Scaphodius gibbosus, Schöller, 2009

Schöller, M., 2009, Revision of the New Caledonian genus Scaphodius CHAPUIS (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (1), pp. 767-801 : 777-778

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5276273

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scientific name

Scaphodius gibbosus

sp. nov.

Scaphodius gibbosus nov.sp.

H o l o t y p e Female (MNHN): / Nouvelle-Calédonie, Sarraméa, Col d’Amieu [orange with black border] / Collecté sur: Divers, Par battage, Le 15.05.06, Par J.B. & JPK [orange with black border] / Holotypus Scaphodius gibbosus nov.sp. des. Matthias Schöller [red] /.

D i a g n o s i s A medium-sized species with pronotum humped, completely covered with parallel longitudinal furrows, elytra glabrous with punctures in regular rows and with four tubercles.

T y p e l o c a l i t y. Nouvelle-Calédonie, Sarraméa, Col d’Amieu, S 21.63411, E 165.89527, 465 m (Fig. 59).

D e s c r i p t i o n o f h o l o t y p e (female) ( Figs 23 View Figs 14-23 , 37, 38, 39 View Figs 33-43 ).

H a b i t u s. Yellowish brown with dark brow pattern ( Fig. 63 View Figs 60-64 ), dorsum matt, pronotum humped ( Fig. 64 View Figs 60-64 ), with fine longitudinal furrows, attenuate towards anterior margin, elytron with three tubercles ( Fig. 23 View Figs 14-23 ), attenuate towards apex, elytra wider than pronotum, elytra with wrinkled microsculpture, glabrous, body medium-sized, size [mm]: length 3.8, width of elytra at humeri 2.5, length of elytra 2.6; length of pronotum 1.4, maximum width 2.2.

H e a d. Sunk into thorax up to hind margin of eyes, frons with fine transverse wrinkles and few coarse punctures at middle, and with longitudinal wrinkles along midline, matt, with adpressed white setae, distance between upper lobes of eyes 1.4 times eye length; antennae inserted near lower margin of eyes, antennae dark brown, scape yellowish brown; clypeus wider than long, microsculptured, matt, labrum quadrate, brown with yellow margins, with three pairs of long white setae; mandible yellowish brown.

T h o r a x. Prothorax: pronotum broadest at basal 3/7, then attenuate towards apical margin, humped, yellowish brown with longitudinal dark brown stripes arranged as indicated in Fig. 23 View Figs 14-23 , lateral margins carinate, expanded, widest at base, than abruptly attenuate, completely visible in dorsal view, hind edges tooth-like, but only slightly extended; pronotum glabrous, with a narrow longitudinal groove from anterior margin to mid of pronotum, pronotum completely covered with fine longitudinal furrows, and with coarse punctures close to lateral margin, prothorax densely covered with coarse punctures, with front margin straight, plain, lateral margins simple, hind margin straight; mesothorax: scutellum smooth, dark brown; mesothorax black at middle; elytra broadest at humerus, then parallel and gradually attenuate in apical 1/3, glabrous, puncturation coarse and dense, confused except for some semiregular rows on disc, no scutellar row of punctures but a row abutting lateral margin of elytra, interstices plain except for two interstices bulging on disc, each elytron with prominent humerus and two prominent tubercles, one in basal ¼ close to suture and the second one centrally in apical 1/3; metathorax: metathorax black at middle, legs long, yellowish brown with tibiae and hind femur darker brown, claws appendiculate, fore tibiae straight.

A b d o m e n.Sterniteslightbrown,withshortwhitesetae,exceptforsterniteIII dark brown; sternite VII with egg dimple longitudinal oval, laterally with a pair of foveae densely covered by setae, tergites and pygidium light brown, pygidium with distinct carina along midline, sternite III slightly shorter than sternites IV to VII along midline; kotpresse with ventral sclerite apically bisinuate, with apodemes oblique and slightly wider than rectum, with a semi-circular chitin-polster attached ( Fig. 37 View Figs 33-43 ), dorsal sclerites straight with spine-like extensions towards dorsal fold, apodemes significantly wider than rectum ( Fig. 38 View Figs 33-43 ); spermatheca hook-shaped ( Fig. 39 View Figs 33-43 ), spermathecal ductus straight, length 2.3 mm, fragile, weakly pigmented.

D i f f e r e n t i a l d i a g n o s i s Differs fromall other species of Scaphodius by the humped pronotum, the four tubercles on the elytra, the colouration and the spine-like extensions of the dorsal sclerites of the kotpresse.

D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o l o g y. Known from central New Caledonia mainland only.

E t y m o l o g y. Gibbosus means gibbous, with hump-like swellings and refers to the surface of the pronotum and elytra.

























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