Remansus mutabilis (Schedl, 1965) Schedl, 1965

Jordal, Bjarte H., 2013, Deep phylogenetic divergence between Scolytoplatypus and Remansus, a new genus of Scolytoplatypodini from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), ZooKeys 352, pp. 9-33 : 18-20

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scientific name

Remansus mutabilis (Schedl, 1965)

comb. n.

Remansus mutabilis (Schedl, 1965) comb. n. Figs 26-31

Scolytoplatypus mutabilis Schedl, 1965: 78.

Type material examined.

Holotype, male: Madagascar, Perinet, 16.XI.1952, K.E. Schedl, leg (NHMW).


Length 3.0-3.4 mm.

Male. Frons weakly concave, with a feeble longitudinal carina from epistoma to vertex. Elytra smooth, striae not impressed on disc and declivity, vestiture of dense, short, fine setae not in rows. Protibiae almost parallel-sided, with a moderately sized, curved lateral spine at distal end, and four additional smaller spines (granules) towards base. Procoxae rounded, separated by 0.7 × the width of one coxa.

Female. Similar to male except frons weakly convex, eyes more widely separated; declivity near apex with two patches of longer and more densely placed setae; protibiae broad, with granules on posterior side. Procoxae very broad, separated by 0.8 × the width of one coxa.

The female is here reported and diagnosed for the first time. It differs externally from the male only in those dimorphic features given in the diagnosis. This is the only species in Remansus with both male and female known.

Molecular data.

DNA barcodes in Table 1.

Distribution and biology.

New records: Fianarantsoa Prov, Forêt d’Atsirakambiaty, 7.6 km 285° WNW Itremo, 20°35'36"S, 046°33'48"E, BLF7155, 22-26 Jan 2003, EB09 sifted litter (leaf mold, rotten wood). Fianarantsoa Prov, Ranomafana National Park, JIRAMA water works, 21°14'55"S, 047°27'08"E, MA-02-09D-13 and MA-02-09D-08, 21-24 Dec 2001, malaise trap. Fianarantsoa Prov, Ranomafana National Park, radio tower, 21°15'03"S, 047°24'26"E, MA-02-09B-05, 28 Nov-6 Dec 2001, malaise trap, all material in CAS. Fianarantsoa prov, Ranomafana NP, Valo area [-21.31, 47.43], alt. 1100 m, ex Albizia branch, 6. Oct. 2012, B.Jordal leg. (ZMBN).

Previously reported from Anjanaharibe and Marojejy forest reserves in the Northern part of the island, and in Perinet east of Antananarivo ( Schedl 1977). The new collections from the Fianarantsoa district indicate a broad distribution across the forested parts of the country, although it seems less frequently collected, and in fewer numbers, compared to Scolytoplatypus hova and Scolytoplatypus permirus . The collection from Albizia ( Fabaceae ) is the first documented host plant for this species, but a much broader range of host plants is expected due to the association with ambrosia fungi.









