Phillipsastraea emendata, Wrzołek, 2007

Wrzołek, Tomasz, 2007, A revision of the Devonian rugosan phillipsastreid genus Smithicyathus, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52 (3), pp. 609-632 : 628

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Phillipsastraea emendata


Smithicyathus ? emendatus (Spasskiy and Kravtsov in Besprozvannykh et al., 1975)

1975 Phillipsastraea emendata sp. nov.; Spasskiy and Kravtsov (in

Besprozvannykh et al. 1975): 61, 62; pl. 14: 2.

Discussion.—The species is reported from the Eifelian– Frasnian interval in Indigiro−Kolyma. It has large septal number and relatively broad tabularium (Appendix 2: column “i”). If confirmed, its stratigraphic range is peculiar in itself. Corallites are not so large as in S.? russakovi (see above), and thus it is closer in size to “typical” species of Smithicyathus . McLean (1994a: 58) classified this species into Phillipsastrea .

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