; Wm.W.Baker,/ Col.; Truck Crop / No 8995; TYPE USNM / 50650; Panscopus / ( Nomidus ) / longus Buch. / male -type” . Paratypes: Peshastin , Washington, 8.IV.1934, Wm. W. Baker , Paratype: USNM#50650 (1, USNM); Peshastin , Washington, 7.V.1934./ P. M. Eide , Paratype #250 (1, WSU) .

Specific Epithet. The Latin adjective “ longus ” means long. This refers to the slightly longer (in proportion to width) body of this species.

Diagnosis. Adults of this species are recognized by the following combination of characters: alternate elytral intervals slightly elevated, noticeable only near anterior margin of elytra; elytral setae more numerous on alternate intervals, but even intervals with a complete row of setae; setae thin, acute, and semi-erect; rostrum feebly unicarinate or non-carinate; tibia 3 straight, its lower edge broadly and slightly convex in profile, and with only setae, no stout spines present. This species is very similar to P. aequalis , but may be distinguished from it by the characters in the key.

Redescription. Females: Length 10.2 mm; width across elytra 3.8 mm. Males: Length 8.8 mm; width across elytra 3.1 mm. Head: With slight depression between eyes at base of frons; frons and ros- trum nearly continuous in lateral view; with thin median longitudinal carina extendingd length of rostrum; without clearly delineated clump of setae supraorbitally on frons, vestiture of frons and rostrum of dense, appressed scales and semi-erect, thin, pointed setae scattered more or less evenly over surface. Antennae: Scape extending to middle of eye when close to rostrum; integument obscured by vestiture of flat, oblong, appressed scales and thin decumbent setae. Pronotum: Wider than long; median longitudinal sulcus less obvious at middle, more obvious at posterior quarter and anterior third; dorsal surface rugose-tuberculate, apex of tubercles black, shiny, visible through vestiture, each tubercle with seta at apex; vestiture of densely distributed, round to oval, overlapping, striate scales, creamy white to light brown in color. Elytra: Elongate, rounded dorsally, in dorsal view nearly parallelsided in middle third, striate and sloped posteriorly toward apex of scutellum, together anterior margins in form of very shallow v; posterior declivity evenly rounded to apex in lateral view; all intervals somewhat convex, alternate ones very slightly more so; with row of setae, intervals 3, 5, and 7 with partly double row; setae thin, acute, and semi-erect; integument obscured by vestiture of dense, overlapping, striate scales; scales unevenly patterned, broad areas of very light scales and areas of light brown scales. Scales of serial punctures large, obvious, approximately twice diameter of other scales on elytral surface. Legs: Tibiae 1 and 2 with row of denticles and thin spines on ventro-lateral margin in distal 1/2–2/3; tibia 3 straight, without such spines, with setae only, with corbellar area enclosed at apex. Abdomen: With 5 ventrites in females, ventrites 1 and 2 convex; males with ventrites 1 and 2 with pronounced broad concavity. Genitalia: Females ( Figs. 16 View Figs , 42 View Figs ): Tergum VIII broadly convex dorsally and conical apically, sternum VIII (spiculum ventrale) with apical expansion broadly spade-shaped, slightly convex ventrally and rounded at apex, cleft medially in apical portion, with fine setae apically; coxites 1 and 2 broadly angular in dorsal view, rounded apically in lateral view; stylus with 2 large setae at apex; vagina with pair of curved, broadly crescent-shaped, sclerites internally, near confluence of common oviduct with vagina; spermatheca smooth, sickle-shaped, broad at base, gradually narrowed toward apex. Males ( Fig. 65 View Figs ): Aedeagus with median lobe decurved, tapering toward apex in lateral view, in dorsal view with apex broadly rounded, median lobe wider at apical 1/3, narrowed posteriorly; interior lip with w-shaped margin, distinctly sclerotized; manubrium of tegmen approximately as long as median lobe; median struts of aedeagus approximately 1.35X length of median lobe (median struts broken from median lobe of aedeagus in holotype, apex of

tegmen also broken); internal sac membranous with pair of small thick u-shaped sclerites, apically (anterior in inverted sac in aedeagus), membrane of internal sac without field of spicules, sparsely granulate in dorsal view.

Life History. Adults have been collected in April and May in Washington State.

Geographical Distribution. Adults of this species have been collected only at Peshastin, Washington ( Map 17 View Map 17 ).

Material Examined. This species is known only from the type material listed above.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Weber State University, Bird and Mammal Collection














Panscopus (Nocheles) longus Buchanan, 1936

Spanton, Timothy G. & Anderson, Robert S. 2016

Panscopus (Nomidus) longus

Buchanan 1936: 16
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