Pseudosaldula bergi (Haglund)

Schuh, RT & Polhemus, JT, 2009, Revision And Analysis Of Pseudosaldula Cobben (Insecta: Hemiptera: Saldidae): A Group With A Classic Andean Distribution, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 (323), pp. 1-102 : 27-30

publication ID 10.1206/323.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pseudosaldula bergi (Haglund)


Pseudosaldula bergi (Haglund) View in CoL Plates 1, 2, 6, 7A, B; figures 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig , 7 View Fig ; map 4 View Map 4

Salda bergi Haglund, 1899: 176 (n. sp.).

Saldula sola Drake and Carvalho, 1948: 476 (n. sp.). NEW SYNONYMY.

Saldula paralia Torres, 1954: 88 (n. sp.). NEW SYNONYMY.

Pseudosaldula cobbeni View in CoL China, 1962: 715 (n. sp.). NEW SYNONYMY.

Oreokora bergi : Drake, 1962: 121 (n. comb.).

Oreokora sola Drake, 1962: 122 (n. comb.).

Pseudosaldula paralia View in CoL : Polhemus, 1976: 236 (n. comb.).

Pseudosaldula bergi View in CoL : Schuh et al., 1987: 315 (n. comb., cat.).

DIAGNOSIS: All known specimens brachypterous, females relatively large, heavy bodied; head, pronotum, and scutellum moderately polished, hemelytra uniformly dull except for narrow polished area along claval commissure; vestiture of dorsum composed of mostly dull, reclining, dark, relatively short, simple setae with a very few golden shining setae intermixed. Potentially confused with P. pilosa , except that species with long, erect, dark vestiture on dorsum. In contrast with most other Pseudosaldula spp ., P. bergi usually found at the upper margin of the intertidal zone in the southerly part of the overall distributional range of the genus.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Total length 3.69, width pronotum 1.35. COLORATION (pls. 1, 2): Hemelytron ranging from almost entirely dark with cells of membrane and some areas of adjacent corium weakly pale, to totally pale with only a few small dark markings on hemelytron; antennal segments 1 and 2 pale to weakly darkened, segments 3 and 4 more strongly darkened; legs, including at least apical portion of coxae, largely pale. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pls. 1, 2; figs. 7B–D View Fig ): Corium and membrane dull except along claval commissure. Vestiture of dorsum, including veins of membrane composed of mostly dull, reclining, dark, relatively short, simple setae with a few golden shining setae intermixed. STRUCTURE (pls. 1, 2): Known only from brachypterous forms, body in most specimens teardrop shaped, broadest just posterior to midpoint of claval commissure. Thorax: Pronotum with lateral margins nearly straight, distinctly narrowed anteriorly. Hemelytra: Membrane of forewing usually with five distinct cells, sometimes reduced to four in brachypterous forms. GENITALIA ( figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig , 7E–G View Fig ): Parandria: Inner sclerotized margin smoothly rounded; posterior margin weakly curving. Parameres: Processus sensualis with 10–15 setae.

Female (pl. 2): Total length 4.22, width pronotum 1.58. COLORATION (pl. 2): As in male; subgenital plate broadly translucent apically. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 2): As in male. STRUCTURE: Abdomen: See generic description. GENITALIA: See generic description.

HABITAT DATA AND ALTITUDINAL RANGE: Most known collection localities range from sea level in Chile to about 800 meters in Chubut and Neuquen provinces of western Argentina. Available habitat data indicate that about 25% of the collecting localities are relatively protected areas of coastline with short vegetative cover at the high tide mark. Remaining collections are about equally divided between muddy areas with some short, emergent vegetation and seep areas, often with matlike vegetation.

DISTRIBUTION: Lake Region of Chile south to Tierra del Fuego, as well as from the adjacent foothill area of the Andes in Chubut and Neuquen provinces of Argentina.

DISCUSSION: Comparison of the type specimens of bergi Haglund , cobbeni China, sola Drake , and paratypes of paralia Torres indicates that all four are synonyms, the first having priority. The holotype of P. bergi is of the light-colored morph of the species, with completely pale hemelytra and the pronotum with very broad, pale, lateral margins. The holotype of sola , with the exception of the clavus adjacent to the scutellum, has hemelytra of an almost totally uniform rust color. The holotype of cobbeni is of the dark-colored morph of the species, with the hemelytra almost totally castaneous to nearly black, with the exception of the pale maculations characteristic of all Pseudosaldula spp .

Drake’s (1962) synonymy of Saldula lynchi Drake and Carvalho with bergi Haglund is almost certainly erroneous. The type locality for lynchi, Chascomus , in Buenos Aires Province, is completely out of the known range of all Pseudosaldula spp . We have not been able to locate the type of lynchi , although Drake and Carvalho (1948) indicated that it was deposited in the Museo de la Plata, Argentina.

