Prosimulium magnum, Dyar & Shannon, 1927

Adler, Peter H. & Crosskey, Roger W., 2015, Cytotaxonomy of the Simuliidae (Diptera): a systematic and bibliographic conspectus, Zootaxa 3975 (1), pp. 1-139 : 21-23

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Prosimulium magnum


MAGNUM View in CoL View at ENA species-group

Prosimulium albionense Rothfels

Rothfels (1956, drawing of IIIS, original description of species [as per Adler, Currie & Wood 2004, p. 278], photo of partial chromosome II): [ Canada]

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawing of CIII region; idiogram; photos of CIII region, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. magnum [X0X c, X0 Y c, X c X c, X c Y 1, X c Y 3, X c Y 5, and Epd segregates only]): Canada, USA

Ottonen & Nambiar (1969, characterization, cytodendrogram, hybrids with P. magnum [as P. magnum ‘form 1’] and P. multidentatum , photos of IIIS and hybrid complement with P. multidentatum , resolution relative to Prosimulium standard, whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]; as P. albionense , P. magnum ‘form 3’ and ‘intermediate Y c X0’): Canada, USA

Rothfels (1980, idiogram of hybrid with P. multidentatum ): [North America]

Rothfels & Nambiar (1981, characterization, backcross hybrids with P. multidentatum , hybrids with P. magnum [as P. magnum ‘form 1’] and P. multidentatum , idiograms of male and backcross and F1 hybrids with P. multidentatum , photo of backcross hybrid with P. multidentatum ): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, possible sibling species, Y-chromosome polymorphisms): USA

Prosimulium canutum Adler, Currie & Wood

Ottonen & Nambiar (1969, characterization, cytodendrogram, hybrids with P. magnum [as P. magnum ‘form 1’] and P. multidentatum , photo of IIS, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard, whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]; as P. magnum ‘form 2’): USA

Rothfels & Nambiar (1981, characterization, backcross hybrids with P. multidentatum , hybrids with P. magnum [as P. magnum ‘form 1’] and P. multidentatum ; as P. magnum ‘form 2’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, formal name for Ottonen & Nambiar’s 1969 P. magnum ‘form 2’, notes on revised inversion breakpoints): USA

Prosimulium caudatum Shewell

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization; cytodendrogram; idiogram; photos of CI region, IIS, IIL, IIIS, and IIIL; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): Canada, USA

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): North America

Prosimulium constrictistylum Peterson

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, photo of IIIS, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. ‘X’): Canada

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): [ Canada]

Prosimulium dicentum Dyar & Shannon

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization by comparison with P. dicum , chromosomal characters in larval key, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): USA

Prosimulium dicum Dyar & Shannon

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization; cytodendrogram; idiogram; photos of CI region, IS and IIL; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. di c um [X0 Y 0 and X0 Y 1 segregates only]): Canada, USA

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): North America

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key): North America

Prosimulium exigens Dyar & Shannon

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, photos of CI region and IS, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. di c um [X0 Y 2 and X0 Y 3 segregates only]): Canada, USA

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): North America

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, probable sibling species, Y-chromosome polymorphisms): USA

Prosimulium flaviantennus (Stains & Knowlton)

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization by comparison with P. constrictistylum , resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): USA

Prosimulium impostor Peterson

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization, cytodendrogram, idiogram, photo of polytene complement, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; as P. ‘Y’): Canada

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): [ Canada]

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, notes on chromocenter and Y-chromosome polymorphisms): USA

Prosimulium longirostrum Currie, Adler & Wood

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, original description of species, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): USA

Prosimulium magnum Dyar & Shannon

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawing of CIII region; idiogram; photos of all arms, CIII region, and ectopic pairing; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]; as P. magnum [X0X0 and X0 Y 0 segregates only]): USA

Carlsson (1966, photos of IS, IL, and IIL): [North America]

Ottonen & Nambiar (1969, characterization, cytodendrogram, hybrids with P. canutum [as P. magnum ‘form 2’], P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’], and P. multidentatum , resolution relative to Prosimulium standard, whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]; as P. magnum ‘form 1’): USA

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram; as P. magnum [X0 Y 0 segregate only]): North America

Rothfels (1980, de novo inter-nonhomologue interchanges): [North America]

Rothfels & Nambiar (1981, characterization, hybrids with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’] and P. canutum [as P. magnum ‘form 2’]; as P. magnum ‘form 1’): USA

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, chromosomal characters in larval key, notes on Y-chromosome polymorphism): USA

Prosimulium multidentatum (Twinn)

Rothfels (1956, description; drawing of IIIS; idiogram; photo of partial chromosome II): North America

Ottonen (1964, 1966, characterization; cytodendrogram; drawing of partial IIL; idiogram; photos of metaphase complement, IL, IIS, IIL, IIIS, IIIL, and chromocenter; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard; whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]): Canada, USA

Carlsson (1966, photos of IIS, IIL, and IIIL): [North America]

Ottonen & Nambiar (1969, characterization, cytodendrogram, photo of hybrid complement with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’], resolution relative to Prosimulium standard, whole-arm interchange [IS + IIS, IL + IIL]): Canada, USA

Rothfels & Nambiar (1975, characterization; meiotic bridges by chiasma formation; photos of anaphase, metaphase, pachytene, low-magnification polytene complement, and sex chromosomes; resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): Canada, USA

Rothfels (1979, 1981b, cytodendrogram): North America

Rothfels (1980, idiogram of hybrid with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘III’]): [North America]

Rothfels & Nambiar (1981, characterization, backcross and F1 hybrids with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’] and P. canutum [as P. magnum ‘form 2’], idiograms of male and backcross and F1 hybrids with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’], photo of backcross hybrid with P. albionense [as P. magnum ‘form 3’]): USA

Prosimulium uinta Peterson & DeFoliart

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): USA

Prosimulium unicum (Twinn)

Adler, Currie & Wood (2004, characterization, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): USA

Prosimulium yezoense Shiraki

Adler, Huang & Takaoka (2012, characterization, inversions mapped, photos of all arms and transformed CI region, resolution relative to Prosimulium standard): Japan

















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