Pyropteron minianiformis minianiformis ( Freyer, 1843 )

Bartsch, Daniel, Pühringer, Franz, Milla, Liz, Lingenhöle, Arthur & Kallies, Axel, 2021, A molecular phylogeny and revision of the genus Pyropteron Newman, 1832 (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) reveals unexpected diversity and frequent hostplant switch as a driver of speciation, Zootaxa 4972 (1), pp. 1-75 : 25

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Pyropteron minianiformis minianiformis ( Freyer, 1843 )


Pyropteron minianiformis minianiformis ( Freyer, 1843) View in CoL

( Figs 6 View FIGURES 3–10 , 63–65 View FIGURES 63–77 , 78, 79 View FIGURES 78–83 , 84–86 View FIGURES 84–90 )

Sesia minianiformis Freyer, 1843 View in CoL : Neuere Beiträge zur Schmetterlingskunde mit Abbildungen nach der Natur: 35, pl. 404, Fig. 3 View FIGURES 3–10 . Type material and locality: not stated.

Sesia miniacea v. pepsiformis Lederer, 1853 : Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischen Vereins in Wien, Abhandlungen 2 [“1852”]: 69, 90. Syntypes: Brussa [ Turkey, Bursa] (lost? not in MFNB).

The nominal subspecies is characterized by the most extensive orange-red coloration of all subspecies. Furthermore, it has the forewing discal spot more or less orange-red suffused and broad yellow inner margins of the tegulae.

Biology and habitat. The hostplants of this subspecies are bitter-tasting species of Rumex (docks), such as R. conglomeratus , R. crispus , R. maritimus or R. pulcher ( Laštůvka 2007, our own observations). The larvae, often several together, feed in the main root of their host. Development takes one year. Pupation takes place in the gallery of the larva in a silk-spun chamber at the base of a more or less long corridor, which is closed by a thin layer of bark or spun saw-dust.

Distribution. The nominal subspecies is limited to the southern Balkan Peninsula, including Greece and Bulgaria and north-western Turkey ( Špatenka et al. 1999, our own results). Based on Gorbunov (pers. communication), this species is absent from Crimea. The distribution map given by Laštůvka & Laštůvka (1995, 2001) suggests a continuous occurrence throughout entire Anatolia, for which we have, however, not found any evidence.