HOLOTYPE: brachypterous female, ‘‘Gente, Grande Bay; Tierra del Fuego; O Nordenskiöld; 27/12.95; Typus; Salda bergi Typ ! Hagl.’’ Deposited in Natural History Museum , Stockholm.

HOLOTYPES OF SYNONYMS: Pseudosaldula cobbeni China: brachypterous male, ‘‘shore; Type; CHILE: Puerto Williams, 29.i.1959; Roy. Soc. Exped. S. Chile 1958–59, G. Kuschel Coll.; specimen figured; Pseudosaldula cobbeni China HOLOTYPE, W. E. China det. 1962.’’ Deposited in the BMNH. Pseudosaldula sola Drake and Carvalho : brachypterous male, ‘‘Rio Negro, Argentina; Saldula sola Drake ; C. J. Drake Coll. 1956.’’ Deposited in the USNM. Holotype of Pseudosaldula paralia (Torres) from Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuego, which is deposited in the Museo de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina, was examined, but not compared directly with other types.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Chubut: 108 km W of Rio Mayo, 45.56 ° S 71.26 ° W, 720 m, 21 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 1♀ (AMNH_ENT 000- 22572) (AMNH). Neuquen: 51 km S of San Martin de los Andes, 44.45 ° S 70.43 ° W, 800 m, 12 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 2♀ (AMNH_ENT 00022570, AMNH_ENT 00022571) (AMNH). Tierra del Fuego: Ushuaia, 54.8 ° S 68.3 ° W, 21 Jan 1960, A.O. Bachmann, 1♀ (AMNH_ENT 00023873) (JTPC). 23 (AMNH_ENT 00023871, AMNH_ENT 00023872) (MACN). CHILE: Aisen del Gen. Carlos Ibanez del Campo - Region XI: Aisen Prov.: Reserva Nac Rio Simpson, Rio Simpson btwn Coyhaique & Aisen, 45.4 ° S 72.53 ° W, 20 m, 20 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 2♀ (AMNH_ENT 00022573, AMNH_ENT

