Phylloporia minuta Bittencourt & Drechsler-Santos, 2018

Bittencourt, Felipe, Stürmer, Sidney Luiz, Reck, Mateus Arduvino & Drechsler-Santos, Elisandro Ricardo, 2018, Phylloporia minuta sp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales): a remarkable species discovered in a small protected urban area of Atlantic Forest, Phytotaxa 348 (3), pp. 199-210 : 204

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.348.3.3


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scientific name

Phylloporia minuta Bittencourt & Drechsler-Santos

sp. nov.

Phylloporia minuta Bittencourt & Drechsler-Santos View in CoL sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

MycoBank: MB823358

Diagnosis:—Basidiomata pileate, seasonal, pileus sessile, applanate to ungulate or campanulate, broadly attached, amplectens or pendant, small, up to 16.5 mm wide, 3–7(–8) pores per mm, context with a black line separating an upper tomentum, monomitic hyphal system and pale yellowish broadly ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid basidiospores with 4.0–5.1 × 2.8–3.8 μm.

Etymology:— minuta (Lat.) : meaning small, referring to the small size of the basidiomata.

Type:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Blumenau, Parque Natural Municipal São Francisco de Assis , subtropical lowland broadleaved forest, on living and young stems Doliocarpus schottianus Eichler , elev. 87 m, 26°55’19” S, 049°04’44” W, 15 April 2015, F. Bittencourt 393, Holotype ( FURB! 55088). GenBank® accession number MG264039 . GoogleMaps

Description:— Basidiomata seasonal to biseasonal, pileate, applanate to ungulate or campanulate; pileus solitary, sessile, broadly attached, amplectens or pendant, with a soft consistency, up to 16.5 mm wide, 7.3 mm thick; pileus surface fibrous, smooth to concentrically sulcate in biseasonal basidiomata, yellowish brown to strong brown (10YR 5/6–8, 7.5YR 4/6, 5/8), azonate; margin acute to round, sterile, concolorous with the pileus surface, sometimes lighter in fresh basidiomata; pore surface very pale yellow to yellow (10YR 5/8, 7/4–6); pores angular, sometimes elongated or fused, 3–7(–8) per mm, (76.3–)95.9–311.3(–362.3) μm diam.; dissepiments entire, thick, (33.4–)55.4–166.8(–301.7) μm thick; tube layer concolours with the pore surface, 0.5–1.4 mm thick; basidiomata in section containing a context and tomentum; context compact, corky, pale yellow, brownish yellow to yellow (10 YR 6/8, 7/6–8, 8/8), 0.4–1.8 mm, with a black line separating the upper tomentum; tomentum loose, spongy, ferruginous brown, concolorous with the pileus surface, 0.4–2.2 mm.

Hyphal system monomitic, simple-septate; generative hyphae in the hymenophoral trama thin to thick-walled, pale to golden yellow, (2.8–)3.3–5.1(–7.1) μm wide, lumen (1.2–)1.6–3.3(–3.7) wide, regularly simple-septate; in the context thick-walled, (3–)3.7–5.9(–6.9) μm wide, lumen (1.4–)1.9–4(–4.9) wide; in the tomentum pale to golden yellow, thick-walled, often with collapsed portions, first adpressed, soon erected, loosely interwoven, (2.6–)3.2– 6.7(–7.5) μm wide, lumen (0.8–)1.3–4.4(–5.3) wide, arising from a dark line formed by agglutinated, golden brown, frequently simple-septate and branched hyphae; Hymenium: cystidia not seen; basidia clavate, 16.8 × 6.9 μm (n=1); basidiospores abundant, broadly ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, (3.5–)4.0–5.1(–6.0) × (2.4–)2.8–3.8(–4.0) μm (x = 4.5 × 3.3 μm, =1.4), thick-walled, with a ventral flattened side, often collapsed in one or more sides, pale yellow, smooth, IKI-, sometimes forming masses of spores in the hymenium.

Habitat and distribution:—Hitherto found growing laterally or under thin living young stems of Doliocarpus schottianus ( Dilleniaceae ) near a water stream in a valley covered by subtropical lowland broadleaved forest. So far known only for municipality of Blumenau, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil.

Specimens examined (paratypes):— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Blumenau, Parque Natural Municipal São Francisco de Assis , subtropical lowland broadleaved forest, on living and young stems Doliocarpus schottianus , elev. 87 m, 26°55’19” S, 049°04’44” W, 15 April 2015, F. Bittencourt 394 ( SP!) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, F. Bittencourt 395 ( FURB! 55081) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, F. Bittencourt 396 ( FLOR! 63064) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, immature specimen, F. Bittencourt 397 ( FURB! 55083) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, F. Bittencourt 399 ( FURB! 55085) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, F. Bittencourt 400 ( FLOR! 63063) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, idem, F. Bittencourt 401 ( SP!) GoogleMaps ; ibidem, 12 May 2015, F. Bittencourt 426 ( FLOR! 47428) ; ibidem, 29 January 2016, F. Bittencourt 749 ( FURB! 49266) .


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Universidade Regional de Blumenau


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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