Scolytodes maestus Jordal and Smith, 2020

Jordal, Bjarte H. & Smith, Sarah M., 2020, Scolytodes Ferrari (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) from Ecuador: 40 new species, and a molecular phylogenetic guide to infer species differences, Zootaxa 4813 (1), pp. 1-67 : 51

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scientific name

Scolytodes maestus Jordal and Smith

sp. nov.

Scolytodes maestus Jordal and Smith , sp. nov.

( Figs 102, 105, 108 View FIGURES 100–108 )

Type material. Holotype, female: Ecuador: Napo Prov., Tiputini biodiversity station, 220–250 m, October 1998, 00° 37’55’’S, 76° 08’39’’W, T.L. Erwin et al. collectors, indiv#001204 GoogleMaps . Allotype, male: same data as HT, indiv#000758. Paratype: same data as HT, except June 1998 GoogleMaps (1). Holotype and allotype temporarily held in trust at USNM for MECN, one paratype in QCAZ .

Diagnosis. Interstriae 10 sharply elevated to level of metacoxae (continue as a faint trace to apex). Protibiae with an additional mesal tooth near tarsal insertion. Pronotum asperate on anterior half. Interstriae with small granules at base of setae, particularly on elytral disc. Belongs to the same group of species as S. rugicollis (Schedl, 1940) and S. viteus Jordal and Smith (described below), but distinguished by the presence of erect setae on each interstriae. Also similar to S. pilifer Wood, 1982 , but the latter has a dense brush of setae in the female frons, and a more stout body shape.

Description, female. Length 1.1–1.3 mm, 2.5–2.6 × as long as wide; colour dark brown. Head. Eyes almost entire, a tiny notch at level of antennal insertion, separated above by 2.5 × their width. Frons lightly impressed on little more than central half, punctured in impressed area except on lower central third which is impunctate and lightly elevated; vestiture consisting of sparse, short setae in impressed area and on epistoma. Antennal club pilose with two obliquely procurved sutures, segment 1 and 2 partly corneous. Funiculus 5-segmented. Pronotum reticulate, subshining, punctures distinct, spaced by 1–2 × their diameter, punctures not reaching anterior margin, rough asperities present on anterior half, anterior row of asperities indistinctly elevated. Vestiture consisting of 8 long, erect setae (4-2-2) and some additional, shorter, erect setae along anterior margin and anterior third of pronotum. Elytra shiny, smooth, except a small granule at base of interstrial setae; striae mostly regular, striae 1 slightly impressed, others not, small punctures spaced by 2–3 × their diameter, a microscopic granule associated with each puncture; interstrial punctures microscopic, widely spaced. Interstriae 10 sharply raised to level of metacoxae, with a faint trace continuing to ventrite 3. Vestiture consisting of erect, fine, interstrial setae and much finer, semirecumbent strial setae. Legs. Procoxae separated by 0.4–0.5 × the width of one procoxa. Mesocoxae separated by 0.8 × the width of a procoxa. Protibiae narrow, distal teeth 1 similar to 2, with 3–4 lateral, tiny, sharp granules along a sharp flange towards tibial base; a sharp additional mesal tooth present on posterior face near tarsal insertion; protibial mucro very short to obtuse, curved posteriorly. Meso- and metatibiae with 6 and 5 socketed teeth on distal half and one-third, respectively. Ventral vestiture. Setae on mesanepisternum and metanepisternum bifid or trifid, on metasternum bifid anteriorly, simple on posterior and ventral part.

Male. Similar to female except frons convex, shiny, impressed on lower third, with few punctures and scant, fine setae.

Key ( Wood 2007). Keys to couplet 87, near S. erineophilus Wood, 1969 View in CoL , but differs by the simple, erect interstrial setae, the female frons, the more elongated and broadly rounded pronotum with sharper asperities, and the more widely separated eyes.

Etymology. The Latin name maestus is an adjective, meaning sad or melancholic, referring to the dark and gloomy appearance of this species.

Biology and distribution. Only known from two collecting events in the Ecuadorian Amazon lowland rainforest type locality.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador













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