00022574) ( AMNH). 3 km S of Puyuguape, shore line of Puyuguape Channel , 44.42 ° S 72.58 ° W, 310 m, 19 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh, 33 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023967 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023967 About AMNH ), 20 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023967 About AMNH ), 303 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022355 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022384 About AMNH ), 15♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022385 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022392 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022561 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 22567) ( AMNH). 4♀ ( AMNH _ENT 000- 22393– AMNH _ ENT 00022394 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022568 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022569 About AMNH ) ( MNNC). Araucania - Region IX: Malleco Prov. : Par. Nac. Nahuelbuta, 37.78 ° S 72.98 ° W, 1100 m, 19 Nov 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023989 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023989 About AMNH ), 11 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023989 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023990 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Bio-Bio - Region VIII: Arauco Prov. : Lago Lanalhue, 37.9 ° S 73.3 ° W, 10 m, 08 Nov 1994, S. Oygur & E. Barrera, 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023629 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Los Lagos - Region X: Chiloe Prov. : 4 km SE of Rilan at Aquanto, 42.52906 ° S 73.58348 ° W, 30 Nov 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 83 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023343 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023345 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023937 About AMNH ), 7♀ ( AMNH _ENT 000- 23166, AMNH _ ENT 00023346 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023937 About AMNH ), 5 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023937 About AMNH ), 233 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022413 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022435 About AMNH ), 16♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022436 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022451 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023804 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023805 About AMNH ) ( JTPC). 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022452 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022453 About AMNH ) ( MNNC). 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022454 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022455 About AMNH ) ( USNM). Chonchi, 42.61277 ° S 73.80916 ° W, 46 m, 02 Dec 1966, J. Solenvicens A., 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022400 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022396 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Just E of Ancud, 41.87 ° S 73.83 ° W, 8 m, 27 Nov 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 33 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023938 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023938 About AMNH ), 5 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023938 About AMNH ), 83 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022224 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 22231), 12♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022232 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022243 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023817 About AMNH ) ( JTPC). near Chepu at mouth of Rio Butalcura, 42.05 ° S 73.98 ° W, 4 m, 28 Nov 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 5 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023935 About AMNH ), 103 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022403 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022412 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022402 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Llanquihue Prov. : Maullin, 41.6178 ° S 73.5983 ° W, 1 m, 16 Nov 1957, L. E. Peña, 33 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023641 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023643 About AMNH ) ( CNC). Palena Prov.: Chaiten, 42.92144 ° S 72.71462 ° W, 17 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023940 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023940 About AMNH ), 15 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023940 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022222 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022223 About AMNH ) ( AMNH) GoogleMaps ; 06 Dec 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 33 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023165 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 000- 23354, AMNH _ ENT 00023942 About AMNH ), 4♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023355 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 23357, AMNH _ ENT 00023942 About AMNH ), 6 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023942 About AMNH ), 193 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022244 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022262 About AMNH ), 31♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022267 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 22297) ( AMNH). 53 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023- 799 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023803 About AMNH ), 6♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023813 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023816 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023818 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 23819) ( JTPC). 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022263 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022264 About AMNH ) ( MNNC). 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022265 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 000- 22266) ( USNM). Chaiten , 42.92144 ° S 72.71462 ° W, 8 m, 06 Dec 1981, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 13 ( AMNH _ENT 000- 23934), 2 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023934 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Valdivia Prov. : 15 km S Lenco (55 km NW of Rio Negro), Puelche, 40.0183 ° S 72.18333 ° W, 1150 m, 24 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh, 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023939 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023939 About AMNH ), 10 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023939 About AMNH ), 203 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022456 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022475 About AMNH ), 19♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022479 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022497 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022476 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022498 About AMNH ) ( MACN). 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022477 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022478 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022499 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022500 About AMNH ) ( MNNC). Lenco, 39.88333 ° S 72.18333 ° W, 150 m, 24 Jan 1986, R.T. Schuh and N.I. Platnick, 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022575 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022576 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022577 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 22579) ( AMNH). Magallanes y Antartica Chilena - Region XII: Magallanes Prov. : 25 km S Punta Arenas, 53.3569 ° S 70.97711 ° W, 1 m, 17 Dec 1981, R. T. Schuh and B. M. Massie, 23 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023349 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023350 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023351 About AMNH – AMNH _ENT 000- 23353), 693 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022298 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022340 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 000- 22349– AMNH _ ENT 00022354 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022501 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022520 About AMNH ), 32♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022521 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022547 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00022556 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022560 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). 53 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023806 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023810 About AMNH ), 5♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023820 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023824 About AMNH ) ( JTPC). 23 ( AMNH _ENT 00- 022341, AMNH _ ENT 00022342 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022548 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 00- 022549) ( MACN). 23 ( AMNH _ENT 00- 022345, AMNH _ ENT 00022346 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022552 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 00- 022553) ( MNNC). 23 ( AMNH _ENT 00- 022343, AMNH _ ENT 00022344 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022550 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 00- 022551) ( IMLA). 23 ( AMNH _ENT 00- 022347, AMNH _ ENT 00022348 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022554 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 000- 22555) ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 23 Dec 1981, R. T. Schuh and B. M. Massie, 63 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023941 About AMNH ), 6♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023941 About AMNH ), 20 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023941 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Punta Arenas , 53.15 ° S 70.91666 ° W, 34 m, 13 Feb 1951, R. Barriento, 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022398 About AMNH ) ( JTPC). Tierra del Fuego Prov. : Porvenir, 53.3 ° S 70.3667 ° W, 13 m, 16 Feb 1988, Daccordi, 13 ( AMNH _ENT 000- 23347) ( HEISS). Ultima Esperanza Prov. : 6 km SE Puerto Natales, 51.75871 ° S 72.4259 ° W, 90 m, 18 Dec 1981 – 20 Dec 1981, R. T. Schuh, B. M. Massie, 73 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023164 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023358 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00023359 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023936 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023968 About AMNH ), 9♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023936 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023968 About AMNH ), 29 nymphs ( AMNH _ ENT 00023936 About AMNH , AMNH _ENT 000- 23968), 53 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022210 About AMNH – AMNH _ ENT 00022214 About AMNH ), 11♀ ( AMNH _ENT 000- 22199– AMNH _ ENT 00022209 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Par Nac Torres del Paine , Lagunade Cisnes, 51.15 ° S 72.74 ° W, 220 m, 19 Dec 1981, R. T. Schuh and B. M. Massie, 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023969 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023348 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023969 About AMNH ), 1♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00022217 About AMNH ) ( AMNH). Maule - Region VII: Curico Prov. : Vegas de Vagara, Rio Teno, 34.98333 ° S 71.38333 ° W, 2700 m, 20 Jan 1964, L. E. Peña, 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023811 About AMNH , AMNH _ ENT 00023812 About AMNH ) ( JTPC) GoogleMaps .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


American Museum of Natural History


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago


Colorado Entomological Museum (formerly John T. Polhemus collection)


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Fundacion e Instituto Miguel Lillo














Pseudosaldula bergi (Haglund)

Schuh, RT & Polhemus, JT 2009

Pseudosaldula bergi

Schuh, R. T. & B. Galil & J. T. Polhemus 1987: 315

Pseudosaldula paralia

Polhemus, J. T. 1976: 236

Pseudosaldula cobbeni

China, W. E. 1962: 715

Oreokora bergi

Drake, C. J. 1962: 121

Oreokora sola

Drake, C. J. 1962: 122

Saldula paralia

Torres, B. A. 1954: 88

Saldula sola

Drake, C. J. & J. C. M. Carvalho 1948: 476

Salda bergi

Haglund, C. J. E. 1899: 176
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