Specimens examined. 4♂, 2♀, Greece, Igoumenitza, Thiamis delta, 23. V .1993, leg. DB; 1♂, Greece, Amvrakikos Kolpos, Philipiada, 25. V .1995, leg. DB; 1♂, Greece, Ioannina, Vikos Canyon, Kipi, 25. V .1995, leg. DB; 2♂, Greece, Amvrakikos Kolpos, Logaru-Lagoon, 2. VI .1995, leg. DB (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-11) ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78–83 ) 1♀, ibid., (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-15) ; 1♀, Greece, Ossa Oros, Stomio, 1.–13. VI .1989, leg. Bettag (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-17) ( Fig. 84 View FIGURES 84–90 ); 1♂, ibid., 1000m, 10. VII .1997, leg. DB (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-10); 17♂ ( Figs 63–64 View FIGURES 63–77 ); 13♀ ( Fig. 65 View FIGURES 63–77 ), Greece, Thessaloniki, Volvi Lake , Nimfoletra, 100m, 5. VI .1997, leg. DB (♀, Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-47); 2♂, Greece, Nafpaktos, Fokida Gorge, Limfitsa, 31. V .1995, leg. DB; 1♂, Greece, Drama, Falacro Mts , 2km NNE Volokos, 750m, 2. VII .2008, leg. DB; 1♂, Greece, Peloponnese, inner Mani, Exohori, Farangi Virou, 600–800m, 2. VI.2005, leg. DB (CDB) ; 18♂, 4♀, Bulgaria, Vilas, 27. VI .–3. VII .2005, leg. Riefenstahl (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-16) ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 63–77 ); 6♂, 4♀, Bulgaria, Burgas, Sunny beach, 25. VI .–5. VII .2005, leg. Baltruweit; 11♂, ibid., leg. Riefenstahl (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-08) ( Fig. 79 View FIGURES 78–83 ) ; 1♀, Bulgaria, Black Sea coast, Shkorpilovtsi, 15m, 30. VI .2010, leg. Ssymank (Bartsch gen. prep. 2019-48) ( Fig. 86 View FIGURES 84–90 ) (SMNS); 1♂, Bulgaria, Burgas, Silistar S Sinemorets, 25 m, 29. VI .2016, leg. FP; 1♂, Bulgaria, Slivno, Sliven (Slivno), 390 m, 3. VII .2014, leg. FP; 1♂, ibid., 400 m, 10. VII .2014, leg. FP; 1♂, Bulgaria, Sozopol, S Tsarevo, black sea beach, 5 m, 28. VI .2016, leg. FP; 2♂, North Macedonia, Macedonia mer., Stari Dojran, 10.–19. VI .1955, leg. J. Klimesch; 1♂, Greece, Thessaloniki, Leptokaria E Olympos, 240 m, 4. VII .2003, leg. FP (BOX-2221 H02); 1♂, Greece, Ioannina, Kipi (= Kipoi, Timfi Mts ), 780 m, 28. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 1♂, Greece, Ioannina, Konitsa, 510 m, 10. VII .2003, leg. FP; 1♂, Greece, Ioannina, Monodendri ( Timfi Mts ), 1200 m, 11. VII .2003, leg. FP (photo 55/6/23-26); 5♂, Greece, Larissa, Ossa Mts , SW Stomio (n), 1000–1090 m, 20. VI .2002, leg. FP (BOX-2221 B07); 1♂, ibid., 2. VII .2003, leg. FP; 1♂, Greece, Arta, Salaora SW Arta, 1 m, 12. VI .1997, leg. FP; 1♂, Greece, Voiotia, Parnass, Livadia-Ebene, 1300 m, 18. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 2♂, ibid., 25. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 1♂, Greece, Fokida, Parnass, Skicenter, 1750–1800 m, 18. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 1♂, ibid., 25. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 3♂, Greece, Fthiotis, Bralos, 5 km N Ag. Damastas , 450–600 m, 19. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 1♂, Greece, Fthiotis, Skamnos, 700 m, 22. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 4♂, Greece, Achaia (Peloponnese), Kalogria W Kato Achaia, 4. VI .1997, leg. FP (photo 28/5/23-6/12); 8♂, ibid., 5 m, 5. VI .1997, leg. FP; 8♂, ibid., 8. VI .1997, leg. FP; 5♂, ibid., 10. VI .1997, leg. FP; 5♂, ibid., 14. VI .1997, leg. FP (gen. prep. FP 02/22); 1♂, ibid., 19. VI .1997, leg. FP; 1♂, ibid., 20. VI .1997, leg. FP; 1♂, Greece, Achaia (Peloponnese), Drosia SW Erimanthos, 650 m, 13. VI .1997, leg. FP; 2♂, Greece, Messinia, Saidona (Taygetos), 500 m, 24. VI.2002, leg. FP ; 1♂, Greece, Thessalia, Karditsa, Pindos-Geb., N Kastania, 800 m, 5.–6. VI.2012, leg. H. u. R. Rausch ; 1♂, Greece, Lesbos, SW Agiasos (Olympos-Geb.), 890 m, 29. VI.2014, leg. H. u. R. Rausch ; 2♂, 1♀, ibid., 8.–9. VII.2014, leg. H. u. R. Rausch ; 1♂, Greece, Samos, Agios Konstantinos, 5 m, 13. VI .2015, leg. FP; 1♂, ibid., 5 m, 14. VI .2015, leg. FP; 4♂, Greece, Samos, Manolates, 300–370 m, 10. VI .2015, leg. FP; 2♂, Greece, Samos, N Marathokampos, 340 m, 12. VI .2015, leg. FP; 2♂, Greece, Samos, Pandroso, 590 m, 12. VI .2015, leg. FP; 2♂, Greece, Samos, S Vourliotes, 500–530 m, 13. VI .2015, leg. FP; 8♂, Greece, Samos, Vourliotes, Lazarou, 550 m, 18. VI.2015, leg. FP ; 1♂, Greece, Samos, Zastano ( Kerkis Mts ), Eastern slope, 17. VI .2015, leg. FP; 2♂, Greece, Naxos, Drymalia, S Sifones, Agh. Joannis, 600 m, 29.–30. VI.2012, leg. H. u. R. Rausch (CFP).


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute














Pyropteron minianiformis minianiformis ( Freyer, 1843 )

Bartsch, Daniel, Pühringer, Franz, Milla, Liz, Lingenhöle, Arthur & Kallies, Axel 2021

Sesia miniacea v. pepsiformis

Lederer 1853

Sesia minianiformis

Freyer 1843
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