Rhabdogaster tanylabis, Londt, 2006

Londt, Jason G. H., 2006, A review of the Afrotropical genus Rhabdogaster Loew, 1858 with descriptions of new species (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae), African Invertebrates 47, pp. 243-313 : 284-285

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Rhabdogaster tanylabis

sp. nov.

Rhabdogaster tanylabis View in CoL View at ENA sp. n.

Figs 104–106 View Figs 104–115

Etymology: From Greek tany- (long) + labis (forceps, tongs). Refers to the elongate genital components of the male.

Description: Based mainly on holotype ơ.

Head: Black, silver pruinose, white setose. Antenna black, setae white. Face entirely pruinose. Mystax entirely white, occupying approx. lower half of face. Frons extensively pruinose, vertex entirely apruinose (including ocellar tubercle). Occiput entirely pruinose. Proboscis and palpi dark red-brown, setae white.

Thorax: Dark red-brown to black, silver pruinose, white setose. Mesonotum extensively apruinose, including much of central area, postpronotal and postalar lobes, pruinose lateral and posterior margins as well as a large area posterior of postpronotal lobes. Pleura extensively pruinose except for small spots on anepisternum, katepisternum and proepimeron. Scutellum extensively apruinose except for ring of silver pruinescence around disc, with approx. 8 moderately developed sctl s. Postmetacoxal bridge almost entirely apruinose (has pruinose lateral margins). Legs: cx orange to brown, silver pruinose, white setose; troc orange to red-brown; fem dark red-brown with distal and proximal ends orange, white setose; tib orange (tib 3 with dark red-brown distal end), predominantly white setose (a few black setae ventrodistally); tar orange-brown, white and black setose. Wing 5.4 x 2.1 mm, veins yellow anteriorly, light brown posteriorly, membrane transparent, slightly yellow stained, largely microtrichose (proximal cells extensively lacking microtrichia). Discal cell entirely microtrichose, costal cell with microtrichia only in distal half.

Abdomen: Dark red-brown to black, gold-silver pruinose, dark red-brown and white setose. Tergites extensively apruinose except for narrow lateral margins (more extensive on distal segments), setae small, dark red-brown on apruinose areas, white on pruinose areas. Sternites entirely pruinose, short white setose.Terminalia ( Figs 104– 106 View Figs 104–115 paratype): epand in lateral view elongate, projecting beyond level attained by outer lobe of goncx but not as far as hypd, tapering to narrowly-rounded tip; in dorsal view lobes separate but touching proximomedially; hypd in lateral view long, curved, upturned distally; in ventral view broadly-rounded proximally, tapering to elongate terminal process with slightly clavate apex. In lateral view external lobe of goncx broad proximally, elongate distally, terminating in a finger-like process, gonst in ventral view short, slightly curved. Variation: A fairly uniform species. ^postmetacoxal bridge weakly pruinose.

Holotype: ơ SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape: ‘ S. Afr. Cape Prov. / Witsand Farm / E. ‘ Roaring Sands’ / 28 ° 32'S: 22 ° 31'E. / 4.ii.1979 / B. Lamoral’. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: NAMIBIA: 1ơ, ‘ Koreangab Dam / SE2217 Ca / Windhoek / 12 Feb. 1971 ’, ‘H1782’ ( NMNW) ; SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape: 1^‘Sth Africa Cape Prov / Hill nr Olifantshoek /

2722DC 24.iii.1982 / J. Londt & L. Schoeman / Rocky hillside grass / & Acacia trees.’; 2^same data as holotype; 1^‘ South Africa: N Cape / Witsand Nature Reserve / 28 ° 33.673'S 022 ° 29.656'E / 1200m J Londt & T Dikow / 30.i.–2.ii.2004 Acacia / savanna. Red sandy ridge’; 3ơ 1^‘ GoogleMaps South Africa: N Cape / Witsand Nature Reserve / 28 ° 34.694'S 022 ° 27.752'E / 1160m J Londt & T Dikow / 31.i.– 1.ii.2004 Brulsand / dune area. Acacia savanna’ GoogleMaps .

Distribution, phenology and biology (Tables 1, 2): Recorded from Namibia and South Africa. Known from five localities, three within the Witsand Nature Reserve. Collected in January, February and March, in an area that receives late summer rainfall. Found sympatrically with sinis .

Similar species: R. karoo sp. n. and oldroydi .


National Museum of Namibia













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